Bloomingdale Church
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Solomon offers a wrap up of his journal as he approaches the end of his life and is looking back. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider...
In an effort to live out the true meaning of Christmas, we set aside a Sunday afternoon in December each year to serve others. We begin with a soup and...
Selections, choices, and decisions. Throughout our journeys we make many decisions. Sometimes we make good decisions, and sometimes we make bad decisions...
The PAK (Pre-Adolescent Kids), our 5th & 6th grade “youth group,” will be presenting their 30 minute Christmas play entitled A CHRISTMAS REWIND, on...
What is it about having a positive attitude that makes it infectious? Have you ever noticed its effect on others for good or ill? People who have a positive...
King Solomon offers us critical life lessons that he learned the hard way. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider on Nov 14 & 15, 20...
Fall Fest 2015 Kids and families had a great time at Fall Fest! The morning kicked off right with a hot breakfast in the Common Grounds. Our awesome...
King Solomon continues his candid journal of pursuing the good life. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider on Nov 7 & 8, 2015. Sermon...
This is the fifth in a series of posts on the Nursery re-creation. Bloomingdale Church’s Nursery is undergoing a re-creation to meet the needs of families...
Even if there isn’t a “Life Illustrated” skit every weekend, regular attenders often point to the creative dramas as a favorite part of service. We can...
As much fun as we like to have with one another, we are also very much dedicated to wanting to thank God for who he is and what he has done in our lives...
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[...] The “people church” logo has been a familiar, identifying symbol in the local community of Bloomingdale Church throughout its 36 years as a congregation. It is a simple concept of friendly people [...]
[...] in the choir? The choir practices on Saturdays from 9-10am at Bloomingdale Church, in the Common Grounds Room. All who enjoy singing are welcome. Nothing is required, just [...]
[...] , best know for her popular fiction series, The Yada Yada Prayer Group, will speak at Bloomingdale Church for a special event for women on Friday, March 20. Neta is the author of novels inspired by [...]
[...] Bloomingdale Church’s 18.20somethings group cares and wants to help hungry kids around the world. The group is [...]
[...] benefit from an encouraging word or kind act from us. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider on September 27-28, 2014, Bloomingdale Church. Sermon Outline [PDF] [...]
[...] of “listening” in healthy interpersonal relationships. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider on October 11 & 12, 2014 at Bloomingdale Church. Sermon Outline [PDF] [...]
[...] healthy relationships ties the first four arts together. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider on October 25-26, 2014 at Bloomingdale Church. Sermon Outline [PDF] [...]
[...] is having a mindset to “welcome” people into our life. This message was presented by David Riemenschneider on November 1-2, 2014, 2014 at Bloomingdale Church. Sermon Outline [PDF] [...]
[...] why? Reason one: The Winter Banquet gives students an opportunity to be a part of something big. They may not receive a part in [...]
[...] Save the Date! 2015 Winter Banquet: Fri Feb 27 & Sat Feb 28. The Winter Banquet is an adult night out that celebrates great food, theater, and friendships. It is the Youth [...]
[...] in youth ministry events, retreats, and fundraisers (ex: Disciple Now, Winter Camp, Crash, Winter Banquet, onMission trips, LIFE) Student Internship mentors Support Lead Youth Pastor by promoting [...]
[...] Youth Group students would like to officially announce “da” theme for “da” 2015 Winter Banquet: “Once Upon a Windy City.” It’s a mash-up of the things we love about Chicago [...]
[...] , Indiana to do landscape Patti B’s property. Sunday January 4, the Young Professionals are starting their first adult education class entitled: The Stewardship of Time and Life. [...]
Last Sunday, a group of single people near the age of thirty were having lunch at our home. It became immediately evident that these people have no ti [...]
[...] level of the grey house. (Led by Brent Steinke) The Stewardship of Time and Life: Young Professionals & Young Couples groups. Meets in lower level of the North Building. Begins Jan [...]
[...] who were grateful as we bonded while serving, traveling, and eating together. The Young Professionals is a newly forming group comprised of people who are in their 20s and 30s and [...]
[...] for a lively discussion and prayer, led by Pastor David. The Friday Morning Men starts in the Common Grounds at 9am, has a short Bible study and then breaks into teams and does serving projects until [...]
[...] each year to serve people. We begin with a soup and sandwich lunch together at 12:15pm in Common Grounds, followed by singing a Christmas carol. At 1:00pm we will leave for our chosen serving venues. [...]
