"20 to Life" -[the minimum sentence chosen when you become a Mom!]-
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So among wandering around different giveaway sites (loving the ease & efficiency of Rafflecopter btw!) and getting things done for the Christmas season...
Due to the demanding emails I received from several of you (you know who you are lol) I cleared some time to keep my blogging contributions to the net...
To those of you reading this, I'm posting tonight because I need a new computer. My son had a school project in which he had to create a video biography...
So, I'm not sure if anyone else ever does this, but do you ever find yourself watching some random channel & becoming completely immersed in whatever...
So today, I have Mom Bloggers that are having fantastic giveaways, so I'm bringing you word, and also some great free stuff. But first things first! Has...
For those of you who have ever heard of the saying "When you fall off a bike...", for me, the comparison to writing on your blog is similar. For...
For all you military Moms/Wives/Sisters etc. out there, you will absolutely love this store I'm about to feature! The name is "Philopolis" &#...
miss me much? I've neglected my blog for almost a month now, & am yearning for the days where I had to get on to post about this or that, now it seems...
So I was looking over my blog, or my "special place" as it's been dubbed (thank you Lena) & it's been really "down" of late. Which...
It feels weird to post after being MIA for so long, but I thought today I'd leave some words of wisdom, some pics, and some advice. Aren't you lucky?...
Unfortunately "20 to Life" -[the minimum sentence chosen when you become a Mom!]- has no news yet.
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[...] ! #1 I was so excited to bring this to you. I've discovered not many people know what a "soda stream" is, so let me enlighten you. When I was growing up in New Zealand, we had one of these and [...]
[...] Happy FF, if I don't get back to you anytime soon, forgive me - I will eventually, I just have alot of ' [...]
I saw a post from Kailani at "An Island Life" (killer blog, fyi) about this new ant killer (well - I hadn't heard of it, so new to me) called [...]
I've noticed that there are several types of bloggers and wondered which catergory I fall into. I've actually been told that these are the "unspok [...]
[...] ; & the brains behind this wonderful store is Tiffany, who is a military wife to a 2 time OIF combat veteran, with 2 little boys. She's not only creative - she's looking for a way to provide hand [...]
[...] faux pas. So I thought I'd post these (Malik - unfortunately you fall into the 2nd one :P) 1: Blog Snob: This type of [...]
[...] , fyi - they ARE ended.) I haven't even had time to get on and close them! I'm hoping tomorrow night wil yield some free time so I can take care of that. I've been completely neglecting my poor blog, [...]
[...] So among wandering around different giveaway sites (loving the ease & efficiency of Rafflecopter btw!) and getting things done for the [...]
[...] - a sort of online do's and don't, which if you don't know about, could cause you to commit a social faux pas. So I thought I'd post these (Malik - unfortunately you fall into the 2nd one :P) 1: Blog [...]
[...] straightening up demanding giveaway companies (some miscommunication on my part, and some loony tune views on theirs), trying to get sponsors to actually send their promised product ( [...]
[...] ! #1 I was so excited to bring this to you. I've discovered not many people know what a "soda stream" is, so let me enlighten you. When I was growing up in New Zealand, we had one of these and [...]
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"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
"Go and Disciple"
"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
EZ SOX-The "I Can Do It" Sock!
EZ SOX are learning socks for kids. Through this blog, we share resources, information and encouragement to parents to t...