Baxter Bark Twice
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Hello? Hi. I know it’s been awhile blah blah I’ve got news! I’m going to business school! In Atlanta! I’m enrolled in the full-time program at Georgia...
True story: if I cancel plans or say I can’t do something because I’m “too busy”, I am lying. The real reason is some combination of the following: I...
*barked while my Sweet Corn and Zucchini Pie bakes Oh hello. How was your summer? Mine was uneventful – I took night classes at a depressing Kaplan center...
Every day is National Dog Day, but today is The Official National Dog Day, so I’m dragging BBT out of hibernation to acknowledge and exalt the wonder...
April just flew by, amiright? May is here, and with May comes flowers and, this weekend, sports. I like sports, and there was a time when I would’ve asked...
Picture Day at school was my least favorite day. My forced smile looks exactly that – forced – and 9 out of 10 times I would forget and show up with my...
Yesterday, for the first time since October, it was 70+ degrees in New York. Much as the black bear emerges from its cave after the long winter months...
That moment when you look at your public blog page on Facebook and realize you actually look like a crazy person: I bet Scott and Tom would just be really...
Oh, hello readers. I know it’s been a minute, but up until very recently I’ve been completely miserable and amid the throes of a serious bout of SAD ...
Valentine’s Day is Saturday, so I guess I’ll go ahead and talk about it. One of my strengths, I’ve always thought, is how rational I am – I’m being serious...
Dryuary is a phenomenon wherein people, after a gluttonous holiday season, choose to abstain from all forms of alcohol for the month of January. I applaud...
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[...] …this place is the coolest. The post BBT’s The Allie Awards appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] Tuesday – Tuesdays are the worst :( L8er sk8ers The post I read too much appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] BBT for the month of January – […] The post You can quote me on that appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] , you’ll still be among the […] The post That Went Well: A Year in Review appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] every day. Too deep? I feel uncomf. Let’s head back to the shallow end and talk lobster rolls. It’s not a total non sequitur: lobster rolls are something in which I might [...]
[...] Tuesdays be not too terribly terrible. I’ll be back on Thursday with pictures of the lobster rolls I’m enjoying tomorrow with Laureo and EmDon. [...]
[...] ;heaven on earth” – the Annual Lobster Rumble on June 5 in NYC showcases 23 lobster rolls from 23 restaurants across the US, and I, the event attendee, am tasked to taste them [...]
[...] , a LOT. A rooftop pool situation overlooking a body of water in an urban setting might be my favorite thing. The pool and the sunset. I do love a good vista! Should you find yourself in Charleston in [...]
[...] and usually just 15 minutes of freezing cold running water each day wasn’t my favorite thing, either, but that’s what headlamps and Neutrogena wipes are for. Every night I woke up [...]
[...] Humans of New York? DO it. Do it now: Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, buy the book. It is my favorite thing on the internet. 10. The 33 Dumbest Things That Have Ever Happened is pretty entertaining. [...]
[...] I’ve ever read/written. That’s too bad, considering it’s about me… Happy Weekend!! [...]
[...] speaker? 2014 is the Year of the Horse, and it is also the Year of BBT. Happy Thursday and Happy Weekend and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the DUCHESS! Here are 32 GIFs of her and her hair being perfect. [...]
[...] make sense. I gotta get out of here. Suffice it to say, I am ready for the weekend. Yep. Happy Weekend from BBT and her vest The post F is for Fur appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] …this place is the coolest. The post BBT’s The Allie Awards appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] Tuesday – Tuesdays are the worst :( L8er sk8ers The post I read too much appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] BBT for the month of January – […] The post You can quote me on that appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
[...] , you’ll still be among the […] The post That Went Well: A Year in Review appeared first on Baxter Bark Twice. [...]
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George Baxter