AMI Global Security
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The American Patriot Prayer ~ Anthony Melé ~ Tho’ darkness ascends, and light grows dim, and feel you’re subjected, to...
PUBLISHED MARCH 2013: [RCT] US Supported Free Syrian Army Executing Syrians US BACKED SYRIAN FIGHTERS ARE AFFILIATED WITH AL-QAEDA BY: Anthony Mele Syrian...
June 19th, 2013, President Obama delivered an incoherent and at times rambling lecture to the Prime Minister of Germany on the East side of the Brandenburg...
An upstate New York District Attorney announces he will not prosecute the Cuomo Gun Law. A District Attorney is burdened with enforcing the spirit and...
“Banning Guns to prevent crime, is like banning gravity to prevent from falling down.” ~ Anthony Mele “Repeal the NAZI gun law!” ~ Anthony Mele
“What is unreasonable about resisting being rendered defenseless by our own government? A police state cannot co-exist with the Constitution of the United...
The American people will never want to believe that 30 American soldiers were needlessly shot down in Afghanistan while on-board a Chinook transport helicopter...
I graduated the Defense Intelligence College, Staff Attaché course in Washington, DC, during the height of the Iran Hostage Crisis, where US diplomatic...
Our emotions are grated raw in the wake of the media bombardment from these heart wrenching murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The “disarm the public...
The New York SAFE Law offends the spirit and word of the US Constitution. The Bill of Rights will cease to exist if we permit it to be rewritten by...
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