Corgi Dogs
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It’s almost that time of the year again. Christmas is just around the corner and, if you’re like me, you’re already impatient about finding the perfect...
Only 2 weeks left until Valentine’s Day 2016. Have you bought your loved on a present yet? Don’t know what to get? Check out these cute Corgi Valentine...
Only one month left until it’s that time o the year again! Two Valentine’s Day Corgi mugs have already arrived to my store, and more are on the way. I...
Joining us today on our blog is Tucker, a 2 year old cute Corgi from Milwaukie, Oregon. Like most of us, Tucker’s mom, Heidi, decided to get a Corgi because...
“Why have we decided to own a Corgi… Funny enough, it was because of a anime show called Cowboy Bebop. One of the main characters is a Corgi named Ein...
“Odin Bear Donaldson was born on August 8th of 2013 in Prairie City, SD. He came to be my fur baby on October 13th of 2013 simply because I could not...
Today’s Featured Corgi is Lily from Alton, Pennsylvania. She’s 2 years old and was the runt of the litter. Her mom, Danielle, and her then boyfriend were...
It’s almost that time of the year again! If you’re like me, you’ll probably want to buy everyone Corgi themed presents. And yourself, of course. <img...
Have you met Sophie the Corgi yet? She’s the star of a book for kids of all ages. “Sophie” is a book about friends, love, and self-confidence. Everyone...
Visiting us all the way from Victoria, Australia is Hachi, a very cute Corgi born on the 21st of April 2014. His birth name was Rapid, but his mom, Nancy...
“My Corgi’s name is Bentley and he is 2.5 years old. We are both from Salt Lake City, Utah. When I was getting him, it was really just random and because...
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