Ayahuasca Videos
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Scene from the documentary Icaro: Song of Healing featuring Peruvian Shaman Panduro. Video Produced by the Association Ayahuasca Peru, dedicated to research...
Stylish video with scenes of ayahuasca preparation and images of shipibo tapestry. Set to the music of Tulku featuring the voices of the Mahua Shaman...
Can a sacred plant from the Amazon heal our minds and spirits? For centuries, indigenous people of South America have used ayahuasca, a psychoactive plant...
A video montage of the great visionary artist Pablo Amaringo, from photos of visits to his home and gallery in the jungle city of Pucallpa, Peru. Set...
Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision Quest From his troubled and rebellious youth as a Methodist minister’s son in northern Minnesota, to...
When you are in Lima and the cities near the coast the soundtrack to Peru is Cumbia Peruana, with such groups like Grupo 5 in heavy rotation. As you make...
In one of his last interviews before his death in 2000, Terence McKenna sat down with Dean Jefferys to discuss ayahuasca and the various issues surrounding...
During an ayahuasca ceremony the curandero sings prayer songs called ‘icaros’. Here is Maestro curandero Don Marcial from Pucallpa, Peru singing...
Hymns are sung during the preparation of ayahuasca for Santo Daime ceremony in Brazil. For more photos and videos from this collection visit Feitio:...
Ayahuasca. Animación de Grio. Fun ayahuasca video from Chile, with cool animation and great music.
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