Blood & Blades


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Blood & Blades' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Blood & Blades' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Blood & Blades' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Blood & Blades' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Blood & Blades' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Blood & Blades has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

A bit of magic...

[...] a few times now.  Good Stuff. However the tail does not end there.  As it turns out the Dresden Files is a book series.  A really good book series, with around 12 novels (the latest one coming out [...]


[...] I am building and painting a Grey Knight army as an Ordo Xenos Death Watch army. On the Painted Dragon me and 3 other members have agreed to assemble and paint a unit and all paint them in the [...]

WIP Purifiers

[...] yet as he is being entered in a painting contest on a forum that I frequent regularly, The Painted Dragon. Funny thing about this pic of Purifiers is that it is the only unit in the whole army that [...]

Rust Tutorial

[...] I put together a little tutorial on how I do rust for a forum I frequent regularly, The Painted Dragon and thought I should post it here as well. Enjoy! ______________________ Okay, about [...]

Bah Bah Stormraven!

[...] again.  Well last month for a joint motivational thread on a forum I post on regularly, The Painted Dragon, I decided to paint a Blood Angels Stormraven that I had sitting around.  I started working [...]

Warmachine Update! Getting There...

[...] Hey guys, I thought I should continue the flurry of activity on my blog this week by posting some updated [...]

These are the voyages of the...

[...] Hey guys, Huron here.  Wow it has been a while.  So things have been kind of rough in the unemployed [...]

A bit of magic...

[...] Hey guys, Huron here, I know it has been a while.  So today I wanted to discuss something a bit different. [...]

New Destiny

[...] Hey guys, by the time the post publishes I will have dropped out of the Nova Open 40K tournament.  I know I know.  I have been discussing it with many of you for a while now and [...]

2011 recap, 2012 Goals

[...] spring.  My interest was rekindled and I managed to paint up several new Khador models for the Nova Open at the end of August and play in one of the tournaments there (one of only 4 tournaments I [...]

Warmachine Update! Getting There...

[...] week by posting some updated pics of the Khador Models I posted last Friday.  Tonight the Nova Open begins, well for me it is really just going to be a few hours of dropping in to say hello [...]

40k Hopefuls, #2

[...] of Plastic and Resin Arms; FW Hersey Missile Launcher, FW Hersey Heavy Weapon Back Pack, FW Hersey Meltagun, 8 FW Umbra Ferrox Pattern Bolters. Terminators (both Squads): 10 Grey Knight Plastic [...]

pIrusk Alt, WIP

Hey guys, here are some pics of the model I have spent most of 2012 so far working on, pIrusk (plain Irusk, or v1 Irusk).  This model is an alt sculp [...]

pIrusk Alt, Final

Hey guys, Huron here.  Well pIrusk is all finished though I might go in with some weathering powder in the future and hit up his base, boots, and the [...]


[...] models for this month come from).  Here are some pics: Crowe: Strike Squad: Purifiers: Okay guys, so I will let you know how the painting goes and as the project advances I will post [...]

40k Hopefuls, #2

[...] to strip them.  They are next up on my list of minis to get a dunk (been focusing on Warmachine models recently, though the standard bearer has already been soaking for over a day now as a [...]

First Minis of 2012

[...] army (well all foot except 1 landspeeder, 3 bikes, and a Drop Pod) from the mostly painted BA minis I have kicking around with a few Painted Flesh Tearer minis I won at a BFS charity Tournament [...]

Colossals... Uh Wa?!?!?

[...] pictures of the Cygnar and Khador Colossals, both which look awesome.  There will be 6 Warmachine Colossals, one for each faction and even one for Mercs (though no one can firmly say which merc [...]

?Key Phrases
A bit of magic...

[...] a few times now.  Good Stuff. However the tail does not end there.  As it turns out the Dresden Files is a book series.  A really good book series, with around 12 novels (the latest one coming out [...]

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