BlackBerry User Group
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Tweet BlackBerry has now taken the next steps in introducing ‘Buy Now’ options in BBM Channels ; the options that appeared in iOS BETA BBM. Now, If you...
Tweet BlackBerry has now rolled out the latest BBM updates for BlackBerry 10 and Android which previously in BETA. There is plenty of new features and...
Tweet For the launch of the DTEK50, BlackBerry did have a webcast set up to introduce the device to the world, however it was not made public. Now, BlackBerry...
Tweet Now that BlackBerry has officially announced their latest Android-powered device, known as DTEK50, it’s time to take a look at what powers does...
Tweet BlackBerry has officially announced the keyboardless DTEK50, the second Android offering from the company. It’s world’s most secure Android smartphone...
Tweet We already been fed by rumors that there will be a new BlackBerry device coming and known as ‘Neon’ or as the FCC documents below note it as,...
Tweet If you’re BBM BETA testers for Android or iOS, there’s new updates are available for download. Below are the changes :- Android Group general...
Tweet Credit to Dylan Habkirk BlackBerry is trying really hard to get back their fans, or at least, that’s what we’re hoping. And according to some...
Tweet As we have seen in the pop-up store in Manhattan’s Brookfield Place, BlackBerry has amped their advertising efforts lately. Now, another new video...
Tweet Earlier, we have known that BlackBerry has work with TCL for it’s new device. Now, @THE_MALIGNANT through his Twitter has posted what claimed to...
Tweet If you popped up your BlackBerry from your pocket, chances are your friends will ask whether BlackBerry still alive. BlackBerry recently announced...
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