Cumberland Ecology
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Cumberland Ecology was commissioned by Northern Beaches Council (South) to undertake the 2016 annual monitoring of Long-nosed Bandicoot (Perameles nasuta...
In October this year, the Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) was uplisted under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to critically...
Spring is well and truly here, with warm temperatures ushering in some spectacular native wildflowers. Cumberland Ecology has kicked off a busy and fun...
With the weather warming, Cumberland Ecology ecologists Alex Pursche, Liam Hogg, and Mikael Peck have been keeping an ear out for Green and Golden Bell...
Gitanjali has recently returned from a successful two-month exchange program with Environmental Assessment and Design Ltd, an ecological consultancy based...
A Species Impact Statement was previously prepared that considered the likely impacts of the construction of the Shannon Creek Water Storage on threatened...
Richard Floyd recently joined the Cumberland Ecology team to manage our Brisbane office. Richard is an ecologist with over 20 years’ experience in ecological...
Cumberland Ecology has farewelled Sam Holliday who has left to take up a position as associate ecologist with Buro Happold Engineering in Bath, England...
Last year, we commenced a staff exchange with EAD, an ecological consultancy based in Exeter, UK. The aim of the exchange is to promote awareness of other...
Cumberland Ecology conducted a terrestrial and aquatic ecological assessment of a proposed expansion of an underground mine as part of the German Creek...
Unfortunately Cumberland Ecology has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] Cumberland Ecology has provided specialist ecological services for the Heathcote Ridge State Significant Site.& [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology prepared a detailed Macrofauna Management Plan for the Former ADI Site at St. Marys in [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology has acted as lead ecological consultants and fauna rescue personnel since the inception of [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology has been involved in conducting an Ecological Assessment on behalf of Xstrata Plc as part [...]
[...] the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was conducted in accordance with [...]
[...] at the site. Determination of the occurrence, extent and distribution of vegetation communities, threatened flora and fauna species was critical to assessing the relevant [...]
[...] the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was conducted in accordance with [...]
[...] the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was conducted in accordance with [...]
[...] for Queensland, and the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was [...]
[...] for Queensland, and the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was [...]
[...] for Queensland, and the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was [...]
[...] ADI site has included ecological assessments and planning work for the property, ecological impact assessment for the development Precincts, ecological impact assessment for individual Development [...]
[...] of interest, such as setting camera traps on remnant waterholes in the dry season. Ecological impact assessment reporting is underway, including ground-truthed mapping of Regional Ecosystems, [...]
[...] . The project involves managing several teams of locally-based ecologists and conducting ecological assessments to a standard that will meet all relevant Philippines, international and Xstrata [...]
[...] property. Ecological work by Cumberland Ecology at the Former ADI site has included ecological assessments and planning work for the property, ecological impact assessment for the development [...]
[...] Government Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Survey Guidelines for Queensland, and the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in [...]
[...] Government Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Survey Guidelines for Queensland, and the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in [...]
[...] Government Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Survey Guidelines for Queensland, and the Queensland Herbarium Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in [...]
[...] Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was conducted in accordance with the Queensland AusRivAS guidelines, as well as netting for fish and turtles. Subsequently, a baseline [...]
[...] . Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was conducted in accordance with the Queensland AusRivAS guidelines, as well as netting for fish and turtles. Innovative survey techniques [...]
[...] Queensland. Aquatic surveying for invertebrates was conducted in accordance with the Queensland AusRivAS guidelines, as well as netting for fish and turtles. Vegetation communities were [...]
[...] Regional Ecosystems (Queensland’s Vegetation Management Act 1999) and Endangered Ecological Communities (the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) was [...]
[...] plants in the motorway corridor. As part of the compensatory measures, mapping endangered ecological communities and other native vegetation areas has been undertaken and the preparation of a [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology conducted a terrestrial and aquatic ecological assessment of a proposed expansion of an underground mine as part of the German Creek mining [...]
[...] -truthed as part of the surveys. Following the field surveys, a terrestrial and aquatic ecological impact assessment was prepared that presented the results of the field survey, and a detailed impact [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology has provided specialist ecological services for the Heathcote Ridge State Significant Site.& [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology prepared a detailed Macrofauna Management Plan for the Former ADI Site at St. Marys in [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology has acted as lead ecological consultants and fauna rescue personnel since the inception of [...]
[...] Cumberland Ecology has been involved in conducting an Ecological Assessment on behalf of Xstrata Plc as part [...]
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