[...] . After each Saturday worship, there is an open coffee and social gathering time in the nearby Common Grounds room. Some people stop in for just a few minutes, and others stay for an hour. We provide [...]
[...] . While the children (pre-K through 6th grade) head off for Awana, the parents stay in Common Grounds for eighty-five minutes of rowdy laughter, making some new friendships, and talking about key [...]
[...] .” Now, we don’t have pews, but here is the gist. When I am greeting people at the weekend services, I often find myself pacing the pews so that I can individually talk to people. I [...]
[...] that are found in the Bible that come with long-lived joy. Consider joining us for our weekend services: Sat 5:30pm, Sun 8:30am, Sun 11:00am for “The Gifts of Christmas” series. [...]
[...] while connecting with God. If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll join us for our weekend services, during which kids can take part in Children’s Church. You can also check out the [...]
[...] that are found in the Bible that come with long-lived joy. Consider joining us for our weekend services: Sat 5:30pm, Sun 8:30am, Sun 11:00am for “The Gifts of Christmas” series. [...]
[...] are welcome. Infants and toddlers are welcome with parental supervision. Dates: Sat Jan 10 | Sat Feb 21 | Sat Mar 21 Time: 10am to Noon Where: Bloomingdale Church Gymnasium and CoffeeHouse Questions? [...]
[...] and toddlers are welcome with parental supervision. Upcoming Open Gym & CoffeeHouse Dates: Sat Feb 21 & Sat Mar 21 Time: 10am to Noon Where: Bloomingdale Church Gymnasium and CoffeeHouse [...]
[...] Save the Date! 2015 Winter Banquet: Fri Feb 27 & Sat Feb 28. The Winter Banquet is an adult night out that celebrates great food, theater, and friendships. [...]
[...] Palestine team . If you are an adult, we invite you to be our guest on Fri Feb 27 or Sat Feb 28. You can purchase tickets here. If you are a 7th-12th grade student , we hope you will commit [...]
[...] Teen Series,” in which we invite “professional practitioners to present real-world parenting skills and conversations about teen realities.” Matt McDonald, a local middle school [...]
[...] Child’s Emotions THE PARENTING TEENS SERIES // Professional practitioners presenting real-world parenting skills and conversations about teen realities [...]
[...] Panera Gift Card.) THE PARENTING TEENS SERIES // Professional practitioners presenting real-world parenting skills and conversations about teen realities [...]
[...] to God! Sun Nov 23, 5-6:45pm Dinner begins at 5pm. Praise Service begins at 6pm) Bloomingdale Church Gymnasium & Sanctuary Thanksgiving meal spots are limited to 250 people. Sign up on the [...]
[...] supervision. Dates: Sat Jan 10 | Sat Feb 21 | Sat Mar 21 Time: 10am to Noon Where: Bloomingdale Church Gymnasium and CoffeeHouse Questions? Contact Miriam or Charlie: [...]
[...] Gym & CoffeeHouse Dates: Sat Feb 21 & Sat Mar 21 Time: 10am to Noon Where: Bloomingdale Church Gymnasium and CoffeeHouse Interested? Go here: Young Families Open Gym and CoffeeHouse Young [...]
[...] The following is an excerpt from a recent talk at Friday Night Coffeehouse, from the”God Is” series: A common theme in United States history is freedom. Wars have [...]
[...] of God’s character is similar to putting puzzle pieces together. Join us at Friday Night Coffeehouse as we each seek to discover who “I Am.” Previously, we focused on “God Is.” In [...]
[...] :55-6:30, students and adult leaders gather to pray and ask God to do great things. Then Friday Night Coffeehouse begins at 6:30pm. We hope you will join us. [...]
[...] The “people church” logo has been a familiar, identifying symbol in the local community of Bloomingdale Church throughout its 36 years as a congregation. It is a simple concept of friendly people [...]
[...] in the choir? The choir practices on Saturdays from 9-10am at Bloomingdale Church, in the Common Grounds Room. All who enjoy singing are welcome. Nothing is required, just [...]
[...] , best know for her popular fiction series, The Yada Yada Prayer Group, will speak at Bloomingdale Church for a special event for women on Friday, March 20. Neta is the author of novels inspired by [...]
[...] Bloomingdale Church’s 18.20somethings group cares and wants to help hungry kids around the world. The group is [...]
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