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I am just wrapping up a project I did with a good friend of mine whom I met when we were grad students in the Higher Education Administration program...
It’s been a month since my last post and figured it time to update folks on what’s been going on! First, we saw our first signs of green here! I celebrated...
Yep. Stillll snowing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of snow and cold. But it’s May and I’m frankly sick of it. I crave the birds singing, bright...
Since having taken that 2 month break from social media I was able to spend a lot of time creating and expanding. I reopened my Green Earth Images shop...
Means “still snowing” (even I am getting spring fever at this point!!)
So a curious thing happened. I wrote my last blog post a couple months ago, stating that I was done with blogging and signing off. Moreover, instead...
Hi All, Just wanted to let you know that I am going to be moving this blog to “private” in a week. As you have probably noticed, I’ve gone from blogging...
Because we are trying to declutter and pack up non-essentials for a future move and because I’ve been creating a lot more lately, I need to move out some...
I mentioned in my previous post that I felt I needed some time away from the internet (save for my work) to clear my head, my psyche and so I wouldn’t...
I received several sweet comments and warm emails after my last post and so appreciate it. But sorry for creating drama where there really was none....
But meantime, I’ve enjoyed playing with some of my old photos, textures and quotes…which are kind of like mini workouts to painting marathons. I’m going...
Unfortunately Blog home of Green Earth Goodies & j.c.spock has no news yet.
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[...] , we spent the rest of the day antique shopping and hitting up all the thrift stores on our path as many of them had 50% storewide sales because of the holiday. Even ran into [...]
[...] 60′s/70′s look a new/old look. So I had been scoping out craigslist and thrift stores for this kind of furniture and a couple weeks ago, I was thrilled to find a dresser and [...]
[...] hopeless. But I kept working on things for my booth…I visited antique fairs and thrift stores, painted/distressed more items and made more stickers (the top selling item in my booth [...]
[...] (or keep in your fridge for up to a month). I had made freezer jam last year when I had a huge amount of blueberries on hand and we were getting tired of eating [...]
[...] craving fruit salad with the rising temperatures, but because I also need to make more freezer jam as the batch I made only 6 weeks ago is already gone (and we only gave one of the 6 pints [...]
[...] so I’m a happy bird! But…wanted to tell you about my *latest* endeavor! So a couple weeks ago I mentioned that I was pretty much collecting my eggs back from the proverbial baskets I [...]
[...] It’s been a couple weeks since I last posted, but I felt I needed to take a break and do an evaluation. Truth is, I&# [...]
[...] So I had been scoping out craigslist and thrift stores for this kind of furniture and a couple weeks ago, I was thrilled to find a dresser and vanity/desk set at a great price! Here’s [...]
[...] . David and I made major shifts in our finances and spending so that I could leave the corporate world and spend time at home, with him and the dogs and live more simply. Although it started that [...]
[...] for a large bulk order including original artwork, and they commended me for leaving the corporate world to pursue my passion while still young and healthy. We talked for over a half hour. We [...]
[...] I’ve been decorating my booth space at The Barn for a couple of weeks now and it makes me so happy to be decorating for my favorite [...]
[...] to find every last project that needs finishing and item that I could possibly place in my booth space while I still have it for the next 3 weeks. Trouble is, with the thousands of dollars in [...] [...]
[...] later, I started seeing ads for their annual fair in all the magazines I was reading, design blogs I came across…it was seemingly everywhere I looked. When I saw that the editors [...]
[...] “upcycle” what others might see as unsightly. I also had been following a lot of design blogs and last summer I picked up a very old school yet cool library card catalog. I started to [...]
[...] I spent the morning “white-washing” a bunch of thrift store finds; tomorrow I need to distress them. These types of items seem to be the primary things [...]
[...] (strangely my most popular item there the past two weeks), creating new items and upcycling thrift store finds and painting/embellishing old goods to make them new again. (Full disclosure, my photos [...]
[...] So holiday decorating is in full swing and this week I finished decorating our great room (it’s not that big, it’ [...]
Wow, I’m doing awful with blogging this month, eh? Sorry, haven’t been particularly chatty, was trying to keep up with the busy-ness of 3 online [...]
[...] to not feel pressured to follow a blog schedule, but rather blog when I feel inspired. My new schedule has been fantastic and is allowing me to re-evaluate where I spend my time and what I want to [...]
[...] completed. I hope to have more completed by next week, but I don’t know…my new schedule has been fantastic and with all the free time, you’d think I’d be painting [...]
[...] , we spent the rest of the day antique shopping and hitting up all the thrift stores on our path as many of them had 50% storewide sales because of the holiday. Even ran into [...]
[...] 60′s/70′s look a new/old look. So I had been scoping out craigslist and thrift stores for this kind of furniture and a couple weeks ago, I was thrilled to find a dresser and [...]
[...] hopeless. But I kept working on things for my booth…I visited antique fairs and thrift stores, painted/distressed more items and made more stickers (the top selling item in my booth [...]
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