Anyone Can Be Prepared! | Anyone Can Be Prepared!
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I am too! So much that I’m going to start letting people know about it! So, if you have some sort of hyped up BS system that doesn’t work for the average...
Lot’s of people don’t really understand that blogging isn’t about one particular topic, or subject? Blogging Is About What Matters To You! Your views...
What would happen to China if everyone stopped buying their products? Probably nothing! What would you do without China? You would probably die very...
Rob Dawson The Challenge – Fight the recession!
A lot of the things that I dislike about “Ministers” and / or “Ministries” are the same things that I dislike about the business world in general also...
For the most part I just don’t get it. What is all of the Facebook Hype all about? Even though Facebook’s big, it’s not too big to bail. I think it’s...
Helping others. Every day brings another challenge. There are always people out there on the world wide web that just do not want anything to do with...
What Are Plug ins? No, not electrical outlets! Plugins – plug ins, add ons. Plugins are used on blog sites to help organize content easily, and they...
Hell is a real place. Did you know that “Hell” is mentioned Fifty-four times in the KJV bible? Thirty-one times in the Old Testament, and twenty-three...
1 Corinthians 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ. Additional Study scriptures CLICK...
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[...] , or the one being offended? I have the right to ignore what people say. Especially on the social networks where the truth is hard to find. Most of the time they (PEOPLE) have NO IDEA of what they are [...]
[...] people what Jesus did for me. Here are three simple free ways to share your testimony online. Social networks are probably the most popular because they are easy, free, and simple. It takes no real [...]
[...] of Jesus we put thousands to flight! What happens when we become unified online using the social networks to share our message (Videos of Pastor Gary and Pastor Wayne)? First, everything that we do [...]
[...] - All three are pointing people to their ministry domain. See the DOT ORG? They are using the social networks to get people away from the distraction of #Facebook and pointing them to where the viewer [...]
[...] folks out there online, and believe it or not their digital footprint looks like the social site they use the most. They are a very small drop of water in the sea called the internet. Barely [...]
[...] to share my thoughts, my beliefs, my faith in Jesus Christ with more than just a post on a social site.” I enjoy knowing that the Lord gives me messages just like this one along with a scripture to [...]
[...] Jesus Christ and His people. Courage Is Fear That Said Its Prayer. It’s easy to get on a social site and post a sound bite. You may encourage people? But, when all is said and done you have [...]
[...] in ways that you have never ever imagined. Stop wasting time being the people person on a social site and be the God person on your own domain. 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a [...]
[...] , and build your testimonial website. FREE Support and Prayer as you learn how to put your testimony online. FREE PRE BUILT sales, and landing pages. That means NO selling for you. You share the [...]
[...] and make it plain. I promise that if you are on my team you will learn how to put your testimony online. IF you share it you will be blessed? Have an awesome week! My needs are met I’m out of debt. [...]
[...] share your testimony online. Social networks are probably the most popular because they are easy, free, and simple. It [...]
[...] with fire! Those that want to lead souls into the kingdom! That’s “WHY” I share my testimonial website. I market what Jesus has done for me. I advertise what Jesus has done for me. I [...]
[...] Training includes a $25 LEARNING BONUS! How to set up your domain account, and build your testimonial website. FREE Support and Prayer as you learn how to put your testimony online. FREE PRE BUILT [...]
[...] need and want my help. Every minister has to be accountable, and responsible for their own ministry online and off. If I can not help you then I will be the first to let you know. If you do not want [...]
[...] with him what I wanted to do which still is to help Christians put their testimony or ministry online without spending a small fortune to do it. He told me that I could host all of my [...]
[...] , or the one being offended? I have the right to ignore what people say. Especially on the social networks where the truth is hard to find. Most of the time they (PEOPLE) have NO IDEA of what they are [...]
[...] people what Jesus did for me. Here are three simple free ways to share your testimony online. Social networks are probably the most popular because they are easy, free, and simple. It takes no real [...]
[...] of Jesus we put thousands to flight! What happens when we become unified online using the social networks to share our message (Videos of Pastor Gary and Pastor Wayne)? First, everything that we do [...]
[...] - All three are pointing people to their ministry domain. See the DOT ORG? They are using the social networks to get people away from the distraction of #Facebook and pointing them to where the viewer [...]
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