Aspiring Web Developer


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last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Aspiring Web Developer' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Aspiring Web Developer' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Aspiring Web Developer' Channel

Practical tips on Rails and front-end development

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Feb, 2016Mar, 2016Apr, 2016May, 2016Jun, 2016Jul, 2016Aug, 2016Sep, 2016Oct, 2016Nov, 2016Dec, 2016Jan, 20170123Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1ImagesLinksTexts
? Average Article Length

'Aspiring Web Developer' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Aspiring Web Developer' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Aspiring Web Developer' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News
Rails lets us focus on the hard stuff

I went to tour a local chocolate factory, and things did not go as planned. The place was hopping, all of the walk-in spots on the tour were taken, and...

Run Rails migrations automatically on Heroku

Heroku has a beta feature called release phase that allows you to run commands automatically when you deploy your app. The commands run in a separate...

A case for decorators in Rails

Decorators, at the beginning of my Rails journey, seemed exotic and unnecessary. Draper, a popular gem for decorators, calls them an “object-oriented...

Separation in a Rails monolith: layouts, assets, and controllers

Consider introducing separation in your Ruby on Rails monolith with some simple techniques. At TourExec, half the app is for the public, and the other...

Consider Turbolinks 5 for your next Rails project

Turbolinks 5 is a library for web applications that makes pages load faster. Here’s how: When the user navigates, it replaces only the body of the page...

Stripe vs. Braintree – The Ultimate Guide

I recently published a full overview of Stripe and Braintree for developers. The two payment platforms are cutting-edge but have their differences. Read...

Retrieving RSS with JavaScript

I’ve open sourced RSS to API, which allows you to retrieve RSS feeds via JavaScript. With a few clicks, you can deploy it to Heroku and start consuming...

E-mail in Rails with MailChimp and Mandrill, a comprehensive guide

Intro This tutorial walks through adding e-mail to a Rails app, using MailChimp and Mandrill. We will: Add new users to a mailing list Send a welcome...

Stop your web pages from jumping around while images load

Ever been to a web page that jumps around while images load? If you start reading text before the images are fully loaded, these page jumps can be very...

MailChimp and Active Job on Rails 4 – adding users to your mailing list in the background

When a user registers for your app, you might want to add them to your mailing list.  This normally takes a few seconds, as your app has to communicate...

Why React JS matters for developers

It can be tempting to think of React JS as just another JavaScript framework, along the lines of Angular JS and Ember JS. This entirely misses why it...


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11 Essential Services for Rails Apps

[...] is extremely developer-friendly on its own, so can be used in quite a custom manner in your Rails app. Unless you use a Stripe partner, you will be writing custom code to interface with Stripe.  [...]

Easy data grids for your Rails app, with Wice Grid

[...] Sometimes we need to show tables of data in a Rails app, sort of like souped-up spreadsheets. The tables, or grids, should handle tons of records, [...]

Avoid the N+1 problem in Rails by harnessing your database

[...] ActiveRecord with PostgreSQL, a thought-provoking slide deck. Detect N+1 issues in your Rails app with the Bullet gem. Full-text search is another area where you can harness cool database [...]

React JS and Flux in Rails, a complete example

[...] about real-world results with React JS. Here is a concrete example of adding React to a Rails app, start to finish. React JS is a library from Facebook that powers user interfaces. It is [...]

Searching across tables with Wice Grid in Rails

[...] customer, by e-mail address. This is a search across two tables, orders and customers. Wice Grid, a fantastic data grid for Rails, makes this search easy. Check out our intro to Wice Grid if [...]

Easy data grids for your Rails app, with Wice Grid

[...] , ordering, etc., every time. Why not use a pre-built solution and built off of it instead? Wice Grid is the quickest grid solution out there for Rails. It takes care of both the client and server. [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 3 – targeting messages to u...

[...] This is part 3 of building a gem for targeted, one-time announcements to users in Rails. See part 2 and part 1. We’ll focus on targeting announcements to [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 2 – TDD, marking as read

[...] building a Ruby gem to enable this. Tests I started by writing tests, describing what the one-time announcements gem should do. Test driven development (TDD) can be controversial, but I find that it [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 4 – performance, views

[...] I’m developing a gem to deliver one-time announcements to users in Rails apps. See the previous parts of this series for some background. Now, [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements – part 1

[...] At Cook Smarts we need a way to provide one-time announcements to customers, right inside our Rails app. For instance, we may want to notify our paying [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements – part 1

[...] customer reads the announcement, he or she can close it and will never see it again. The closest Ruby gem I could find is thoughtbot’s paul_revere. It’s elegant and simple, providing one-off [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 2 – TDD, marking as read

[...] , shown to each user only once, and targeted to particular types of users. We’re building a Ruby gem to enable this. Tests I started by writing tests, describing what the one-time announcements gem [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 3 – targeting messages to u...

This is part 3 of building a gem for targeted, one-time announcements to users in Rails. See part 2 and part 1. We’ll focus on targeting announceme [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 4 – performance, views

I’m developing a gem to deliver one-time announcements to users in Rails apps. See the previous parts of this series for some background. Now, i [...]

React JS and Rails – real-world results

There are many React JS intros out there, but too few articles about bringing React into an existing Rails app. At Cook Smarts, we brought React J [...]

Searching across tables with Wice Grid in Rails

Say that in your Rails app’s admin interface you have a table of orders, each of which is associated with a customer. You need to find orders belo [...]

Creating a Ruby gem for one-time announcements, part 4 – performance, views

[...] I’m developing a gem to deliver one-time announcements to users in Rails apps. See the previous parts of this series for some background. Now, in part 4, we’ll test [...]

11 Essential Services for Rails Apps

Developing an app is never a solo effort, even if you are the only developer in a company. We live an ecosystem of services and open source tools that [...]

React JS and Rails – real-world results

[...] in your views Create the server-side API’s necessary to feed and interact with your React components (this is not React-specific, just something an app needs to do as it implements more client- [...]

React JS and Flux in Rails, a complete example

[...]  works well in a Rails app. The global function creates the Fluxxor store and renders React components to the page. Here is its code, excluding the snippets we’ve already covered: The Rails view [...]

React JS and Flux in Rails, a complete example

[...] -side data store. We still need to build our client-side UI, and that’s where React comes in. React apps are basically component trees. The ingredient suggestions editor contains multiple ingredient [...]

?Key Phrases
11 Essential Services for Rails Apps

[...] is extremely developer-friendly on its own, so can be used in quite a custom manner in your Rails app. Unless you use a Stripe partner, you will be writing custom code to interface with Stripe.  [...]

Easy data grids for your Rails app, with Wice Grid

[...] Sometimes we need to show tables of data in a Rails app, sort of like souped-up spreadsheets. The tables, or grids, should handle tons of records, [...]

Avoid the N+1 problem in Rails by harnessing your database

[...] ActiveRecord with PostgreSQL, a thought-provoking slide deck. Detect N+1 issues in your Rails app with the Bullet gem. Full-text search is another area where you can harness cool database [...]

React JS and Flux in Rails, a complete example

[...] about real-world results with React JS. Here is a concrete example of adding React to a Rails app, start to finish. React JS is a library from Facebook that powers user interfaces. It is [...]

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