Bald Celebrity


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Bald Celebrity' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Bald Celebrity' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Bald Celebrity' Channel

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Bald Celebrity' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'Bald Celebrity' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are a smaller number of articles of intermediate readability.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Bald Celebrity has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Joe Pesci: My Cousin Baldy

[...] years. There’s an even something-er else too: he’s now lost enough hair to join The Bald Army! Let’s talk some bald Pesci! Back when he was popping up in and owning the screen in [...]

Joey Fatone’s Hairline Is Now ‘N Sync

[...] is why I’m talking about him today, because although he violated a cardinal rule of The Bald Army by getting a Bosley hair transplant, he has made no effort to hide it. This transparency drops [...]

Brian Van Holt: Cougar Town Star Headed To Baldsville?

[...] career are well deserved. He’s also starting to qualify for an entry-review for The Bald Army, because he’s been showing some hairline recession the last few years.  I’m not going [...]

Christopher Guest: Hairline Is Turned Up To 11

[...] and his award winning career aren’t the only things that qualify him for a spot in The Bald Army, he’s also awesome for other reasons. For starters, Christopher Guest’s full title [...]

Great Men With Bad Hairlines: John McClain

[...] ;re both close-minded and insane. However, it’s time to talk about a great man with a bad hairline: John “Yippe-Kai-Yay-Mr-Falcon” McClain. Don’t start with your “ [...]

Eddie Murphy’s Head: Then And Now

[...] his fifties, and his hair has started to migrate to the back of his dome. He now has a pretty bad hairline, the kind that most people wouldn’t be very excited about. He’s got what appears [...]

Ben Kingsley: King Of The Shaved Head

[...] as to how much hair he actually has, but if I had to guess I’d say that he always had a bad hairline and that now he’s pretty close to being completely bald on top. The man is senior [...]

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Is Ja-Bald!

[...] ? He did, and he never tried to hide his baldness, which eventually became a combination of a bad hairline and a top of the dome baldspot, opting instead to just let his hair fall out before shaving [...]

Matt Lucas: Little Britain, Big Bald

[...] to be bald. Some men lose their hair as they age and battle against the rising tide of a receding hairline for their entire lives. Other men just get alopecia and all their hair falls out at age six [...]

Jon Voight: Midnight Bald-Boy

[...] older, he’s started slicking his hair back, almost inviting us to look at his receding hairline, and if I’m being honest, I like looking at it. Not in a weird way, but there& [...]

Adam Baldwin: Balding And Winning

[...] his hairline has headed towards he corners of his forehead, and he’s been showing this receding hairline for the last twenty years. Most recently, he’s showed up to movie premieres both [...]

Eddie Murphy’s Head: Then And Now

[...] of me talking about Eddie Murphy’s failing career, let’s talk about his receding hairline, because that’s a thing that’s definitely happening. For those of you not [...]

Bryan Cranston: Breaking Balder

[...] do zero research into this claim) . The one thing I seemed to have gotten wrong is that Bryan Cranston of “Breaking Bad” and “Malcolm in the Middle” fame has a strong head [...]

Dean Norris: Under The Bald Dome

[...] ” (“The Three Bald Mice”?), I’m going to have to stick to kissing Bryan Cranston and Dean Norris’ butts. So in today’s episode of “Bald Master rants about [...]

Is Hugh Jackman Going Bald?

[...] the thumbnail of the picture below, I thought someone had accidentally put up a picture of Bryan Cranston. However, upon further inspection, it is in fact Hugh Jackman in the make-up chair as he gets [...]

Josh Holloway: Is His Hairline ‘Lost’?

[...] that would cause him to seek professional help. I can’t see Josh going for a hair transplant procedure or a hair system any time soon, if ever. In fact, the pattern of his loss should see him [...]

Lebron James: Does The King Have A New Crown?

[...] me to believe that he’s done one of two things: Lebron James has undergone a hair transplant procedure (“hair plugs” if you want to be a hillbilly about it), or he’s started using [...]

Peter Sarsgaard: Killing His Hairline

[...] don’t see him making any either, as he’s not the type of dude to go out and get a hair transplant procedure or buy a toupee. He’s too artistic and into his craft to give a crap about his [...]

Dean Norris: Under The Bald Dome

[...] ;m bald! Wanna fight about it?”. He’s never found it necessary to get a hair transplant procedure, or wear a wig, or rock a comb-over; he’s just always let his head shine and [...]

Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards Begins To Resemble Namesake

[...] . He keeps a completely clean shaven head at this point, and makes no effort to cover up his balding status. So it’s because of this proud balding, like that of his namesake, that I proudly [...]

Louis C.K. Doesn’t Need Hair To Be Great

[...] ’t into”, let’s get to the part where I compliment him and talk about his balding status. So if you don’t know who Louis C.K. is, he’s easily one of the most talented [...]

Christopher Guest: Hairline Is Turned Up To 11

[...] on top of his head. His forehead is almost surely now a seven-head at least. However, his balding status and his award winning career aren’t the only things that qualify him for a spot in The [...]

Santa Joins the Army

[...] Okay folks, let’s get this out of the way, and I don’t want any religious hooey thrown around either, [...]

Damon Wayans: In Living Baldness

[...] Okay folks, here’s another one for the “he’s not that current, but he’s bald and I [...]

Ladies And Gentlemen…Phil Spector

[...] thing worse would be if you were the guy who operated a website tha- oh yeah, I’m that guy. Okay folks, good talk. [...]

?Key Phrases
Joe Pesci: My Cousin Baldy

[...] years. There’s an even something-er else too: he’s now lost enough hair to join The Bald Army! Let’s talk some bald Pesci! Back when he was popping up in and owning the screen in [...]

Joey Fatone’s Hairline Is Now ‘N Sync

[...] is why I’m talking about him today, because although he violated a cardinal rule of The Bald Army by getting a Bosley hair transplant, he has made no effort to hide it. This transparency drops [...]

Brian Van Holt: Cougar Town Star Headed To Baldsville?

[...] career are well deserved. He’s also starting to qualify for an entry-review for The Bald Army, because he’s been showing some hairline recession the last few years.  I’m not going [...]

Christopher Guest: Hairline Is Turned Up To 11

[...] and his award winning career aren’t the only things that qualify him for a spot in The Bald Army, he’s also awesome for other reasons. For starters, Christopher Guest’s full title [...]

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