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CBSE IX PHYSICS: 1. Under what conditions work is said to be done? 2. State the energy changes taking place in the following cases: (i) A car moves...
1. A resistance of 6 ohms is connected in series with another resistance of 4 ohms. A potential difference of 20 volts is applied across the combination...
5 ways students can promote their independent thinking: 1. Read Widely: Explore books, articles, and resources from various subjects and genres. Reading...
I am happy to explain the Joule's heating effect. JSunil sir When electric current flows through a resistor, like a wire, some of the electrical energy...
Class 08 Science Book Science Mission answer Ch_01 Crop production and Management Answer (Science Mission Class 08) Download File Class _8 Ch_2 Microorganisms...
Chapter Sound and Reflection of sound Objective: Multiple choice Questions 1. A sound wave travels from east to west, in which direction do the...
Class 9 Original Question Paper March 2016 for 2015-16 9th Maths Question paper(visitor) 2015-16-1 Download File 9th Maths Question paper(visitor)...
Class 9 Chapter Work and energy Solved Numerical problems 1. A force of 10N causes a displacement or 2m in a body in its own direction. Calculate the...
Thrust and Pressure, Pressure in Fluids, Buoyancy, Why objects floats or sink when placed on the surface of water?, Archimedes’ Principle, Relative Density...
FORCE AND PRESSURE What is force : A force is a push or pulls acting on an object which changes or tends to change the state of the object. In the...
1) A ray of light incident on one of the parallel faces of a rectangular glass slab, emerges out of the opposite parallel face a) parallel to the incident...
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[...] is the nature of beam of light produced by the lens. Draw a diagram to show this. Q. The refractive index of a dense flint glass is 1.65 and for alcohol it is 1.36 with respect to air. Find the [...]
[...] the normal as it meets the surface of rarer medium c) It goes straight d) None of these 5) Refractive index is the property of : a) One medium b) The pair of media c) One vacuum d) None of these 6) [...]
[...] as reciprocal of focal length? Give reason. 10.A convex lens is made of a material of refractive index m1 when placed in a medium of refractive index m2, behaves as a diverging [...]
[...] angle of incidence and refraction are respectively 45° and 30°. Calculate the refractive index of second medium with respect to the first medium. 22. A pond of depth 20 cm is filled with [...]
[...] ; d) Sodium carbonate 32. Using a convex lens a student obtained a sharp image of the grill of a window in the laboratory on a screen. For [...]
[...] Example: 1 Calculate the minimum distance between object and its real image formed by convex lens of focal length F (a) f (b) 2f (c) 3f (d) 4f Answer: Let the distance between object and real [...]
[...] . a) Electric bulb b) electric cell c) battery 12. State any three differences between a convex lens and a concave lens. 13. State the factors responsible for the depletion of water table. 14. [...]
[...] it forms an image of 10 cm from the lens? Find the nature and size of the image formed. 7.A convex lens has a focal length of 30 cm. Calculate at what distance should the object be placed from the [...]
[...] Multiple Choice Questions : Physics Class X MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT 1.A magnetic field can exert force on (a)a moving magnet (b) stationary magnet (c) moving charge (d)all of [...]
[...] beam, moving horizontally from back wall towards the front wall, is deflected by a strong magnetic field to your right side. What is the direction of magnetic field? Solution: Here , An electron [...]
[...] be induced in coil B? Give reason. (b) State the rule to determine the direction of a : (i) magnetic field produced around a straight conductor carrying current. (ii) force experienced by a current [...]
[...] orbiting nucleus. This motion of electrons produces magnetic effect. As Ampere suggested, a magnetic field is produced whenever an electrical charge is in motion. 2. Does magnetic field always [...]
[...] CBSE PHYSICS CLASS X Very short Answer 1. What is radius of plane mirror? Ans: Infinity 2. What is angle of reflection for a ray falling normally on a plane mirror? [...]
Multiple Choice Questions : Reflection and Refraction 1. A ray of light strikes the surface of mirror at an angle of 300 with the mirror. The angle [...]
[...] ; (d) none. 2. An object 20cm high is placed at a distance of 100 cm from a plane mirror .The size of the image will be. (a) 20 cm (b) [...]
