Baby Babbles
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I've shared a lot of our December pictures already in the Christmas, mud, Fox theater, etc. posts. Here are the remaining pics from December 2016. Zeke...
Back in December, Arabelle, Mamaw, and I had a "Girls' Trip" to Atlanta. Mamaw's choir, the Jubalheirs, sang with The Getty's at the Fox Theater. We arrived...
Christmas 2016 was a big blur with 4 excited, sugar filled kids. Ha! The pictures are a little out of order because some are from my cell phone and some...
The big 3 kids had their nativity program at church a few Sundays ago. Bo was a wise man, Mae the star, and Arabelle an angel. They did great! Bo in...
I am so behind on posting pictures! Here is a quick summary of our busy November: Finished our "My Body" book: Picnic: Arabelle sewed Bo a stuffed...
Thanksgiving seemed to come quickly this year! We did school on Monday and Tuesday, then took off the rest of the week. Wednesday we made our cute turkey...
The Jacksonville Zoo gives kids free admission in November each year, so we try to go every year. This year we went on Friday, 11/11. We had a great time...
We have had a busy October! I have obviously gotten a little behind, so here is a quick catch-up on the happenings in October. We were still trying to...
We took another trip to Poppell Farms this year! Last year when we went Zeke was a little baby, so this year was even more fun! They loved the duck run...
I know I am way behind. I can't even recap everything we've been doing lately, but I do know Jared has been away many more nights than he's been home...
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[...] infected from all the drainage and sinus congestion, so he started his first ever antibiotic. Big kids at the Dr office! Pitiful boy! His amoxicillin is pink and supposed to be bubble gum flavored. [...]
[...] and rained and rained and finally stopped that Wed. afternoon. After Mae took her nap and the big kids played with their new toys, we went splashing! It was plenty warm for them to get wet. Arabelle [...]
[...] Last Tuesday morning, we took the 'cars' out for a wash. Mae joined right in with the big kids. I guess Bo thought HE needed a washing too. ;) Bo had me laughing.....he decided to try to put [...]
[...] in the Carter's outlet to get Mae a Big Sister shirt and we had a little photoshoot while the big kids were at the beach! Next appointment is 10/22. Arabelle is so excited to go with me to that [...]
[...] getting dirty as well! There was no keeping her out of the puddles once she saw Bo playing. Mae loves the mud! Bo got a little muddy on Friday also. :) [...]
[...] afternoon these days, so here's a few pictures of our fun! Bo sure loves Mae's baby pool. Mae LOVES to play in the dirt. She definitely earns her bath each night! The slip-n-sliders in [...]
[...] to it. Haha! She loves trying to keep up with Arabelle and Bo! She's such a happy and fun girl! Mae loves her baby doll! Sliding almost by herself. ;) [...]
[...] . She also knows a bunch of animal sounds and if you ask one she doesn't know, she'll just growl. Mae loves to play this game where she acts like she doesn't know where Jared is, then I play along and [...]
[...] by and the last one goes by too fast. Ha! Trying to get back to blogging regularly..... Pregnancy highlights: How far along: 14 weeks 4 days Size of the baby: About the size of a lemon or 3.5 inches [...]
[...]'s facing looking up. I have one of Bo like this and they already favor. Ha! Pregnancy highlights: How far along: 16 weeks 3 days today. Size of the baby: About 4.5 inches long and the [...]
[...] had trouble seeing all the brain anatomy, but he was able to see everything eventually. Pregnancy highlights: How far along: 20 weeks on 12/17/14 Size of baby: about the size of a banana, 10 inches [...]
[...] This pregnancy is kind of flying by at this point! Pregnancy highlights: How far along: 24 weeks on Wednesday the 14th Size of baby: Average is just over a pound [...]
[...] This year, Arabelle and Bo chose to skip the usual birthday party and take a trip to Disney World! We left after lunch on Wednesday afternoon and got to the hotel early evening. The kids [...]
[...] began 1st grade at home, and we celebrated Arabelle and Bo's birthday with a little trip to Disney World! Oh yeah, and on our Disney World day I discovered baby #4 was on the way. ha! September: [...]
