Addicted to Blush


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Addicted to Blush' channel has a poor rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Addicted to Blush' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Addicted to Blush' Channel

Indian Beauty. Desi Paleo.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Addicted to Blush' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'Addicted to Blush' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are articles of intermediate readability, which make up more than one third of all content on the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Addicted to Blush has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

15 kgs, 4 months.. Welcome to the ATB BB Series!

Yes, you read that right.. I lost 15 kgs in 4 months. You wanna know how? Read on... 2012 was the year when a lot of people took charge of their fitn [...]

ATB BB Series 4: Guidelines for starting the diet

Now that you know what to eat and what not to eat, you must be feeling excited to start the diet. Some of you may be feeling nervous. After all we hav [...]

ATB BB series 14: Will Power & Diets

Anorexia / Bulimia is greatly undermined when described as just an "Eating Disorder". It is not just a person wanting to be thinner because they have [...]

The Ideal Beauty Blogger

[...] I recently received a comment on my ATB BB series that got me thinking. The commenter while congratulating me for weight loss spoke about how [...]

Where are the Nail Paint Testers?

[...] a really big way in India. We have brands coming up with collections exclusively based around nail paints. For example the recent Pop Tints Launch by Lakme. The New Lakme Pop Tints on my nails Most of [...]

Where are the Nail Paint Testers?

[...] a really big way in India. We have brands coming up with collections exclusively based around nail paints. For example the recent Pop Tints Launch by Lakme. The New Lakme Pop Tints on my nails Most of [...]

Maybelline ColorShow in 006 Ladies Night: Review & Swatch

[...] Maybelline recently launched their budget line of nail paints much to the enthusiasm of nail art fans everywhere. Priced at Rs. 75 and boasting of over 40 [...]

Rimmel London.. Now in Mumbai

[...] you must have heard of Rimmel London right? Yup, the one with a lot of different mascaras & nail paints & eyebrow pencil kits, yeah? They are here in Mumbai! Infinity - II at Malad has a store [...]

Happy New Year & A Quick Smoky Tutorial

[...] own. Takes about 15 minutes. Or else you could blend it in yourself with Orpheus on the lower lash line. 4. Run over the blended lower lash line with Orphesus again. 5. Mascara: Lakme Absolute - it [...]

ATB Learning Curve: 10 beauty lessons I learnt in my twenties

[...] after a while it just began to look unsophisticated. Blend it into a soft color into your lower lash line. 9. Shiny, vinyl textures are not good for bright lip shades: Maybe it is just me, I just find [...]

Sridevi's Look in English Vinglish

[...] . 3. Use a black or dark brown eye pencil (which ever you prefer) and line your upper and lower lash line. On the lower lash line, smudge the line a bit on the outer 1/3rd corner to make the line seem [...]

Happy New Year & A Quick Smoky Tutorial

[...] own. Takes about 15 minutes. Or else you could blend it in yourself with Orpheus on the lower lash line.  4. Run over the blended lower lash line with Orphesus again.  5. Mascara: Lakme [...]

Lakme Gel Artist in Electric Orange - Review

[...] . Lakme Gel Artist - Electric Orange 4. The formula of the product is quite thin. I'm a klutz at nail paint application, and prefer thinner formulas as they are easier to apply. This one worked [...]

Maybelline ColorShow Glitter Mania in Pink Champagne (607): Review & Swatche...

[...] am pretty sure the nail paint would have dried up by then tbh. 3. It is priced decently at 125/- and the brush itself is [...]

Guide to Inglot Cosmetics

[...] ): Yes, they are the big 3 free and all that jazz, but 490 bucks for just a tiny 8 ml bottle of nail paint seems excessive to me. 2. Inglot soft precision pencil eyeliners: I have one in purple, and [...]

Guide to Inglot Cosmetics

[...] ): Yes, they are the big 3 free and all that jazz, but 490 bucks for just a tiny 8 ml bottle of nail paint seems excessive to me. 2. Inglot soft precision pencil eyeliners: I have one in purple, and [...]

Colorbar Nail Paint Exclusive 56 - Review & NOTD

[...] I love glitter nail paints. I love how they shine & shimmer. I love how they stay on for really long. And I also [...]

Colorbar Nail Paint Exclusive 56 - Review & NOTD

[...] I love glitter nail paints. I love how they shine & shimmer. I love how they stay on for really long. And I also [...]

Maybelline ColorShow Glitter Mania in Pink Champagne (607): Review & Swatche...

