Between the Lines
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I hope you had a great Christmas! Ours was really nice. On Sunday, we spent time after church with some of Jarrod's family, exchanging gifts and things...
From our family to yours... Merry Christmas! Yesterday was Christmas with Jarrod's family. Today is Christmas for our family. Just us three. Staying...
Jarrod didn't say a word to him, and he said, "DUNKIN' DONUTS!" because we tried to get him to say that to smile last week. ;) Today is: December 23...
Happy Fab Friday! The Rules: 1. Copy the HTML code up there ^ and paste the Fab Friday button in a new post. 2. Type out your fab things that happened...
Including today, there are just eleven days left in 2012. I am a goal maker, but not always a goal keeper. I've created a 27 in 2013 list (since I'm...
For my 1st Trimester Essentials, click here. - - - {one} Boppy Prenatal Total Body Pillow (also on 1st Trimester Essentials) - This was a lifesaver...
I've started a fundraiser across all 3 Scentsy Family brands to donate to Newtown Youth & Family Services. From today (December 18th) until December...
I've had this recipe sitting around for a few weeks now, and finally got around to making it this past weekend. It's so easy and fast, and it's so yummy...
A few weeks ago, as I realized just how quickly 2013 was approaching, I began the hunt for a new planner. I had a planner previously that I really liked...
Today is: December 16, 2012 How far along: 25 weeks (13-14 weeks to go!) Total weight gain: 13.5 lbs. Lost some this past week. Baby is the size of...
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