Bitcoin, Ripple and Alt Coins
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I started with BTC when it was at the beginning stages, when everything seems to be DIY or else you cant get it and where everything seems new and innovative...
Following a huge jump near the end of August 2013, the Bitcoin prices are hovering at the $140 level, this is quite a nice level to be at. Hopefully there...
TradeHill is a Bitcoin exchange similar to that of Mtgox where you can exchange your Bitcoins into fiat currencies such as the US Dollar. It has announced...
Bitcoin is included in Oxford Dictionary, I think this is a huge confirmation of our beloved coin. a digital currency in which transactions can be performed...
It is rare that a simple Coin, especially one that does not even exist physically cause so much interest among the government agencies in USA such that...
The prices of Ripple XRP seems to have taken a beating. Not much news on Ripple XRP too. Hopefully we will see new developments coming up. Ripple Chart...
It is great reading about Bitcoin in the news nowadays as compared to previous when it seemed that Bitcoin was a big unknown, only to be used for drugs...
The current Bitcoin prices hovers around $120, which is a good sign as it had gone down below 3 digits for quite a few weeks. The current pricing is expected...
I would like to introduce Crime Coin which was first released on the 1st Aug 2013. I like the motive behind this coin especially. It tries to help victims...
Bitcoin is by far the earliest having started in 2009. I was one of the early adopters. It was really quite fun at that time when we were doing DIY for...
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