A-Files' Blog – All American, Apple Pie, Angry as Heck!
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I want to thank Harvey for sending me this one. I think it says a lot… AmerI-CAN Republ-I-CAN Democ-RAT Old-Man-Tex
You know, I really do think Mr. Clancy does understand what it is we want from our political “leaders”. “Ladies and gentlemen, that...
Still more great readin from Mr. Clancy in his “Executive Orders” “It is not my job to take your money and give it back. It is my...
If you know me, you know I love to read. And from time to time, I pick up a military novel. This time, “Executive Order”. I’d like...
(Nancy): Your Presidency… you told us the American people didn’t care about process… (Obama): And they don’t…trust me...
Well, I’m on the low side of the 40s, and after roaming through different adventures in life(parachute logo – hint, hint), I finally settled...
(Fade in …) (Commentator): During last week’s episode of H.G Wells “Time Machine”, our hero Barack and his trusty side-kick...
Some folks who stop by here, might not be old enough to remember growing up in the 80s. Sure, 20 years ago, might not sound like a long time ago, but...
Well, it seems the some of the liberals want to infiltrate the Tea Party.. Oh boy – now I’m trembling in my boots. They say they have 6...
Andy Stern has announced his resignation - not that it breaks my heart. And not like it is going to make any real difference, anyhow. None the less...
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