[...] to be higher than he actually is. Question: A man sits in a optician 's chair ,looking into a plane mirror which is 2m away from him and views the image of a chart which faces the mirror and is 50 cm [...]
[...] -the image of distant objects is focused before the retina) is corrected by using a concave lens of suitable power. 10. Presbyopia is the defect of human eye due to which an old person cannot [...]
[...] 10. Which of the following can produce a virtual image ? (A) Plane mirror (B) Concave lens (C) Convex lens (D) All of these 11. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of [...]
[...] of the following can produce a virtual image ? (A) Plane mirror (B) Concave lens (C) Convex lens (D) All of these 11. When a glass rod is [...]
[...] -the image of distant objects is focused before the retina) is corrected by using a concave lens of suitable power. 10. Presbyopia is the defect of human eye due to which an old person [...]
[...] echo? Q.20. Which part of the ear turns pressure variations into electrical signals? CBSE Pathshala: IX Chapter – Sound: Test Paper by JSUNIL TUTORIAL,...: JSUNIL [...]
[...] and delayed sunset? 15. Why sun appears white at noon? To see answer click link given below CBSE Pathshala: X Solved:The Human Eye and the Colorful World : [...]
Chapter: 17- Stars and The Solar System- Question bank for Class VIII(8th) 1. Which is the smallest planet of the solar system? 2. Which is the near [...]
Chapter: 17- Stars and The Solar System- Question bank for Class VIII(8th) 1. Which is the smallest planet of the solar system? 2. Which is the near [...]
[...] X unsolved) Solved Electricity numerical for class 10 Current Electricity Numerical solved MCQ physics 10th Chapter Electric current and its effects Electric current and its effects: An Introduction [...]
[...] ; Solved Electricity numerical for class 10 Current Electricity Numerical solved MCQ physics 10th Chapter Electric current and its effects Electric current and its effects: An [...]
[...] X unsolved) Solved Electricity numerical for class 10 Current Electricity Numerical solved MCQ physics 10th Chapter Electric current and its effects Electric current and its effects: An Introduction [...]
[...] X unsolved) Solved Electricity numerical for class 10 Current Electricity Numerical solved MCQ physics 10th Chapter Electric current and its effects Electric current and its effects: An Introduction [...]
[...] Eye and the Colorful World Human Eyes and Colorful world Guess Question solved X (10th) X CBSE PHYSICS Human Eyes Questions for Practice CBSE Class 10 Physics The Humane Eyes Study [...]
[...] Eye and the Colorful World Human Eyes and Colorful world Guess Question solved X (10th) X CBSE PHYSICS Human Eyes Questions for Practice CBSE Class 10 Physics The Humane Eyes Study [...]
[...] and the Colorful World Human Eyes and Colorful world Science Guess Question solved X (10th) X CBSE PHYSICS Human Eyes Questions for Practice CBSE Class 10 Physics The Humane Eyes Study Notes CBSE [...]
[...] (Reflection and Refraction) CBSE Solved Questions For X Reflection and Refraction CBSE Solved Self Preparation Questions Reflection and Refraction) 10th [...]
[...] (Reflection and Refraction) CBSE Solved Questions For X Reflection and Refraction CBSE Solved Self Preparation Questions Reflection and Refraction) 10th [...]
[...] (Reflection and Refraction) CBSE Solved Questions For X Reflection and Refraction CBSE Solved Self Preparation Questions Reflection and Refraction) 10th [...]
[...] is the nature of beam of light produced by the lens. Draw a diagram to show this. Q. The refractive index of a dense flint glass is 1.65 and for alcohol it is 1.36 with respect to air. Find the [...]
[...] the normal as it meets the surface of rarer medium c) It goes straight d) None of these 5) Refractive index is the property of : a) One medium b) The pair of media c) One vacuum d) None of these 6) [...]
[...] as reciprocal of focal length? Give reason. 10.A convex lens is made of a material of refractive index m1 when placed in a medium of refractive index m2, behaves as a diverging [...]
[...] angle of incidence and refraction are respectively 45° and 30°. Calculate the refractive index of second medium with respect to the first medium. 22. A pond of depth 20 cm is filled with [...]
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