Being Classically Liberal
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Why the alt-right is wrong on immigration. While there is no strict definition of what the alt-right constitutes as a movement and ideology, it seems...
Introduction: David Ricardo and the theory of comparative advantage Perhaps the most important, and counter-intuitive, insight in international economics...
This week, the Young Turks, a popular left of center Youtube channel, released video that is making its rounds on social media titled, “Libertarianism...
(Title image from CNN) While there is no strict definition of what the alt-right constitutes as an ideology, it seems by and large composed of people...
In a new and what could only be described as frustrating article published by the Guardian, George Monibot claims that the political philosophy of liberal...
Image from Quora Note: I know this isn’t an explicitly political subject but it is something I am interested in and would like to engage in discussion...
Since its emergence in the 19th century, classical liberalism has principally advocated that every individual has the natural rights to life, liberty...
[Note: This is a guest post by Ciarán Morrissey. Morrissey is a writer and student in the United Kingdom. He blogs on his personal website and can be...
A recent and a widely circulated paper by University of Massachusetts economist Gerald Friedman asserts that if Democratic Presidential nominee Bernie...
Photo from campus The tribalism, cultural Marxism, and anti-liberalism that permeates the identity politics promoted by the regressive left...
Over the years I have been running ‘Being Classically Liberal,’ I have done a bit of research and come across a number of empirical research papers which...
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[...] become more knowledgeable yourself. The article is formatted as follows: -The Importance of Economic Growth. -Free markets and Economic Growth-Literature reviews. -Individual studies on economic [...]
[...] Economic growth is extremely important for rising incomes. Indeed, research shows that 75% of the income [...]
[...] destroying the environment, worsening working conditions, increasing unemployment, depressing economic growth, and forcing people into poverty. Some have even argued that Capitalism is a threat to [...]
[...] , trade, commerce, and freedom are solutions, not problems. The relationship between economic growth and prosperity: Economic growth is extremely important to humanity. As we become more [...]
[...] Less homicide Economists Edward Stringham and John Levendis examine the correlation between economic freedom and homicide in a large sample of countries and control for other relevant variables. [...]
[...] free markets cause economic growth. A review of over 40 studies on the relationship between economic freedom (capitalism) and economic growth has shown that research consistently demonstrates that [...]
[...] reduction strategy.” This excerpt is especially important because it emphasizes that economic freedom is the key ingredient in any plan to reduce poverty. Economic freedom of course refers to [...]
[...] any other country in the entire world. According to the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, Singapore ranks the second freest economy in the world, with a score of 89.4 out of 100. [...]
[...] economic growth and societal well-being. However, while government spending may be initially beneficial there certainly is a tipping point whereas further spending [...]
[...] 1. GOVERNMENT SPENDING AND TAXATION If there’s one thing progressives love to say, it’s that any [...]
[...] of Employment, Interest, and Money, was published in 1936 the use of deficit financed government spending has been one of the primary means by which governments have attempted to promote growth [...]
[...] is bad for the economy. According to research from the World Bank, large amounts of government spending, especially amounts exceeding 40% of GDP, are detrimental to economic growth, even after [...]
[...] relationship between economic freedom and economic growth, and that research finds that economic liberalization leads to greater economic growth. The belief that socialism produces greater economic [...]
[...] of the manner in which most countries adopt free market reforms (also known as economic liberalization). In fact, the data shows that democracies are more likely to undergo economic [...]
[...] period 1960-2000, economists from Bocconi University compared countries which underwent economic liberalization to those that didn’t, and accounted for other relevant variables and found that, “ [...]
[...] -market economy) to a market economy (or a freer market economy), a process known as economic liberalization. For example, using data from 140 countries over the time period 1960-2000, economists [...]
[...] and productivity reacts to taxation using industry-level data from a set of OECD countries. Examines corporate taxes and top marginal income taxes. Negative effect of [...]
[...] , Brys, Johansson, and Vartia (2008) Examined the effect of taxes on economic growth in 21 OECD countries during the time period of 1971-2004. Negative “Corporate taxes are found to be most harmful [...]
[...] causes slower economic growth in poor countries, but it increases growth in rich countries (OECD countries). Economist Semih Baris examined how inequality affected growth in developing and developed [...]
[...] 3%. Turkey’s gew at 2.8%, Israel at 1.4%, etc. The U.S is performing better than most OECD countries, but it’s not #1. And the fact that the U.S is doing better than most OECD members [...]
[...] that inequality causes financial crashes? Well, researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research decided to empirically examine this belief. Using data from 14 developed countries between [...]
[...] just as much as the average person. Also, in a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, two economists found that global poverty has been decreasing substantially over time as a [...]
[...] workers. However, a re-evaluation of their study by economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research found significant flaws in their methodology, that, when corrected, yielded results which [...]
[...] by both male and female workers. [Emphasis added.]” Research from the National Bureau of Economic Research has found no wage gap among men and women in similar family roles. Additionally, a recent [...]
[...] wages are dependent on worker productivity). In a recent working paper published by the National Bureau for Economic Research, economist Laurence Kotlifoff estimates that abolishing the corporate [...]
[...] unfounded assertion, the most recent (2013) review of the evidence, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, on the relationship between minimum wage laws and unemployment [...]
[...] individual choices being made by both male and female workers.” Also, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research: “There is no gender gap in wages among men and women with similar [...]
[...] no increase in marijuana usage whatsoever since legalization. Moreover, research from the National Bureau of Economic Research conducted research on the effects of medical marijuana laws on teen [...]
[...] more often than not argued that economic liberalization, which is a process of free-market economic reforms, leads to depressed economic growth. For example, one youtube video created by a “ [...]
[...] period concluded that: “Democracy has a positive and significant impact on the adoption of economic reforms [such as trade liberalization, privatization, and the overall reduction of state control [...]
[...] a group of economists of different ideological stripes were asked to propose six economic reforms, one of such reforms was to “eliminate the corporate income tax…Completely.” [1] The [...]
[...] between 1960 and 1995.” Feyrer 2009 “Our empirical investigation of the impact of economic reforms, mainly trade reforms but also industrial delicensing, shows that there is a fair [...]
[...] poverty. Indeed, research finds this is the case. 10. “Free trade doesn’t lead to better economic outcomes in the real world.” In regards to trade liberalization, which is reform which lowers [...]
[...] leads to greater economic growth. The belief that socialism produces greater economic outcomes is a fantasy. 3. The Myth that Big government is the cure to unemployment. It should [...]
[...] performance. This timing suggests a causal interpretation, at least with regard to economic outcomes.” In regards to trade liberalization, which is reform which lowers barriers to [...]
[...] performance. This timing suggests a causal interpretation, at least with regard to economic outcomes.” Subsequent research published in the Journal of Economic Surveys has found that, “ [...]
[...] become more knowledgeable yourself. The article is formatted as follows: -The Importance of Economic Growth. -Free markets and Economic Growth-Literature reviews. -Individual studies on economic [...]
[...] Economic growth is extremely important for rising incomes. Indeed, research shows that 75% of the income [...]
[...] destroying the environment, worsening working conditions, increasing unemployment, depressing economic growth, and forcing people into poverty. Some have even argued that Capitalism is a threat to [...]
[...] , trade, commerce, and freedom are solutions, not problems. The relationship between economic growth and prosperity: Economic growth is extremely important to humanity. As we become more [...]
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