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90% of the world’s drops are done by jugglers. Whatever you juggle – balls, fruit, chainsaws, or family schedules – you are statistically more likely...
As the military general in charge of US operations in Europe during World War II, Dwight Eisenhower had many difficult days. He had to handle shifting...
In his book The Game Changer, Dr Jason Fox says that a game is anything that has goals, rules, and feedback. A good game balances all three of these against...
The house was a wreck. That’s what happens when six young boys spend Saturday morning running amok. My two brothers and I were often left with another...
I’m a polymath, so you may have been surprised by the variety of topics you see me write about. Depending on what phase of my interests I was in when...
When the psychoanalyst Carl Jung was challenging the philosophy of Sigmund Freud, he needed complete focus. Freud had become the leading voice in psychiatry...
When I spent a year attending the Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre, we spent a lot of time working hard on our ability to play. Class...
I spend a lot of my time beyond the cutting edge. If the Early Adopters in the ‘Diffusion of Innovation’ theory of Everett Rogers are the ones on the...
I play guitar with my thumbs. Not just my right thumb – it’s normal to use both the thumb and fingers when you are picking the strings – but my left...
Marketing your business can distract you from doing your best work. The best marketing you can do gets you the most amount of leads in the least amount...
Positioning is how you show up in the world, but it’s not defined by you. It’s defined by your audience. How others see you, and what they think of you...
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