Born in 2011
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In a break from my number one rule of blogging – don’t blog about blogging – I am writing to tell you that I have started a new blog – as we feel we are...
My child is surprisingly advanced for his age. It’s nothing we’ve done, apart from obviously we enrolled him in Kumon aged 4 months, taught him phonics...
Judy Murray has recently had to defend, again, the accusation that she’s a Pushy Mother. She has rightly pointed out that if she was the father she wouldn...
As part of my Expert of My Own Experience series I bring you Halina, and her excellently honest thoughts on working as a parent. Enjoy. I feel as though...
As we get older and everyone around us seems to be buying houses it is easy to feel a little inadequate – that is until I check myself and remember that...
My husband is a huge Desert Island Discs fan, so I challenged him recently to come up with his own (which, when he finally makes his choices, I hope to...
Whether parents should work is a familiar and regular headline, discussion topic and point of contention amongst the media, politicians and commentators...
If you are wondering, which I’m sure you are (not), what my drink of choice will always be every summer for ever more then this is it. The Balcony...
There is no perfect balance between work and home when you are a parent. I do not believe that the equilibrium will ever be ‘just so’ in this...
The theme for this month’s Experts series is Work. I think I telepathically chose it a few weeks ago to chime in perfectly with the Kirstie Allsop...
Oh mother’s friend. We first met when I was a child, I know you were a comfort to my Mum, guiding her through our early years with your soothing...
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[...] Judy Murray has recently had to defend, again, the accusation that she’s a Pushy Mother. She has rightly [...]
[...] Next up in our Experts series is Halina, she is Mum to Tom and blogs at Kitchen Choufleur - here is her experience of [...]
[...] The theme for this month’s Experts series is Work. I think I telepathically chose it a few weeks ago to chime in perfectly with the [...]
Whether parents should work is a familiar and regular headline, discussion topic and point of contention amongst the media, politicians and comment [...]
[...] we enrolled him in Kumon aged 4 months, taught him phonics whilst still in the womb and had Darcey Bussell herself teaching him ballet since … Continue reading → [...]
Whether parents should work is a familiar and regular headline, discussion topic and point of contention amongst the media, politicians and comment [...]
[...] is Work. I think I telepathically chose it a few weeks ago to chime in perfectly with the Kirstie Allsop debate that is currently raging on social media. Less about that though and … Continue [...]
Judy Murray has recently had to defend, again, the accusation that she’s a Pushy Mother. She has rightly pointed out that if she was the father she [...]
[...] Judy Murray has recently had to defend, again, the accusation that she’s a Pushy Mother. She has rightly [...]
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