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my hubs and i have talked about trying to have our own garden for years now.But something always happened and any extra time we had went to something...
Yes, i have an obsession... what? like you dont have one? i think we all do.. some of us just have weird ones..lol. anyway, i have been introduced to...
i have been such a horrible blogger, i havent given any attention to my tiny blog in a long time. I guess i let kids , house, business and general life...
Who doesnt love going to the store and getting new makeup? I do,its fun! But of course there is the bad makeup scenario... you know, you go down the tons...
happy day to my friends! it is crazy windy and sunny here in southern ohio, but its nice to have a break from the rain. I am a BZZagent, didnt know if...
Happy Sunday evening to you all! Been super busy getting Diva Baby orders filled and completing new projects that my crazy brain comes up with! 3 of the...
Iknow you thought of charlie sheen right away when you read my title... what is up with that fella anyway? Well, i dont know what the heck he means when...
So the weather here is super great!! It just teases me for summer though.. i am sure we will have a ice storm next week or something. crazy ohio. But...
Hello all! i have had a great weekend! The hubs and family planned a nice bday party for yours truly- fiesta style!! There was great food, great freinds...
*** I have decided to have this giveaway last longer! The new ending date will be 4-16 11!!!***** Super excited today!! My little blog has recently hit...
Unfortunately DIVA BABIES AND THEN SOME... has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] whatever you want, doesnt have to be of any great content. So welcome to my first "Who cares Wednesday!!" Cade really likes marshmallows.... thats what is in his mouth, just in case you were [...]
[...] before you a proud easter lilly producer- you may applaud.lol Hope you are having a great Who cares Wednesday!! Go outside, enjoy the fresh air and be nice to someone, you may like it. [...]
[...] much to all you deciding to stop back by... it does my heart good. So today is the second Who cares Wednesday! A couple of weeks ago the whole fam went to hear an aquaintance of ours sing at a place [...]
[...] is out. Cade and i spent the day making deliveries. SO i hope to find you well on your who cares wednesday. I have a couple of pics i want to share simply because they are hilarious. And maybe they [...]
[...] to check in with my favirote blog followers. I hope you are all well and getting ready for Valentines Day the day of Love. i think its fun to celebrate all of these fun kinds of holidays and i know [...]
[...] a slump lately, but i am determined to get out of it. Anyway, we were to make our own Valentines Day card.. I used card stock i had left over from another project and made it work. I [...]
[...] .blogspot.com/2011/02/shout-outs.html Okay , so there have been some changes to Diva babies boutique.. we lost one of our best. My pal Steph has stepped down as super duper bow [...]
[...] how we met.. awww. Thanks so much to amber who nominated me!! Amber is doing a giveaway for Diva Babies! wooo hooo! Its pretty exciting for me, i must admit. So stroll on over to Dragonfly sweetnest [...]
[...] : (without completeing this , all other entries will be void.) Simple, become a follower of Diva babies blog through GFC (1 entry) For extra entries: 1.Follow me on twitter , and leave your id so i [...]
[...] Check out my etsy shop, or shop around on my facebook page, many cute things popping up here at Diva Babies! Have a great week friends! [...]
[...] do know. I wanted to share two things with you today: 1.I hate to clean 2. I am a Bzz agent ( super cool) So i am a bzz agent, and i love to do campaigns with them, basically try to spread the word [...]
[...] ??? By the way, check out a site called thredup, its where you can swap clothes with other moms! super cool. i have some items listed, so i will be sure to let you know how it goes! [...]
[...] .00 target giftcard!! saweet! I dont win all the time, but is super fun when i do! check out your fav blogs, chances are they have some kind of giveaway once in a while. Tid bit of info: i have been [...]
[...] ... i have been featured. AND, i must point out that i have been featured on one of my most fav blogs .. EVAH. Are you ready?? ok, here it is... A girl and A glue gun!! She is super awesome and has [...]
[...] , so onto the cutest product evah! i recently got a chance to review this super fun product-pawparrazzi pets!soooo cute! My olivia melts when she saw these! We got to review salsa, a cute little [...]
*** I have decided to have this giveaway last longer! The new ending date will be 4-16 11!!!***** Super excited today!! My little blog has recently h [...]
[...] as well. Less to buy to make it look full! And lets face it, easter is fun but all of the candy isnt a must, a little bit of candy is fun! Here is the kicker for me: I normally always buy the [...]
[...] too! Ok, so onto the cutest product evah! i recently got a chance to review this super fun product-pawparrazzi pets!soooo cute! My olivia melts when she saw these! We got to review salsa, a cute [...]
[...] you thought it would be,its not anything like you thought it would be.That is when buying makeup isnt fun.This has happened to me alot in my makeup wearing years.So , i was really excited when the [...]
[...] whatever you want, doesnt have to be of any great content. So welcome to my first "Who cares Wednesday!!" Cade really likes marshmallows.... thats what is in his mouth, just in case you were [...]
[...] before you a proud easter lilly producer- you may applaud.lol Hope you are having a great Who cares Wednesday!! Go outside, enjoy the fresh air and be nice to someone, you may like it. [...]
[...] much to all you deciding to stop back by... it does my heart good. So today is the second Who cares Wednesday! A couple of weeks ago the whole fam went to hear an aquaintance of ours sing at a place [...]
[...] is out. Cade and i spent the day making deliveries. SO i hope to find you well on your who cares wednesday. I have a couple of pics i want to share simply because they are hilarious. And maybe they [...]
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