AAU in Kent
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For Katherine Miles and Hanna Murray, the winter feels endless. And it’s not just the season’s frigid temperatures that make them feel hopeless. The job...
The second youngest of Alan and Martha Fisher’s children, a small boy of four, lay underneath the hand made kitchen table pretending to take it apart...
Introduction Vietnamese students who study abroad, especially in the U.S. are assumed to have a bright future and to become successful in life due to...
Monday, Feb. 27, 2012 was supposed to be a usual morning at Chardon High School in Ohio. Roger Davis, Dustin Knerr and Travis Ritt, juniors at the time...
Turn on the radio and tune into a station that plays modern music. What do you hear? Katy Perry comparing herself to a dark horse? Someone named Ke$ha...
The healing properties of marijuana are known for a long time. Several centuries ago people were using this drug as a painkiller, antiepileptic, anticonvulsants...
KENT, Ohio — The Kent State Golden Flashes, a team of NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Division I, hosted Northern Illinois Huskies at...
Gynecologists know perfectly well when an abdominal ultrasound is not enough and a vaginal ultrasound is necessary. With the new regulations in Ohio,...
In his address to the nation about Syria, on September 10, 2013, President Barack Obama asserted that American ideals and principles “are at stake in...
BY: MATTHEW THEISEN One option for our first blog while in Prague was to write about our expectations of Ohio. I am from the Mid-West, the Great Lakes...
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[...] English. “The American accent was so different. I couldn’t really get it,” said Phuong, a Kent State University undergraduate student majoring in fashion design, about his culture shock in the [...]
[...] about a famous event that occurred on May 4, 1970. On that day in Kent, OH, students of Kent State University were shot at by the Ohio National Guard. Nine students were injured and four were killed [...]
[...] the early days,” says Professor Steven Hook, U.S. foreign policy expert and professor at Kent State University in Ohio. The original idea of America being the New World, ordained by God to create a [...]
[...] the biggest reason of choosing this university,” confessed the Kent State player Manley. “Kent State University is famous for basketball.” Lori Bodnar, Sr. Advancement Officer confirms that the [...]
[...] Putin, appealing to the American public, attacked Obama for invoking the rhetoric of American Exceptionalism to push for “alarming” military intervention and said it was “extremely dangerous to [...]
[...] Introduction Vietnamese students who study abroad, especially in the U.S. are assumed to have a bright future and to become [...]
[...] public hospitals from being able to participate in the agreement and as many as three abortion clinics have been shut down because of it. There are three potential concerns with the transfer- [...]
[...] , and do not use a car. But most people don’t realize the varieties of lifestyle within the Amish community, how much they really interact with the modern world, and the challenges they face while [...]
[...] has the 2nd largest population in Ohio. Holmes is a home to between 30,000 and 40,000 Amish residents, the capital of Holmes Amish tourism being Berlin, Ohio. Berlin is often assailed by [...]
[...] -digit growth in few years. Based on his extensive research entitled Motivation of Vietnamese International Students and Their Higher Education Experiences in the United States, doctor Miller Randy [...]
[...] to and dependence on their neighbors, that violence is almost unheard of in Amish communities, and the retention of children being baptized into the Amish faith shows that it’s [...]
[...] English. “The American accent was so different. I couldn’t really get it,” said Phuong, a Kent State University undergraduate student majoring in fashion design, about his culture shock in the [...]
[...] about a famous event that occurred on May 4, 1970. On that day in Kent, OH, students of Kent State University were shot at by the Ohio National Guard. Nine students were injured and four were killed [...]
[...] the early days,” says Professor Steven Hook, U.S. foreign policy expert and professor at Kent State University in Ohio. The original idea of America being the New World, ordained by God to create a [...]
[...] the biggest reason of choosing this university,” confessed the Kent State player Manley. “Kent State University is famous for basketball.” Lori Bodnar, Sr. Advancement Officer confirms that the [...]
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