[...] Here we go again! Baby #4 is due 5/11/15! Remember when we went to Disney World for Arabelle and Bo's birthday? Well, we had discovered the big surprise that morning, so it [...]
[...] and Papaw had been at St. Simons Island that weekend, so they stopped over for the afternoon. Monday morning we got up for a walk and to look for cool shells and shark's teeth. The weather was perfect [...]
[...] bad they didn't dry all the way because they STUNK when I took them out of the suitcase on MONDAY morning. Friday, we had an early lunch and left Maissade at 12:00 for the drive back to PAP. After my [...]
[...] all excited for a week of fun! We took the week off from school and really lived it up. :) Monday morning, we got dressed quickly and went to the bakery for fresh donuts...3 happy kids! We grabbed [...]
[...] morning. Fortunately, it was a relatively short virus and I was back to my baseline nausea by Monday morning. We got home Sunday afternoon. As you can see, Mae had perked up. :) Arabelle picked up the [...]
[...] Bo LOVES bubble gum or any kind of gum really. Sambo buys him a two pack of Bubble Tape (a big roll of bubble gum) [...]
[...] day this week (I know, shocking!). Arabelle loves to hang upside down and 'swing'. Bo and his bubble gum....he asked me to take a picture of him and his bubble. That thumb! Bubbles They both really [...]
[...] "A hot dog with bubble gum in it....not good!". Hahaha! Mae ran a fever from Tuesday-Friday, but was fine Saturday. [...]
[...] it was coming up)! We went to church, which included Mae's baby dedication, then to Sambo and Leigh Leigh's for lunch, then home for REST! I actually laid in bed extra long and guilt free this one [...]
[...] , we went outside for a few picture and to play. She's loving her rocking chair from Sambo and Leigh Leigh. After lunch, we went swimming at a friend's house, then home for a late nap before Bo's pre- [...]
[...] off the diving board and swam all the way to the steps! Sunday, we had lunch at Sambo and Leigh Leigh's house after church. My babies love their Daddy! Four generations of Roberts men! Arabelle [...]
[...] the ending....). I snapped a few pictures at the beginning of the gift opening at Sambo and Leigh Leigh's, then it got chaotic and I didn't want my camera to break, so I put it away. Ha! Bo had a [...]
[...] elevator, except when they felt wronged on who was supposed to push the button. That pout! Friday morning, we were up early and ready to go! Well, almost. Bo waited for us by the door like this when [...]
[...] Friday morning, we got Arabelle's antibiotics for her finger and the bandage supplies, then headed to [...]
[...] in the middle beam and wired light switches. They worked all week in the late morning and on Friday morning, Mrs. Lynn and I took the camera to take pictures of them working, so it looks like we [...]
[...] We had a Spring co-op at the State Park last week with the homeschool group. Arabelle and Bo went around to the stations some of the moms set up and learned about [...]
[...] I couldn't imagine progressing to the end, but we're almost there! Her graduation with our homeschool group was last Thursday (we had it a little earlier than normal due to scheduling issues). [...]
[...] of park days and we also took a field trip to the Jekyll Island Sea Turtle Center with our homeschool group. April included a family trip to Athens for the UGA football spring game, a few days at [...]
[...] infected from all the drainage and sinus congestion, so he started his first ever antibiotic. Big kids at the Dr office! Pitiful boy! His amoxicillin is pink and supposed to be bubble gum flavored. [...]
[...] and rained and rained and finally stopped that Wed. afternoon. After Mae took her nap and the big kids played with their new toys, we went splashing! It was plenty warm for them to get wet. Arabelle [...]
[...] Last Tuesday morning, we took the 'cars' out for a wash. Mae joined right in with the big kids. I guess Bo thought HE needed a washing too. ;) Bo had me laughing.....he decided to try to put [...]
[...] in the Carter's outlet to get Mae a Big Sister shirt and we had a little photoshoot while the big kids were at the beach! Next appointment is 10/22. Arabelle is so excited to go with me to that [...]
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