CMU Sphinx
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The list of accepted projects for Google Summer of Code 2017 has been announced today. Please check There are two major parts, one is pronunciation evaluation...
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With the launch of Android Wear’s new version 2.0 now it is possible to run standalone apps on wearables – indepentent of a phone. The PocketSphinx Demo...
After several years break we are pleased to announce that CMUSphinx project is accepted to Google Summer Of Code 2017 program. That will enable us to...
Guenter Bartsch writes us: The latest release of my audio models built from voxforge submissions is up to 70 hours of audio and 27k dictionary entries...
Sourceforge done some wrong steps, but now is is getting definitely better. And they provide a crazy slow, but still a very valuable hosting for us. ...
This is an interesting, a very important question for our users. Embedded software is one of the core use cases, nobody cares about Intel these days,...
Recurrent neural networks (RNN) with long short term memory cells (LSTM) recently demonstrated very promising performance results in language modeling...
Jackson Chen, a high-schooler from Colorado, US has recently made available a chess application controlled by voice created with CMUSphinx. You can find...
See the details here. OpenEars is now able to support speech recognition with English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, and Dutch.
There is a big demand in support of speech recognition API in various programming environments. Python is getting a lot of traction, Ruby is still widely...
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