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It’s been a little while since I last posted here. I don’t really have a good reason why. Perhaps I was feeling a little bit burnt out, or maybe I was...
It’s just like me to open up a can of worms, but it is something to think about. For me personally, my most expensive doll was my (first) Kenner. She...
We are going to completely ignore the fact that my Petites aren’t wearing very spring-summer clothing. This is because I don’t actually have spring-summer...
This is a loaded question because for me it really varies. I still haven’t fully unpacked since moving last summer (I’ve been busy…), so I’m not 100%...
Happy first day of May! I’d post that Justin Timberlake meme, but I’m sure you will see that elsewhere (on Facebook… on Instagram…). It’s the first Monday...
Three cheers for everyone who commented and entered into the giveaway that I hosted with Jessica of Dear Girlface. If you missed the interview, you can...
It’s not uncommon these days to hear about defects in brand new releases, fresh from the box. Either with the make-up (blush is often the complaint that...
I had the opportunity to interview Jessica of Dear Girlface and I’m pleased to share Jessica’s beautiful customizing work with all of you! She’s a vendor...
Tertiary Jane I’ve seen some really odd doll names throughout the years being mentioned, and I have personally named some of my dolls some odd names...
The great thing about the Blythe community is that everyone interacts with their dolls differently. For those that bestow personalities onto their dolls...
It’s a Monday and I have Middies so it must be Middie Monday! I’ve been attempting to craft more for the Middie girls lately, experimenting and trying...
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