Arcturians | Reptilians | Ancient Aliens | Grey Aliens | Extra Terrestria...


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Arcturians | Reptilians | Ancient Aliens | Grey Aliens | Extra Terrestria...' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Arcturians | Reptilians | Ancient Aliens | Grey Aliens | Extra Terrestria...' Channel

Your Source for Extra-Terrestrial Information. Read about Edgar Cayce, Nostradomus, Arcturians, Reptilians, 2012 the End...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Mar, 2012Apr, 2012May, 2012Jun, 2012Jul, 2012Aug, 2012Sep, 2012Oct, 2012Nov, 2012Dec, 2012Jan, 2013Feb, 2013012Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsLinksImagesVideos
? Average Article Length

'Arcturians | Reptilians | Ancient Aliens | Grey Aliens | Extra Terrestria...' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Arcturians | Reptilians | Ancient Aliens | Grey Aliens | Extra Terrestria...' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Arcturians | Reptilians | Ancient Aliens | Grey Aliens | Extra Terrestria...' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News
Boomerang UFO communicates Los Angeles Witness

Yesterday, in Los Angeles a boomerang shaped UFO was spotted over Burbank, CA slightly north of downtown Los Angeles. The UFO is said to have communicated...

UFO Files: UKs Desire to Weaponize UFO Tech

New information is suggesting that the UK desired to weaponize UFO technology. Additionally, there is some interesting information on Tony Blairs UFO...

More Massive UFOs around the Solar Center

More video of some recent UFOs seen surrounding the sun. Now in this video I do not believe all the objects are UFOs, but rather anomalous solar ejections...

UFO over South Korea

. Here is one of the latest UFO sightings to hit the internet. Here we witness what seems to be a flying saucer type UFO flying below a plane over South...

Massive UFO Sighted

Massive UFO Sighted

The Following is a description of a massive UFO spotted flying over the North West US. This eye witness describes in short form an encounter with a massive...

UFO Floats Down from the Sky in Japan

This strange UFO was captured January 7th 2012. Most UFO videos feature objects flying with great speed defying the laws of physics. This video is quite...

Strange Earth Grumblings

Strange Earth Grumblings, what is going on here? Your theories are welcome. Some say it is some sort of government drilling initiative getting ready for...

Google Earth Reveals Mystery in China

Google Earth Satellites have spotted some massive mysterious structures in a remote location in the Gobi Desert. This anomaly stretches over 1 mile long...

The Face of God in the Clouds

Just a cool pic for today Arcturi fans. Natures way of saying there is more then meets the eye!

Mysterious Ball Falls From Space

In recent news this mysterious ball has fallen from space onto the grasslands of Namibia. This strange metallic sphere is hollow and said to be made from...

Disney UFO Documentary

Disney released a documentary several years ago that was only aired in 5 states. Check out this rarely seen documentary here! Special thanks to our facebook...


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Massive UFO Sighted

[...] in front. They weren't flashing and were the brightest things in the sky. Just behind the white lights were 3 very bright red lights that were flashing together. There were in the shape of a [...]

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[...] While this is typically different then our normal talk of extra terrestrials and events of the universe, this paranormal even is certainly worth taking a look at! Here [...]

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The US Government Denies Any Contact with ETs (but we are looking into it)

[...] political spin machine). 2. Interesting the response does not including the thousands of UFO sightings, or CIA/FBI documents from across the US amid the revelation of many other countries UFO files. [...]

UFO over South Korea

[...] . Here is one of the latest UFO sightings to hit the internet. Here we witness what seems to be a flying saucer type UFO flying below a [...]

The Starship Athena seen on a NASA VIDEO near Planet Mercury!

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UFO Floats Down from the Sky in Japan

[...] This strange UFO was captured January 7th 2012. Most UFO videos feature objects flying with great speed defying the laws of physics. This video is quite the [...]

UFO Files: UKs Desire to Weaponize UFO Tech

[...] New information is suggesting that the UK desired to weaponize UFO technology. Additionally, there is some interesting information on Tony Blairs UFO briefings. Read the [...]

UFO over South Korea

[...] been contact on the matter. However, the video clearly videos what seems to be a traditional UFO sighting. Here at we speculate that the video is a fake Computer Generated [...]

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[...] in front. They weren't flashing and were the brightest things in the sky. Just behind the white lights were 3 very bright red lights that were flashing together. There were in the shape of a [...]

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