Clinic 360


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Clinic 360' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Clinic 360' Channel

Innovator & Leader in the Toronto Cosmetic Surgical Field

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Clinic 360' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Clinic 360' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Clinic 360' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Clinic 360 has no news yet.

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[...] 1 in 5 women in South Korea are being enhanced Plastic surgery in South Korea has drastically increased. Plastic surgery has been big business for many years but now it is [...]

Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] 1 in 5 women in South Korea are being enhanced Plastic surgery in South Korea has drastically increased. Plastic surgery has been big business for many years but now it is [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] of the most demanded celebrity facial features by plastic surgery patients for 2013. Celebrity plastic surgery is all the rage in fact. If you believed she was lucky for finding love, marrying a [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] of the most demanded celebrity facial features by plastic surgery patients for 2013. Celebrity plastic surgery is all the rage in fact. If you believed she was lucky for finding love, marrying a [...]

Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] when populace is taken into account, South Korea is now the world's principal market for cosmetic procedures. In a attempt to alter their appearances, 20 per cent of women between the ages of 19 and [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] nose of scandalously mischievous ladies’ man Jude Law. The figures show clearly that cosmetic procedures such as breast enlargement, face lifts, botox and liposuction and have seen a major trend [...]

Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] when populace is taken into account, South Korea is now the world’s principal market for cosmetic procedures. In a attempt to alter their appearances, 20 per cent of women between the ages of 19 and [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] the nose of scandalously mischievous ladies’ man Jude Law. The figures show clearly that cosmetic procedures such as breast enlargement, face lifts, botox and liposuction and have seen a major trend [...]

Fall Boot Fashion

[...] you saw at that designer boutique. Go ahead and choose those glamorous tall boots as our plastic surgeons have you covered! Liposuction is your saving grace when it comes to getting rid of the [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] natural beauty can be added to the list of things to envy about Kate. Over 2013 requests to plastic surgeons to look like Kate Middleton have swelled to impressive numbers, new figures reveal. But the [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] natural beauty can be added to the list of things to envy about Kate. Over 2013 requests to plastic surgeons to look like Kate Middleton have swelled to impressive numbers, new figures reveal. But the [...]

Celebrity Breast Augmentation

[...] breasts.” However, every woman is entitled to her own opinion regarding surgical decisions. When asked by Loni how her new breasts made her feel sexually she responded: “ [...]

Celebrity Breast Augmentation

[...] gigantic breasts.” However, every woman is entitled to her own opinion regarding surgical decisions. When asked by Loni how her new breasts made her feel sexually she responded: “I [...]

Liposuction for Every Body Type

[...] , upper arms. We hope this gives you a bit more of a comprehensive guide as you make your surgical decisions. Give us a call to book your complimentary liposuction consultation at 416.360.7360. The [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] ;s slim, pretty nose tops the list of the most demanded celebrity facial features by plastic surgery patients for 2013. Celebrity plastic surgery is all the rage in fact. If you believed she was [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] ’s slim, pretty nose tops the list of the most demanded celebrity facial features by plastic surgery patients for 2013. Celebrity plastic surgery is all the rage in fact. If you believed she was [...]

Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] , the Education Ministry issued a brochure cautioning Korean high school students of 'plastic surgery syndrome', mentioning Michael Jackson and a local woman whose habit of plastic surgery left her [...]

Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] Education Ministry issued a brochure cautioning Korean high school students of ‘plastic surgery syndrome’, mentioning Michael Jackson and a local woman whose habit of plastic surgery left [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] and naturally beautiful.’ Which celebrity features are you lusting after? The post Celebrity Plastic Surgery appeared first on Clinic 360. [...]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery

[...] classy and naturally beautiful.’ Which celebrity features are you lusting after? The post Celebrity Plastic Surgery appeared first on Clinic360. [...]

?Key Phrases
Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] 1 in 5 women in South Korea are being enhanced Plastic surgery in South Korea has drastically increased. Plastic surgery has been big business for many years but now it is [...]

Plastic Surgery In South Korea

[...] 1 in 5 women in South Korea are being enhanced Plastic surgery in South Korea has drastically increased. Plastic surgery has been big business for many years but now it is [...]

? Locations

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