D-9 Minis


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Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'D-9 Minis' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'D-9 Minis' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

About 'D-9 Minis' Channel

Warmachine and Warhammer 40k Projects and Thoughts

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Sep, 2016Oct, 2016Nov, 2016Dec, 2016Jan, 2017Feb, 2017Mar, 2017Apr, 2017May, 2017Jun, 2017Jul, 2017Aug, 2017012Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsImages
? Average Article Length

'D-9 Minis' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'D-9 Minis' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'D-9 Minis' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately D-9 Minis has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

New Year's Hobby Resolutions

[...] rotation. Warmachine will continue to be our game of choice though, starting with our slow grow league this week. Painting Goals for the Year: -Grayle the Farstrider's Army up to 35 points: This [...]

Slow Grow League Painting Update

[...] before my bike takes over my free time again, and those months jive perfectly with our slow grow league. The goal (for anyone who just dropped in here for the first time) is to paint an entire 50 [...]

Slow Grow League: Night One

Happy New Year once again from the frozen tundra of Maryland... minus the work removing snow... Our gaming group is starting 2012 with a Warmachine/ [...]

Grayle the Farstrider: Pt. 1

[...] Welcome back! At each of the point totals for our slow grow league I plan to write a few quick analyses of Grayle and the things I'm learning. Tonight is based [...]

Drow Retribution of Scyrah: WIP Shots

[...] scheme. Mostly because I wanted to do something different AND so as not to piss off Joey Baltimore and his angry elves. So... in the midst of our Pathfinder game the other night, I [...]

Not Quite a Year Later...

[...] : I painted 101 models last year. Lots of cryx stuff. Some random Cygnar and some Menoth for Joey Baltimore. This year, I'm starting off with more Circle while still churching out Joey Bs new army for [...]

Benchwarmers: Lists I'm Not Playing

[...] like he just falls apart in almost any top tier match up. Next up on the painting table: Joey Baltimore's Exemplar Errants [...]

Back to Cygnar: Stryker 3 and His Incredible Thunder Ponies!

[...] So, my 6 lists for Cryx and Circle are 100% done. Joey Baltimore's first 50 point list is good, Hanan's first 50 point list is done and famous for its [...]

Tournament Results

[...] all 3-1 isn't bad. All games were played with painted armies too, so good stuff. Now on the painting table: Bloodgorgers! Also, something new coming soon... keep an eye on these pages! [...]

5 Year Anniversary and a New Start

[...] is the minis game of choice. I have four factions in rotation on the game table and on the painting table. If I had to choose, Circle is my main faction these days with Cryx a close second. Cygnar [...]

Slow Grow League Painting Update

[...] Wolves of Orboros? almost... still have two more infantry plus both models of the UA on my painting table. Hopefully I'll finish them off by the end of the month. The two rank and file guys are [...]

Benchwarmers: Lists I'm Not Playing

[...] play. But it seems like he just falls apart in almost any top tier match up. Next up on the painting table: Joey Baltimore's Exemplar Errants [...]

Slow Grow League: Night One

[...] Grayle on the table. Tonight started the event with battle box armies. I fielded Grayle, a Warpwolf Stalker, and a Woldwyrd. I was concerned about fury generation, but it ended up not being a big deal [...]

Grayle the Farstrider: Pt. 1

[...] "quasi battlebox" games. For the sake of completeness, I was running Grayle with a warpwolf stalker and a wold wyrd. The stalker has a fury stat of 4 while the wyrd runs at 3. This gives me [...]

Slow Grow Week 2 Update

[...] be wrong though... Tomorrow night we move up to 15 points. Grayle and his warpack are getting a min unit of Wolves of Oroboros with UA to give me some tarpit ability and to set up the addition of [...]

Slow Grow Week 3 Update

[...] league moved over to 15 points this week and set up some changes in people's armies. I added a min unit of Wolves of Oroboros and UA just to have a bit of a tarpit and some objective holding [...]

Steamroller 2013: Year of Cryx Edition

[...] , this list is built more for attrition. The raiders will jam early, and die early while the mech thralls and witches will work for objectives using Skarre's feat and the witches mini feat for [...]

Tournament Results

[...] moved the IFP in to protect Butch. I may have smiled evily at this point. I had a full unit of mech thralls, 3 blood witches, pSkarre and... oh yes, a kraken, all within threat of his IFP and caster. [...]

RPGS and Me

[...] been DMing a group through the depths of Rapun Athuk, published by the sadistic bastards at Necromancer Games. We made some interesting tweaks to make sure the party didn't wipe every single session, [...]

Not Quite a Year Later...

[...] fun getting back into a consistent RPG campaign. We are running a modded Rappun Athuk from Necromancer Games and loving every terribly over the top minute of it.  GUILD WARS 2: WoW is dead and [...]

Drow Retribution: Kaelyssa Tier 4

Finally got a few minutes to photograph the finished army. I'm only missing the arcanist. Enjoy! [...]

Drow Retribution of Scyrah: WIP Shots

Wow has it been a long time! Sorry everyone, but life has been on turbo mode. Work, bike season, and the little item of the of the arrival of my daugh [...]

Circle Orboros Updates: Lots and lots of pics

[...] into Cygnar land (ahem... Stormwall...) My painting has been focused entirely on my Circle Orboros. Here's a sample of the latest stuff. My forseeable future of painting is still going to be [...]

Circle Orboros 50 Point Lists

These are my current "In Play" Circle lists. -eMorvahna -Wold Wrath -Gorax -Full Skinwalkers + UA -Full Reeves -2x Gallows Grove -3x War Wolves -1 x [...]

?Key Phrases
New Year's Hobby Resolutions

[...] rotation. Warmachine will continue to be our game of choice though, starting with our slow grow league this week. Painting Goals for the Year: -Grayle the Farstrider's Army up to 35 points: This [...]

Slow Grow League Painting Update

[...] before my bike takes over my free time again, and those months jive perfectly with our slow grow league. The goal (for anyone who just dropped in here for the first time) is to paint an entire 50 [...]

Slow Grow League: Night One

Happy New Year once again from the frozen tundra of Maryland... minus the work removing snow... Our gaming group is starting 2012 with a Warmachine/ [...]

Grayle the Farstrider: Pt. 1

[...] Welcome back! At each of the point totals for our slow grow league I plan to write a few quick analyses of Grayle and the things I'm learning. Tonight is based [...]

? Locations
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