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[...] projects) from prior months are funded in the current month. Now To build on our growth of Approved Projects, we’ll be releasing another free tool in a month similar to [...]
[...] highest average project size in a given month ever. Since the start of Crew, the number of Approved Projects (projects that meet our vetting requirements) have increased every month with the exception [...]
[...] We track lots of metrics but two of the most important ones we look at are: 1. Number of Approved Projects per Month (projects that meet our vetting standards and are sent to our network of designers [...]
[...] as a result of a lower Approved Project number from the previous month of March. The reason Approved Projects can increase without an equal increase in Revenue in a given month is because the average [...]
[...] Fright (3,667 pageviews) Popular Syndicated Posts: Leave Work at Work on The Next Web (4.7K shares) 7 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Your Vision on The Next [...]
[...] content? It makes our content more attractive to other blogs. Websites like Lifehacker or The Next Web can post our blogs whenever suits their particular needs. Not only is it great for them, but it [...]
[...] by showing that we’re part of the larger community. So far we’re working regularly with The Next Web and Business Insider with some of our articles ending up on other sites such as Quartz and [...]
[...] story, science, and how to incorporate the tips and takeaways into your daily life. The Next Web is continuing to re-publish our articles and this piece about under-promising and over- [...]
[...] out. Referrals and Campaigns The website Lifehacker accounted for 22% of all referrals to the Crew blog this month (1200 pageviews). The wonderful folks at Buffer recommend a few of our blog posts in [...]
[...] more relevant metrics that help us track these goals. Top Posts Most popular posts on the Crew blog in May Feel Like You’re an Impostor,You’re Not Alone: (9,095 pageviews) The Science of Learning [...]
[...] have been an amazing opportunity for me to regularly reflect on what I’m doing and how the Crew blog has progressed, but have I been acting on my own advice? It’s all well and good to talk about [...]
[...] Writers. We’re looking to dramatically increase the number of quality posts on the Crew blog. Rather than hiring a full-time team of writers, we’re working with contributing writers [...]
[...] , how we are going to measure success moving forward. Let’s start out with some of the key metrics from the last few months: Key metrics: Pageviews: 141,691 — +52% from September and +69% from [...]
[...] be much higher since there are more projects ongoing in Crew than completed at the moment. Key metrics in a two-sided marketplace It’s not an easy thing defining the right metrics in a two-sided [...]
[...] what we should be focusing on. When we create our investor updates, we include: - Key metrics - A brief analysis of these metrics - Highlight what we did in the last month - Highlight [...]
[...] the most important things I try to gauge is the happiness of our current customers. One of the key metrics we look at is our average response time on Crew. Although it is now within 12 hours (a 2x [...]
[...] with my wedding and honeymoon so they were in the loop about that as well. - Our average project size is the largest it’s ever been at $13,410/project (+9% increase from last month). This bigger [...]
[...] on Crew is based on multiple factors: availability, price, skill set, past work, and project size. With over a year of data, we’ve begun to roll out personalized matching for projects and [...]
[...] (-18% down from $800,497) Revenue (15% Crew fee): $37,844 (+26% up from $28,368) Avg. project size: $9,256 (-13% down from $10,533) Burn rate: $60,329 Projected runway: 12-18 months Team ( [...]
[...] ,249 (+23% up from $573,607) Revenue (15% Crew fee): $27,245 (+14% up from $23,486) Avg. project size: $10,350 (-6% down from $11,030) Burn rate: $86,042 Projected runway: 12-18 months Team [...]
[...] can eat my grits.) More red tape, less long waits If you’re one of the fine folks on the invite list to be a Crew Pro, you know how long the delay has been to get in. One of the main sources of [...]
[...] to freelancers on our invite list. Here’s the common types of projects we take on: - redesign of a website - creating a custom [...]
[...] on Crew means the more invites we can release to the designers and developers that are on our invite list. The second number, Converted Projects per Month, is an important metric because it’s a [...]
[...] still need to increase this number to release more invites to the developers/designers on our invite list. If you work with any accelerators or talk with any founders who may need development/design [...]
In March, we had our biggest month over month jump in Booked Work and Revenue. Although the number of Approved Projects (projects that meet our vettin [...]
Here’s the email update I just sent our investors yesterday. I sent this month’s update out a bit later than usual. I usually aim to send [...]
I sent this investor update off a week before my wedding this month. I wanted to make sure our investors were updated on our progress before I took a [...]
Hi, This past month, we hit two milestones at Crew: 10,000+ submitted projects and $1 million paid to Crew freelancers. In July, we had a decrease [...]
[...] set aside moments to think deeper about the future of your business. While writing our latest investor update, I shared a couple of our most recent marketing projects that we recently launched. Even [...]
[...] Here’s our latest investor update I just sent out this morning to our investors. - We doubled since March. In 2 months, the [...]
[...] I sent this investor update off a week before my wedding this month. I wanted to make sure our investors were updated on [...]
[...] Here’s our latest investor update that I just emailed to our investors last week. = Our average project size jumped back up in [...]
[...] for other people trying to get work done while traveling. We took stock. Over the past few months, and with the help of some friends, we covered 11 major cities and 100 coffee shops. [...]
[...] ;m leading the efforts over on the Crew blog. If you’re one of our readers, over the past few months you’ve no doubt noticed quite a few changes to the design and number of stories we& [...]
[...] Over the past few months, we’ve been honing our back-end system for vetting and managing projects. The goal is [...]
[...] ’s data is still incomplete. Here’s a deeper look at the breakdown of projects from the past few months: February 2014 Metrics: - Total Approved Projects: $449k - Total Booked Work: $232k - [...]
[...] projects) from prior months are funded in the current month. Now To build on our growth of Approved Projects, we’ll be releasing another free tool in a month similar to [...]
[...] highest average project size in a given month ever. Since the start of Crew, the number of Approved Projects (projects that meet our vetting requirements) have increased every month with the exception [...]
[...] We track lots of metrics but two of the most important ones we look at are: 1. Number of Approved Projects per Month (projects that meet our vetting standards and are sent to our network of designers [...]
[...] as a result of a lower Approved Project number from the previous month of March. The reason Approved Projects can increase without an equal increase in Revenue in a given month is because the average [...]
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