

Channel Reputation Rank


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'BAnxietyFree' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'BAnxietyFree' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'BAnxietyFree' Channel

"Lose the Fear... Live the Life"

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'BAnxietyFree' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'BAnxietyFree' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'BAnxietyFree' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately BAnxietyFree has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Author Interview: Strangers on the Camino

[...] “Today we are interviewing Dr. Sanjiva Wijesinha, a Sri Lankan physician who wrote, “Strangers on the Camino”: a book about a [...]

Camino Book Review: “Strangers On the Camino”

[...] Strangers on the Camino: Dr. Sanjiva Wijesinha is a Sri Lanken physician who is currently practicing in Australia. He took 6 weeks off of [...]

Camino Day 1 – Ouch!

A hospitalario from Holland performs surgery on my blisters. I got maybe 10 minutes of sleep last night and woke up angry and stiff. Then, I noticed [...]

Camino Day 2: I’m not having a very good time right now.

We stayed in the Roncesvalles monastery last night. There were still bunk beds but much, much nicer and comfortable. They have little cubicles with f [...]

Camino Day 3: Today was a good day

We adjusted my shoes just right so that my feet were cushioned and I barely noticed the pain. I did awesome. I thought I’d only make it to the next [...]

Camino Day 4: It was love at first bite.

I woke up… no, I was woken up by Dad. I was sleepy and stiff and not looking forward to the day. Then I remembered. It’s Father’s Day! I was smi [...]

The Soft Shell Lobster Cometh

[...] suggested it as one of the insider spots. It’s right on Rt. 37 just as you are heading into Boothbay Harbor. Provisions is the place for fresh fish, steaks and wine. Before we left Boothbay, I found [...]

Lost Keys

[...] Boothbay Harbor, Maine It’s happened before. An end to a wonderful down-easter weekend of soft-shell lobsters, [...]

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

[...] . As I laid in bed, I thought about my favorite all time book, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert Pirsig. One of the discussions in the book involves the exploration of [...]

Camino Day 5 & 6: Making connections instead of footprints.

[...] small room with a single bed that was painted light blue. I found it adorable. It also had a private bathroom. Even better! My mood improved but I was still icky. After Dad and Maria left, I took a [...]

The Secret World of Ferries

[...] shop… there was even a swimming pool. There were beds in private cabins on this ferry and a private bathroom with a faucet and shower. The sink had running water and not with one of those knobs you [...]

Stage 1: Saint Jean to Roncesvalles

[...] that led to the Orrison Albergue. I was in the lead and stretched out my pace, anxious for a cafe con leche and pastry. Glancing behind me I noticed Makenna falling behind, she seemed to actually slow [...]

Camino Day 4: It was love at first bite.

[...] of the filming of The Way. At the time, I really didn’t give a crap. I just wanted a cafe con leche and a chair.  Still pretty cool though. I sat down on the corner of a closed [...]

Mike (Cimarron) Caetano, 91, Completes the Camino Francés

[...]   Photos by Larry McIntyre Walking alone from St. Jean Pied de Port, 91-year-old Manuel Furtado Caetano (“Mike” on the Camino) began on [...]

Stage 1: Saint Jean to Roncesvalles

[...] I was getting a blister.” We’d done a lot of walking yesterday in Pamplona and St. Jean Pied de Port but I had no idea it was taking a toll on Makenna’s feet. I bandaged her blister [...]

Hanging Out In Rota, Spain

[...] days with friends in New Brunswick, we drove back to the US to catch a plane flying out of Dover AFB. It was kind of strange going back through customs up in Northern, Maine. When he asked us where [...]

Mike (Cimarron) Caetano, 91, Completes the Camino Francés

[...] the Rota Naval Base near Cádiz. From there he flew military space available to Dover AFB, got in his car he’d left there, and drove 900 miles to visit his grandson in [...]

Camino Day 4: It was love at first bite.

[...] some other pilgrims. We couldn’t find any pilgrims oddly enough. But we did find dinner, a nice restaurant that had a variety of awesome food to choose from and a menu in English. That’s right… [...]

The Secret World of Ferries

[...] needing any chips on this voyage.” “What do you mean?” “I think they’ll have a nice restaurant on this ship. Who knows, they might even have a casino.” Casinos? Food? What [...]

Camino Day 2: I’m not having a very good time right now.

[...] so bad. The one on my toe… Is bigger than my toe. Can you imagine squeezing into stiff, heavy hiking shoes and walking on rocks all day with four painful blisters? I wanted to cry. And I [...]

Camino Day 4: It was love at first bite.

[...] me. The blisters aren’t getting any worse or anything but every time I slip on those heavy hiking shoes, it’s torture from then on. We weren’t walking for too long before I was in [...]

?Key Phrases
Author Interview: Strangers on the Camino

[...] “Today we are interviewing Dr. Sanjiva Wijesinha, a Sri Lankan physician who wrote, “Strangers on the Camino”: a book about a [...]

Camino Book Review: “Strangers On the Camino”

[...] Strangers on the Camino: Dr. Sanjiva Wijesinha is a Sri Lanken physician who is currently practicing in Australia. He took 6 weeks off of [...]

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