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OR…. Am I turning into a dinosaur already? The discussion started years ago. It seemed that the whole world and his aunt were arguing against me in the...
CHS to CIS – one letter but a whole world of difference OR The Principal’s New Clothes Not yet keeping me awake at night – just hacking my heart with...
How much information, Can one application Require? Is this really essential? So you want every role? Every course, wage and goal? All my present...
So we’re back. After all that. For so many years I had yearned for English schools and the ever-ready-to-chat-&- befriend aspect of many English people...
The fabulous four? Slebs (as celebrities are now called in the UK), Sex, Food and Fashion. The topics people LOVE. The four things that make the proverbial...
A month of utter madness, having decided on a whim (and on the promise of a 21 000 pound bursary for a 9-month course) to study PGCE Secondary Modern...
But goodness! How long I had longed to hear these words! And coming from a 75+ year old, they even sweeter than I’d imagined they could be! To make...
… GO FROM ONE FAILURE TO ANOTHER WITHOUT LOSING ENTHUSIASM (WInston Churchill) How good is that quote???? “Success is the ability to go from one failure...
Oddly, the safari-park-baboon-vandalizing-the-car episode led to a trip to the mechanic’s – from which I have just returned feeling HAPPY (of all car...
OR R.I.P. Flopsy – Beloved Rabbit of Matilda Mother of NINETEEN! – Builder of deep and intricate burrows Died 30th May 2014 – Age 2⅓ Worra week. ...
Hey! A new job in the offing! Spin doctor and political aide to a local politician…who happens to be my brother. Yesterday was a very important day in...
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[...] to splendiferous GCSE’s and A-Levels, and their choice of anything at world-class universities; I’ve got infinite vistas at every turn, of undulating hills, immense oak [...]
For any of you who have been following our move from the beginning, and anyone who has an interest in Anglo <-> Danish relocations in general, [...]
[...] a vaguely similar type of people, operating almost exclusively using Christian values, Christian-legacy values or some other Good value set. Similar jobs, schools, hospitals, shops, roads and the like [...]
[...] impression. - the pre-washedness of really fresh salad leaves in any UK supermarket! - The weight of tradition and unpreparedness for change - [...]
[...] , marched, hustled and shuffled our disparate ways into the group that was the counselling model introductory session. Early and late, but mostly on time! The inevitable first cursory co-participant [...]
[...] that I might even come to see my life as BWC and AWC – before and after Winston Churchill quote awareness!! Because it has caused a sea change in my thinking – not just about my own [...]
Oddly, the safari-park-baboon-vandalizing-the-car episode led to a trip to the mechanic’s – from which I have just returned feeling HAPPY (of all [...]
[...] we will not be staying here forever. ..So with stiff rabbit swaddled in some lovely coral-coloured Monsoon tissue paper in a moving box in the boot, three children in the back and vague ideas of [...]
[...] succumbed to googling Renee Zellweger’s jaw-dropping plastic surgery. The majorly galactic slebs (the ‘really famouses’ as R1’s Grimmy calls them) I suppose, have me, no doubt, and [...]
For any of you who have been following our move from the beginning, and anyone who has an interest in Anglo <-> Danish relocations in general, [...]
[...] to splendiferous GCSE’s and A-Levels, and their choice of anything at world-class universities; I’ve got infinite vistas at every turn, of undulating hills, immense oak [...]
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