

Channel Reputation Rank


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last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Boys-R-Us' channel has a poor rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Boys-R-Us' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Boys-R-Us' Channel

Boys = Noise covered in dirt...that sounds about right!

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Boys-R-Us' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Boys-R-Us' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Boys-R-Us' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Boys-R-Us has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Woah! So many things to catch...

[...] Woah! So many things to catch up on. December: Sick Boy Mom, dang nose, and lungs, much empathy for sinus/asthma sufferers everywhere. Missionary number [...]

Were On Our Way...

[...] while wandering a corn maze with 5 wonderful kiddos, 2 cute husbands, and the best girl friend a Boy Mom could ever have. Sky, the definition of azure blue. Corn, high as an elephants eye. Adorable [...]

Roll Up Those Genes, Spring Has Sprung

[...] Setting: Front yard where Boy Mom is admiring her blooming bulbs and enjoying a moment of quiet. #3 and #4 walk up having returned [...]

When I'm Not Boy Mom

[...] cleaning out a four day old crock pot with hand sanitizer and paper towels is a lot like being a Boy Mom.  Oh well, I got my movie tickets. [...]

Mom of the Year

[...] fanning the wall and fridge in my wake, "Hey, #7, quit calling your brother a douche bag!" I yell sweetly request. "He is a douche bag!" yells #7 as he launches himself [...]

Woah! So many things to catch...

[...] during a very busy month but he LOVES it. Christmas sat in bins and boxes until a near Adorable Hubby meltdown. Presents were simple kinda, #2 wanted to give his brothers a going away XBox 360 [...]

Were On Our Way...

[...] a Boy Mom could ever have. Sky, the definition of azure blue. Corn, high as an elephants eye. Adorable Hubby (lives up to his name, huh?) and Suz headed into the corn maze. Lilly! Adam! Look at the [...]

Lost In Translation

[...] the repair bill or a new dryer and how you'll survive not doing any laundry until you're off graveyard shift and can take care of it all. May learn, a week later when you make it down to check out the [...]

At 2:00 AM on July 4th Shouldn't Traffic Lights Be Red, White and Blue?

[...] Yes, for the past three years I have worked the graveyard shift seven nights on and seven nights off; but, going to work at 9:00 PM and working until 7:00 AM [...]

When I'm Not Boy Mom

[...] white hallway to the radiology office.  As the door appears she sighs, hoping tonight's graveyard shift will be a quiet assortment of phone calls, patients and paperwork.  Entering the office a [...]

Rude Awakening

[...] of the day.  Yes, day! I get woken up to solve big problems, "Mom, we're out of  spaghetti sauce." "Mom, everybody in this family uses me for their punching bag."  I [...]

Mom of the Year

[...] , douche bag. Grrr, my Boy Mom senses start tingling and I whirl from the stove a pattern of spaghetti sauce splots fanning the wall and fridge in my wake, "Hey, #7, quit calling your brother a [...]

Were On Our Way...

[...] their daddy. This picture really doesn't do justice to the pig experience, the baby pigs were kinda cute and almost as big as the daddy pigs junk. I really did watch some hesitant little boy work up [...]

You're It

[...] Flats, Nevada. I would also love to go to Europe and the Seychelles. 2. What is your favorite movie that has Hugh Jackman in it? I love him in X-Men Origins, who wouldn't? But, for me it's The [...]

Woah! So many things to catch...

[...] 20 minutes. After 4 minutes of silence... #7: It would be really great to be a balloon... Boy Mom Adorable Hubby, #5, #6: ?? #7: ...until you POPPED! Boy Mom: (covering up a laugh) Shhhh #7: Of course [...]

Mom of the Year

[...] It's only  May but I'm well on my way to being that coveted Mom of the Year grand prize winner. Language, we all know that getting your children to use [...]

Lose Yourself in Nature

[...] I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map... didn't really pay off. On the trail.  Love all the cute hiker bums! These berries were yummy looking but we didn't eat any. This meadow was sprinkled with [...]

?Key Phrases
Woah! So many things to catch...

[...] Woah! So many things to catch up on. December: Sick Boy Mom, dang nose, and lungs, much empathy for sinus/asthma sufferers everywhere. Missionary number [...]

Were On Our Way...

[...] while wandering a corn maze with 5 wonderful kiddos, 2 cute husbands, and the best girl friend a Boy Mom could ever have. Sky, the definition of azure blue. Corn, high as an elephants eye. Adorable [...]

Roll Up Those Genes, Spring Has Sprung

[...] Setting: Front yard where Boy Mom is admiring her blooming bulbs and enjoying a moment of quiet. #3 and #4 walk up having returned [...]

When I'm Not Boy Mom

[...] cleaning out a four day old crock pot with hand sanitizer and paper towels is a lot like being a Boy Mom.  Oh well, I got my movie tickets. [...]

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