Bhavani Esapathi
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[...] to focus our energies. Perhaps a theme for next years’ FutureEverything Conference maybe? Bhaesa [...]
[...] question now really is, what kinds of writing will 2015 encourage in digital publishing? Bhaesa [...]
[...] have a blog, please leave your name and a link in the comments – I’d love to take a read! Bhaesa [...]
[...] literally THE most simply meal I have ever prepared which doesn’t compromise on the taste. Bhaesa [...]
[...] tech meant to me; without a doubt one of the dominant unescapable themes has been from the digital publishing industry. Sure, we got Google Glass & a whole lot of wearable technology along with [...]
[...] ensued in Manchester earlier this year 2014, on our futures, on the nature of digital technologies and more importantly on the manner of how technologies are altering how we perceive and [...]
[...] bundle of emails thereby clearing your inbox immediately BUT I can snooze using my current email app, I have set reminders AND it allows me to upload files from a variety of sources on the go [...]
[...] CEO of Magneto and here it is… 1. What is the ethos behind Magneto? I mean, why another calendar app when there are already so many out there? One of the neat things about Magneto is that [...]
[...] it’s unbelievable. If TDC achieved something for me, it was this affirmation that digital technology really isn’t something that takes us away from humanity, as much as the controversial [...]
[...] coming through in the middle of an important meeting. The pin button at the very top of the app Google has certainly moved with the times by viewing emails as a ‘to-do tasks list’ and has built in [...]
What is 5Qs? 5Qs is a brand-new platform for emerging brands, startups and my personal favourite – apps! I’ll be talking to developers and entrep [...]
[...] you describe your writers’ block? What’s your Writers’ Block? via @bhaesa Click To Tweet Bhaesa [...]
[...] ! Organisers: Bhavani Esapathi @bhaesa Jennifer Garrick @jengarrick #leedsdata #socialMe Bhaesa [...]
[...] to focus our energies. Perhaps a theme for next years’ FutureEverything Conference maybe? Bhaesa [...]
[...] question now really is, what kinds of writing will 2015 encourage in digital publishing? Bhaesa [...]
[...] have a blog, please leave your name and a link in the comments – I’d love to take a read! Bhaesa [...]
[...] literally THE most simply meal I have ever prepared which doesn’t compromise on the taste. Bhaesa [...]
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