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I certainly never expected that my position in the Hearthstone community would lead to me making a statement on sensitive topics regarding international...
Here’s a quick and dirty list of the decks that I played on my stream on the first day of Rise of Shadows release, complete with deck codes. YOINK Class...
I’m continuing to have lots of fun with the new set and trying a bunch of different decks. Today was mostly revisiting older decks with some new cards...
I spent pretty much all stream on day two messing with version of Quest Priest and Quest Warlock. Both of these decks have a lot of room to tune – the...
This website DOES exist! I’ve obviously been bad at sharing my lists outside of Twitter and my stream lately, but wanted to share the decks I played on...
Here are the decks I used to beat The Lich King in the final solo adventure of Knights of the Frozen Throne. I found the entire experience to be a really...
Despite the uproar over the Druid infestation, I’ve been really enjoying the new Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion. I’ve tried a ton of different...
Here are the latest decks I’ve been playing, along with deck codes from the new sharing system so you can easily try them yourself! AAECAZ/HAgLTxQLPxwIO...
Now that I’ve learned about the decktracker screenshot export, I might do these more often, since they’re a hell of a lot easier. This one includes a...
Here’s a few more of the latest decks I’ve been playing: Midrange Lyra Priest, Hater Hunter, and Kazakus Mage. I’ve had pretty solid success with all...
I’ve had a lot of people ask me where they can find the lists I’ve been playing recently, and now the answer is: right here! These are a bunch of the...
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[...] WotC shouldn’t either. The post Cracks in the Community appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] Ashcloud Phoenix The post My Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir Decklist – Temur Aggro appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] . It’s time to hunt the Hunters. The post Hunting Hunters to the Top of Legend appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] to call them MechWarriors. The post Goblins vs Gnomes Review – 11/18 Reveals appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] damage dealt to your own minions – it also naturally just grows every turn thanks to your Hero power. Add on top of that tools like Shield Block and Shield Maiden and you have more than a few ways [...]
[...] to easily trigger it without attacking, with Mage having the easiest job of it thanks to its hero power. Generally speaking, it feels like this is a worse anti-aggro tool than something like Unstable [...]
[...] is the state that Hearthstone lives in. There are nine classes, each with a unique, reusable Hero power. One of these Hero powers, the Warrior’s, is to give you two points of Armor, which [...]
[...] I was able to get back into something resembling control of the game, ultimately his hero power just did too much damage to me and finished me off. I managed to beat his Hunter with [...]
[...] , relatively low impact cards like Haunted Creeper that were great at stabilizing against aggressive decks, but very poor in control matchups. I decided to try out Injured Blademaster, since it [...]
[...] to play two copies. This version is a solid ladder list, with stronger matchups against aggressive decks like Hunter and Warlock, though it struggles against more controlling decks like Warrior and [...]
[...] to keep me alive until I could start dropping dragons. The change paid off huge against aggressive decks like Hunter and Zoo, especially since cards like Ironbeak Owl and Hunter’s Mark seem to have [...]
[...] , it effectively has zero impact. The same is true of Fel Reaver’s drawback. In most aggressive decks where Fel Reaver sees play, its drawback has essentially no impact at all. Except [...]
[...] Magic Hall of Fame Class of 2013 The voting period for the Pro Tour Hall of Fame is always one of my favorite parts of the Magic year. The question of who deserves [...]
[...] question was Pro Tour Osaka back in 2002. At the time, I was working with a group that was engaged in something of a [...]
[...] was very limited. I was about to leave for a week long trip for Grand Prix Minneapolis and Pro Tour Atlanta, however, and I wanted to record a video for StarCityGames before I left, so I decided [...]
[...] I didn’t spend a ton of time testing for Minneapolis, because with the Pro Tour coming up I have been focused on Block Constructed, as well as getting things with work in order [...]
[...] it will even be very good. Yes, it is a really powerful effect if you have a board full of deathrattle minions. If you have a Mad Scientist, a Leper Gnome, and a Loot Hoarder in play, you can draw a [...]
[...] balance change to Undertaker. The change is a big one, removing the health bonus when deathrattle minions are played so Undertaker only ever grows in attack. I’ve had a lot of people ask me for my [...]
[...] Flame Imp on the other side of the table, and it’s especially powerful against Deathrattle minions that can give you a little extra value on top of your two-for-one. It’s nice that [...]
[...] Undertaker and Kill Command to pressure opponents. These cards are highly reliant on deathrattle minions and beasts, respectively, which is a big reason why they aren’t nearly as big of a [...]
[...] on them as possible while trying to mitigate the impact of Unleash the Hounds. Even against Warlock Zoo, you’ll frequently want to be attacking their face with your larger creatures to reduce the [...]
[...] when I tuned in to watch the HKeSports Tournament this past weekend, I saw him playing Warlock Zoo and Hunter – and pretty much identical versions to those used by other players. On top [...]
[...] familiar with the community sentiment with respect to aggressive decks. Decks like Warlock Zoo, Hunter, and MechMage are referred to by derogatory nicknames, as are players who choose [...]
[...] to play Hunter. People frequently complain about the popularity of decks like Hunter and Warlock Zoo on the ladder, but the structure of the whole thing almost guarantees that those will be the [...]
[...] considering the principles involved first. What are the important characteristics of a tournament format? Here’s a short list of things that I value in a tournament format Rewards play skill [...]
[...] a reliable fallback. Anyway, here are the decks I played, and remember that thanks to the tournament format, these are totally ladder ready. Enjoy! The post My ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Week [...]
[...] Hero Standing system – especially one that uses bans – is dramatically lower than a tournament format in which players use a single deck, or where bans are unavailable. If a player’s [...]
[...] cards like Lil Exorcist does make me wonder if Hearthstone might be well served moving to a tournament format that uses a mechanic similar to sideboarding in Magic. Sideboarding, for those who are [...]
[...] gone before it and put together a great system for tournament play. The post Thoughts on Competitive Hearthstone appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] A while back, I shared some of my thoughts on the state of competitive Hearthstone, from the nature of the ladder and its use for qualifications for the World Championships [...]
[...] ’s more a topic for another time, when I revisit my commentary on the state of competitive Hearthstone, and my thoughts on how it might be improved. For now – that’s a wrap on this [...]
[...] . I decided to try my hand at Shaman once again. I’d heard rumblings of more burst oriented Shaman decks experiencing success, and I was immediately intrigued. As I discussed in my recent post about [...]
[...] card most analagous to the Spiritwalker in my Shaman decks before – Cult Master. Cult Master’s biggest problem has always been survivability, since two [...]
[...] , an enabler for Nerubian Egg, or part of a burst combo with Al’Akir or Doomhammer. Some Shaman decks will only use it for one or two of these things, while others use every part of the [...]
[...] WotC shouldn’t either. The post Cracks in the Community appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] Ashcloud Phoenix The post My Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir Decklist – Temur Aggro appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] . It’s time to hunt the Hunters. The post Hunting Hunters to the Top of Legend appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
[...] to call them MechWarriors. The post Goblins vs Gnomes Review – 11/18 Reveals appeared first on BMK Gaming. [...]
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