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Building Segments in Adobe Analytic’s is a crucial skill for making the most out of the data that is collected. I want to share the thought process that...
Analysis Workspace is my favorite addition among all things released in last few years in Adobe Analytics. I believe this will sooner or later become...
To manage access to cq5 interfaces, ACL has to be applied at following nodes: Site Admin: /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin DAM Admin: /libs...
Code Snippets // to get list of selectors in an array String[] selectors = slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors(); // to get a page from...
Here is a quick checklist on setting up CQ servers for production or any other environment CQ5 Deployment Steps – For Production Install the servers...
OSGi Bundles = jar files + Manifest Components = java classes Services = special components used to interact between bundles OSGi is a container in...
Change the default startup page from projects.html to welcome on login in Adobe CQ 5.6 and above CQ5.6 introduced responsive layout and the landing page...
Localization is showing the page in the language the user has a preference set in. Below are the steps to localizing the CQ Author Instance Dialog boxes...
Localization is showing the page in the language the user has a preference set in. Below are the steps to localizing the CQ Author Instance Dialog boxes...
In this article we will see how to Create Custom Component using a Custom Dailog. To achieve this we will cover following steps 1. Creating a Custom...
In this article we will see how to Create Custom Component using a Custom Dailog. To achieve this we will cover following steps 1. Creating a Custom Link...
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