Clerkendweller : Application Security and Privacy
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I have been working on a new OWASP incubator project since February this year — the Automated Threats to Web Applications Project. There are many aspects...
I have published an updated version of the OWASP AppSensor Guide, the guide to application-specific real time attack detection and response. The v2....
Gartner has published an updated "magic quadrant" report about Web Application Firewall (WAF) vendors. Sixteen vendor offerings are assessed. To be included...
Security was given a high profile on the agenda of this year's Norwegian Developers Conference (NDC). One talk which caught my eye was Kevin Hakanson...
I listened to Wojciech Dworakowski speak at AppSec EU 2015 about e-banking transaction authorisation. His presentation is available to watch, but he...
Following the release of PCI DSS v3.0 in November 2013, both the PCI SSC and Visa Europe sought to clarify the validation and reporting requirements for...
There is a growing wave of websites and other web applications that are now moving to be TSL-only (transport layer security only, aka SSL-only). Apart...
Two recent publications provide security advice for Docker users. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) has published a Benchmark for Docker Engine...
NCC Group has published some guidance for finance/e-commerce application penetration testers. Common Security Issues in Financially-Oriented Web Applications...
The story that consumers and others are willing to give away information about their personal life to companies in exchange for some trivial benefit is...
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[...] classes of IT security vulnerabilities in online systems that result in failures to secure personal data. The seventh data protection principle requires organisations to take appropriate measures to [...]
[...] Yesterday I described the new report from the ICO, Protecting Personal Data in Online Services: Learning From the Mistakes of Others. Below is a list of the matching [...]
[...] to data controllers to help them to decide whether to notify data subjects in case of a personal data breach. Opinion 03/2014 on Personal Data Breach Notification provides advice to telecomms [...]
[...] training to all Office employees Implement any other security measures as necessary to protect personal data Only retain personal data as long as necessary. Office seem lucky not to have been fined. [...]
[...] trade bodies and academic institutions). The chart can also be useful beyond the realms of application security and application privacy. For example, organisations implementing an information security [...]
[...] Contrast Security has published a new guide about their ideas about building application security into development processes that are reproducible and can be automated as much as possible. [...]
[...] Happy new year. For 2015 I have renamed this blog to "Clerkendweller: Application Security and Privacy". This update reflects the greater focus on both information security and [...]
[...] and peers! As respected information security leaders in the industry, OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project, would like to hear your opinion and invite you to share this [...]
[...] In early May I submitted an entry for my OWASP Cornucopia project in the Nominet Internet Awards 2014. Nominet manage the .uk domain space, and want to celebrate the good things about [...]
[...] Following my card game's shortlisting in the Nominet Internet Awards 2014, the awards ceremony was held in the London Film Museum on Thursday 3 July 2014. The [...]
[...] Guide v2.0 is written in English, and is available in three formats: Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book on Lulu. OWASP AppSensor is free to use [...]
[...] and risk profile - building upon existing standard security controls. Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book from Lulu. Subsequent posts describe the [...]
[...] AppSensor solution applicable to all applications and organisations. Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book from Lulu. Previous and subsequent posts [...]
[...] to an organisation's own culture, its working practices and its risks. Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book from Lulu. Previous and subsequent posts [...]
[...] application-specific. Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book from Lulu. Previous and subsequent posts describe the other parts of the new guide. [...]
[...] attack, and by whom. Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book from Lulu. Previous and a subsequent post describe the other parts of the new guide. [...]
[...] Project website. Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book from Lulu. Previous posts describe the other parts of the new guide. AppSensor Guide Part [...]
[...] in three formats: Free download from the OWASP web site: .PDF .DOC At cost print on demand monochrome book on Lulu. OWASP AppSensor is free to use and it is licensed under the Creative Commons [...]
[...] , other organisations and society may not even be considered. The impacts identified are for mobile apps that are developed meet the functional, capability, security, and usability needs of people [...]
[...] a new one for what it calls "secure digital transactions" involving web sites and mobile apps. The BSI Kitemark for Secure Websites and Apps (or "BSI Kitemark for Secure Digital [...]
[...] and the vices (snakes) are application security risks. I have created two versions so far: Mobile Apps where the virtuous behaviours are mobile controls from the Mobile Security Project Top Ten [...]
[...] risk. They span market sectors, and application types including web sites, web services, mobile apps, critical infrastructure, and client-server. Each case study demonstrates how business [...]
[...] classes of IT security vulnerabilities in online systems that result in failures to secure personal data. The seventh data protection principle requires organisations to take appropriate measures to [...]
[...] Yesterday I described the new report from the ICO, Protecting Personal Data in Online Services: Learning From the Mistakes of Others. Below is a list of the matching [...]
[...] to data controllers to help them to decide whether to notify data subjects in case of a personal data breach. Opinion 03/2014 on Personal Data Breach Notification provides advice to telecomms [...]
[...] training to all Office employees Implement any other security measures as necessary to protect personal data Only retain personal data as long as necessary. Office seem lucky not to have been fined. [...]
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