[...] Glitter nail paints are my favorite kind of nail paints. They look really glam, stay on long & oddly enough, [...]

ATB BB Series: Why we get Fat

[...] the energy we need to swim or walk or sleep in the hours long after we’ve eaten. When insulin levels are elevated, we accumulate fat in our fat tissue; when these levels fall, glucagon [...]

ATB BB Series 2: Why we get Fat

[...] the energy we need to swim or walk or sleep in the hours long after we’ve eaten. When insulin levels are elevated, we accumulate fat in our fat tissue; when these levels fall, glucagon levels [...]

ATB BB Series 4: Guidelines for starting the diet

[...] of these problems are caused by an eicosanoid imbalance that is quickly normalized as soon as insulin levels fall. A few days after starting the program these episodes should begin to become much less [...]

ATB BB Series 4: Guidelines for starting the diet

[...] of these problems are caused by an eicosanoid imbalance that is quickly normalized as soon as insulin levels fall. A few days after starting the program these episodes should begin to become much less [...]

ATB BB Series 8: The Low Fat Diet / Zero Oil Cooking Technique

[...] of Insulin, which is one of the principle hormones of fattening. On this zero-oil almost vegetarian diet, as a result one hardly loses any weight. Fat in food plays another very important function -  [...]

ATB BB Series 8: The Low Fat Diet / Zero Oil Cooking Technique

[...] of Insulin, which is one of the principle hormones of fattening. On this zero-oil almost vegetarian diet, as a result one hardly loses any weight. Fat in food plays another very important function -& [...]

ATB BB Series: Why we get Fat

[...] in my two diets. I eliminated almost all fat & protein and was eating a normal, Indian, vegetarian diet - one that is full of carbohydrates. In other words, the science itself makes clear that [...]

ATB BB Series 2: Why we get Fat

[...] in my two diets. I eliminated almost all fat & protein and was eating a normal, Indian, vegetarian diet - one that is full of carbohydrates. In other words, the science itself makes clear that [...]

ATB Beauty Awards Makeup of the Year 2012

[...] brown which is perfect for me for office. And yes, I like them better than Maybelline. Lakme Eyeconic Mascara: Lazy (read: Scared) like me to curl your lashes before mascara? Well, Lakme finally [...]

ATB Beauty Awards Makeup of the Year 2012

[...] brown which is perfect for me for office. And yes, I like them better than Maybelline. Lakme Eyeconic Mascara: Lazy (read: Scared) like me to curl your lashes before mascara? Well, Lakme finally [...]

ATB Learning Curve: 10 beauty lessons I learnt in my twenties

[...] find one that you love. And it’ll be worth it. The one that I absolutely love is Lakme Eyeconic Mascara and it costs only 250/-       6. Take good care of your skin: I [...]

ATB Learning Curve: 10 beauty lessons I learnt in my twenties

[...] find one that you love. And it’ll be worth it. The one that I absolutely love is Lakme Eyeconic Mascara and it costs only 250/- 6. Take good care of your skin: I remember being quite [...]

Maybelline BB Stick in Fawn & Radiance - Review

[...] Ponds TM, this is the one product that has really, really impressed me! It makes all the other BB creams in the market look really bad in comparison, but it is a pity that the shade selection is so [...]

Maybelline BB Stick in Fawn & Radiance - Review

[...] Ponds TM, this is the one product that has really, really impressed me! It makes all the other BB creams in the market look really bad in comparison, but it is a pity that the shade selection is [...]

This MAC Oval 3 brush is the Bomb!

[...] a while I even gave up and took to the world of single-shade-fits-all tinted moisturizers & BB creams. Until I saw these tooth-brush like makeup brushes from the MAC Masterclass range making the [...]

?Key Phrases
15 kgs, 4 months.. Welcome to the ATB BB Series!

Yes, you read that right.. I lost 15 kgs in 4 months. You wanna know how? Read on... 2012 was the year when a lot of people took charge of their fitn [...]

ATB BB Series 4: Guidelines for starting the diet

Now that you know what to eat and what not to eat, you must be feeling excited to start the diet. Some of you may be feeling nervous. After all we hav [...]

ATB BB series 14: Will Power & Diets

Anorexia / Bulimia is greatly undermined when described as just an "Eating Disorder". It is not just a person wanting to be thinner because they have [...]

The Ideal Beauty Blogger

[...] I recently received a comment on my ATB BB series that got me thinking. The commenter while congratulating me for weight loss spoke about how [...]

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