"Come, uncle bring you go see goldfish... "
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Dear Boss, Now let’s get back to our conversation, shall we? Before that, I really had to ask if you somehow managed to stumble upon my blog. That should...
Dear Boss, Now let’s get back to our conversation, shall we? Before that, I really had to ask if you somehow managed to stumble upon my blog. That...
Dear Diary, An entire month I disappeared from my blog. Some people were probably really happy as the blog rouses nothing but negative sentiments from...
Dear Diary, An entire month I disappeared from my blog. Some people were probably really happy as the blog rouses nothing but negative sentiments from...
Continuation from 'Superman' of last post. This reminds limpek of a story... A nong nong time ago, Grandpa had a Vespa that he used to round the plantation...
Continuation from 'Superman' of last post. This reminds limpek of a story... A nong nong time ago, Grandpa had a Vespa that he used to round the plantation...
Limpek opened my eyes, and limpek was here... There's still a certain realization that this all could not possibly be real. So limpek scrambled to search...
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[...] of cute. But as always la, pretty girls means massage like shit wan. Charmaine Sheh - CHIO! Thai Charmaine : "Me take off shirt?" Limpek: "You like lor, me on bed backwards also cannot [...]
[...] in tech department. The reason we call him Seefatt Chang is because he's 35 years old and we suspect he's still a virgin. So we then further suspect [...]
[...] to bring tissue. Kanineh like that also want to report ar? But still people love Twitter. Seefatt Chang also told me blog cannot survive without Twitter. What the flying fuck. Maybe limpek will just [...]
[...] their organs off as they sleep at night. Of course regardless of how much 'fuck-the-world' limpek try to portray, limpek still did hope that one or two readers did miss reading the blog. It seems [...]
[...] of town with so many people around us, from a crazy nympho tudung stranger. Here’s where limpek try to justify myself. Limpek is single, Lina is single, so there’s no hurting anybody. Lina [...]
[...] way. Thousands of them, so you have to run zig-zag like playing Pac Man. So at the first km, limpek try to sneak past them unnoticed from the far side, so they wont even know limpek long gone already. [...]
[...] ?? Teacher never tell you cannot be so untrusting towards everybody wan? Suan le ba, suan le ba. Limpek try to convince you also tulan. On a sidenote, check out this puahbai angmoh who calls himself [...]
[...] the bowl, shit starts spraying out from the mouth like dragonball hei-gong. Limpek think the last time limpek puked this hard was during Tobby's daughter's birthday when we down cheap champagne as [...]
[...] military force oversea, these few years he had been pretty much drinking his liver away. The last time limpek go club with him, he alone can finish 2 bottles of whiskey. Kaninah... sibeh sampat this [...]
[...] ? Eh... why you like that one? Limpek cannot have 1/32 angmoh blood wan ar? Maybe last time limpek's great grandmother was Portuguese? You look at the necklace, it clearly says " [...]
[...] When limpek came out of the room... this was what limpek saw on the waiting lounge. Limpek's chikopek friends looking like they had figure out the ultimate true happiness of life. Dont even have to [...]
[...] kaulat. But Brazil will be without Ramires & Elano which is a big deal. All limpek's chikopek friends will be betting on Holland eat ball, but limpek really cant make up my mind. Also, limpek [...]
[...] trying to learn more football and try win money. There's an office pool with limpek's chikopek friends involved also. Everybody gets to pick one team to win the Cup. Limpek picked Spain. If [...]
[...] and why did you start blogging? Very long of course. But back then limpek got no computer. So limpek blog by talking in the kopitiam to whichever stranger passing by. Sometimes stray dogs. Now got [...]
[...] and why did you start blogging? Very long of course. But back then limpek got no computer. So limpek blog by talking in the kopitiam to whichever stranger passing by. Sometimes stray dogs. Now got [...]
[...] big round like an orgy train and end up with everyone fucked in the backside by someone. So boss ask limpek to entertain those buggers, then later together-gether we can try to do some 'lets-all- [...]
[...] already left cause running late for the appointment. Limpek call boss, kena fuck again. Boss ask limpek quickly go because some urgent drawings with me. So limpek packed all the required [...]
[...] already left cause running late for the appointment. Limpek call boss, kena fuck again. Boss ask limpek quickly go because some urgent drawings with me. So limpek packed all the required [...]
[...] ....bird tongchai...." Thai Charmaine: "okay okay...." (she also beh tahan limpek liao...) *5 mins silence... Limpek: "You got follow news from home?" Thai Charmaine: [...]
[...] RM4-5k. How? Hongkan lor how. Furthermore the battery usually lasts 3-4 years over there. This shit limpek had, only lasted 1 year 1 month. Somemore this one he’s selling is some weird unknown China [...]
[...] RM4-5k. How? Hongkan lor how. Furthermore the battery usually lasts 3-4 years over there. This shit limpek had, only lasted 1 year 1 month. Somemore this one he’s selling is some weird unknown [...]
[...] jialat sexy. What? You dont believe it's limpek? Why you so untrusting of people wan? It is so limpek okay. What? You say its angmoh? Eh... why you like that one? Limpek cannot have 1/32 angmoh blood [...]
[...] jialat sexy. What? You dont believe it's limpek? Why you so untrusting of people wan? It is so limpek okay. What? You say its angmoh? Eh... why you like that one? Limpek cannot have 1/32 angmoh blood [...]
[...] of cute. But as always la, pretty girls means massage like shit wan. Charmaine Sheh - CHIO! Thai Charmaine : "Me take off shirt?" Limpek: "You like lor, me on bed backwards also cannot [...]
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