Beauty Kix


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Beauty Kix' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Beauty Kix' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Beauty Kix' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Beauty Kix' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Beauty Kix' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Beauty Kix has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

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[...] Sometimes, especially during the colder months, I find that my skin can often go to feel a bit weathered and dried out having been battered [...]

Dressing for Autumn/Winter

[...] 're ugly but warmth and comfort outweigh the need to look chic and sophisticated during the colder months. 9.  Pyjamas - Sorry what? These don't count as being a 'fashion item'? Well apologies, but [...]

A Perfect Pairing

[...] way to wear a nude lip? Or is it just a case of keeping things a little darker now that the colder months are upon us? [...]

The Best of: Exfoliating Toners

[...] I became a convert after listening to the lady herself rave about the benefits of using chemical exfoliants as opposed the their manual counterpart. Since then, I have tried out a number of different [...]

Caroline Hirons Inspired "Evening Skincare Routine"

[...] Brightening Toner - perhaps my favourite product of the bunch. I've not long been using chemical exfoliants (apart from my beloved Liquid Gold) but this one really is so gentle and again has a v. [...]

The Dupe - Loreal v Giorgio Armani

[...] some of my go to beauty aficionados where recommendations are concerned, that the Loreal True Match Foundation holds not dissimilar properties and gives it's higher end counterpart a good run for [...]

Chanel Haul & Review

[...] VITALUMIERE AQUA 30ml - '03 Beige' I wrote a post a few months back saying how the Loreal True Match foundation (and for more fancy occasions - the Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk) had stolen my heart [...]

Healthy Hair Quest

[...] new Surf Shampoo and Conditioner that I have heard so much hype about recently across the blogging community. I have yet to try either of them but am really excited to do so. One thing I can tell you [...]

4 Product Face - Hot Weather Make Up for Work

[...] /medium coverage that it provides. Next I move onto cheeks and I'm joining the rest of the blogging community here in expressing my love for cream blush at this moment in time. The Stila Convertible [...]

The Dupe - Loreal v Giorgio Armani

[...] come as close as I was likely to get when I invested in beauty bloggers favourite - Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk. A gorgeous satin finish as the name would suggest, oil free (a big bonus for those of [...]

Chanel Haul & Review

[...] back saying how the Loreal True Match foundation (and for more fancy occasions - the Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk) had stolen my heart and that perhaps I had found my perfect pairing. Well move over [...]

Pick of the Pinks

[...] where I can find one then please feel free to let me know! As things stand though, two of my current faves are the YSL Nail Lacquer in Number 11 - 'Rose Futuriste' and the Revlon 'Parfumerie' scented [...]

Caroline Hirons Inspired "Evening Skincare Routine"

[...] can read all about it here - however, I thought it might nice to share with you all my current faves that have worked their way into my pm facial pamper. I recently picked up the L'oreal [...]

Travel Sized Tips

[...] ! Sometimes though, it pays to shop around and although in the long haul it may cost you a few extra pennies, it can be nice to own a handbag sized version of some of your faves, even if it is just to [...]

Bang & Olufsen H6 Headphones Review

[...] without some tunes in toe, then they will pay for themselves in no time and are well worth the extra pennies. A beautiful piece of quality design - timeless and no doubt the perfect Christmas gift for [...]

?Key Phrases
Soothing Skincare

[...] Sometimes, especially during the colder months, I find that my skin can often go to feel a bit weathered and dried out having been battered [...]

Dressing for Autumn/Winter

[...] 're ugly but warmth and comfort outweigh the need to look chic and sophisticated during the colder months. 9.  Pyjamas - Sorry what? These don't count as being a 'fashion item'? Well apologies, but [...]

A Perfect Pairing

[...] way to wear a nude lip? Or is it just a case of keeping things a little darker now that the colder months are upon us? [...]

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