Chez Maximka
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Degustabox is a monthly food and drink subscription box. It's an excellent way of discovering new products which have only just appeared in the shops...
Maid of Steel by Kate Baker is celebrating its first anniversary. I reviewed this evocative, gripping historical novel last year (see my post for Maid...
"How could she be a girl of nineteen in love one day and an exhausted woman of almost thirty-nine the next?" "Jessie is a saint and Etta is a sinner...
"Whatever she'd been expecting, it wasn't a bag full of letters to - well, to someone who didn't exist". "It seemed detective work was considerably more...
"...she could see the shop in front of her, Knjižara Svih Nacija written in a curve of gold paint across the top of the arched window. The name itself...
"Someone dropped a cup and Sven thought he could hear the gods laughing in the sound it made as it bounced off the table. He gripped the ivory Mjöllnir...
Hazard Night Cleeve College is not for everyone... When Eve's husband is appointed housemaster at his old boarding school, Cleeve College, she gives...
Degustabox is a monthly food and drink subscription box. It's an excellent way of discovering new products which have only just appeared in the shops...
"There was no question that he was a brilliant - and ruthless - businessman with a nose for a lucrative deal, and not too many scruples about how he made...
While we're saying Good bye to January, let's ponder on the very first Degustabox of the year. Degustabox is a monthly food and drink subscription box...
"As I sat there and reflected, I realised that I woke up every morning and looked forward to heading into Book Ends. Whether that had something to do...
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