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We won’t bore you with some pointless talk about what the Grammys are, because you already know. Let’s just get right to the nominations! Here’s a partial...
Image credit: Popsugar The 2014 VMAs got kicked off with a bang: Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj and Jessie J performed with a medley of their summer hits...
Image credit: Business Insider The once-homeless man who was Miley Cyrus’ date at the MTV VMAs on Sunday has been revealed to have a police record and...
Image credit: NBC The 66thPrimetime Emmy Awards brought in an average of 15.6 million viewers, which makes it the second-biggest overall crowd in eight...
Image credit: CNN This Monday, the Emmys, which were hosted by Seth Myers, were cleaned out by two TV shows, and included some funny moments. Here’s...
It has been less than a year since Seth Meyers took over at NBC’s “Late Night” and he is already set to host the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards on Monday...
The show that scored twelve Emmy nominations this year has one of the most talented and diverse casts on television. Five of those went to the actresses...
In an attempt to get people to watch the Emmys next Monday, a spoof featuring everyone’s favorite nominees for a short comedy sketch was made. It is a...
HBO took home 15 Creative Arts awards this weekend, but there were very few new faces. The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences bestowed the awards...
The competition on the comedy series race is just as fierce as on the drama side. However, things look a bit brighter for the traditional networks here...
Since the Emmys are coming up on the 25th of this month, we would like to know who you think deserved nominations for the show. Today we will look at...
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