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Test your observation skills with this riddle. The image below shows 2 buildings and it is captured in such a way that you cannot make out which building...
Use your logical skills to solve this simple riddle. An Historic English literature exhibition centre has a unique way of charging its visitors. Each...
Use your logical skills to solve this riddle. An Historic English literature exhibition centre has a unique way of charging its visitors. Each visitor...
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. I am bright orange, I wear a green cap and When you call me it sounds like a parrot? What...
FaceApp photos are circulating again on WhatsApp with the feature of seeing oneself in the opposite sex. Here is a riddle where someone has taken efforts...
This riddle is for all the Bollywood movie buffs. Test your skills with this cryptic puzzle. Identify the Bollywood Movies by Their Vaguely/badly Described...
This quiz is especially for all the cricket fans. Test your cricket knowledge with this riddle on the sport. Guess the words with the help of the hints...
Test your observation skills with this picture riddle. In the given image you will see some ducks (some hidden as well). So count the number of Ducks...
This seems like a very simple riddle but is a bit confusing so read it carefully think and then give the final answer. A lady buys groceries worth Rs...
Since we are all at home because of the lockdown here is a Corona Virus riddle that will make you think. This is a hospital with 16 infected patients...
Test your geometry skills with this picture riddle. In the given picture you will see a square which has 5 circles inside it. The radius of the circle...
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