A Nice Ring to It
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If you don’t understand the title’s reference (which you probably don’t, because it’s from a rather obscure cartoon that was on Cartoon Network a few...
Sure, there have been all kinds of natural disasters, not to mention strange weather patterns in general. (One mild winter in North Dakota last season...
As if Tuesday isn’t one of the more depressing days of the work week as it is, my coworkers informed me as soon as I started that it’s known in our office...
Ok, so I had good intentions in, say, March, when I wrote all about how I was coming back to my blog. Hopefully, I’ll stick to it this time. After all...
I’ve been contemplating doing this for some time now. Yeah, I know, I totally fell off the face of the Earth before. Not completely tactful, but...
So, there I was, mindlessly singing along to the radio on my mundane, road construction-filled drive from one job to another, when I realized: “...
I heard about this on Sunday, but there was really no outside information to pass on besides the fact itself. I guess there still really isn’t much...
You know who’s really freaking fascinating? D. B. Cooper. There’s another wild lead about him in the news, so it made me think about him again...
Well, hello blog. It’s been a few days. Here are some tidbits that are just vague enough to either be confusing and unrelatable, or universally...
I’m going to assume you know about my neurotic tendency to over-analyze things. Rest assured that it doesn’t stop at text messages. As many...
I’m a self-proclaimed foodie. Some people might call me a fatty. Either way, I enjoy food, and I’m not ashamed. When I had cable, my TV was...
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[...] enough Norwegian in me that I can’t quite enjoy the sun. Contrary to popular belief, North Dakota does get warm for a few months. It’s an extreme climate. In fact, I had a Facebook [...]
[...] stop at restaurants featured on the shows if I’m ever near any of them on vacation. (North Dakota doesn’t really get a whole lot of airtime.) In fact, I would make a road trip out of it [...]
[...] sucking the juice out of the last few days of my vacation, but unfortunately, I still live in North Dakota for the time being. That's the statue they built to me after being abducted. Actually, that's [...]
[...] I have never met in my life that come here for oilfield work and see I’m from North Dakota, and people I’ve unfriended because everything they post makes me want to vomit [...]
[...] alone too long. It gets cold really fast. That can be metaphorical, too, if you want it to. Jack Johnson was mostly right. “Maybe” always means “no.” Same with a lack of [...]
[...] toward over-analyzes. Okay, so this one's not from an obscure song ("Flake" by Jack Johnson) but it's been a while since I had a cryptic status and this was the most recent. If [...]
[...] real life. So I looked her up on Facebook, and I found two different pages of hers. “Courtney Stodden” and “Courtney Alexis Stodden Fanpage.” After spending just a short time [...]
[...] me no shortage of material to back this up. Let’s just take this exchange via Facebook comments on this photo: And that was the exact point that I decided I needed to blog furiously [...]
[...] hold my body / Me like the way that you touch my body / Me like the way that you kiss my / Yeah yeah yeah me like it.” See, it’s a little different when you see it in writing. Come on, [...]
[...] before my time. Cue "The Creep" by The Lonely Island. And a lot before 16 year-old Courtney Alexis Stodden’s. Maybe. Annnnd that's their wedding picture. All creepiness and [...]
[...] extra controversial. When I first looked into this, I honestly thought, “Okay, so this Hutchison guy is kind of a creeper. Scandalous, but whatever.” But I watched an interview E! News did [...]
[...] 1930s, as part of a local seven-restaurant chain. This Kegs is the last one that remains. The Kegs Menu We were a little unsure it was still open until we saw a fluorescent-shirted worker passing [...]
[...] enough Norwegian in me that I can’t quite enjoy the sun. Contrary to popular belief, North Dakota does get warm for a few months. It’s an extreme climate. In fact, I had a Facebook [...]
[...] stop at restaurants featured on the shows if I’m ever near any of them on vacation. (North Dakota doesn’t really get a whole lot of airtime.) In fact, I would make a road trip out of it [...]
[...] sucking the juice out of the last few days of my vacation, but unfortunately, I still live in North Dakota for the time being. That's the statue they built to me after being abducted. Actually, that's [...]
[...] I have never met in my life that come here for oilfield work and see I’m from North Dakota, and people I’ve unfriended because everything they post makes me want to vomit [...]
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