Daniel Watrous on Software and Cloud Engineering
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When Google introduced Anthos as a cloud offering in April 2019, they hoped to unlock value for their customers that was previously trapped in physical...
Accurate pricing for complex cloud projects is a key requirement for success. Unfortunately the sheer number of variables and the ever changing landscape...
AI can be a real boost for many companies, especially those with a lot of accumulated data from years of operation. AI platforms are getting easier to...
This article is part of a series on Immutable Infrastructure and discusses the scenario of production release. It may be valuable to review Immutable...
This article is part of a series on Immutable Infrastructure and discusses the scenario of CI/CD pipelines to deliver high quality software quickly. It...
This article is part of a series on Immutable Infrastructure and discusses the scenario of Development Environments and Team Collaboration. It may be...
One of the biggest shifts in technology that can be attributed to cloud is the move from away from hand crafting systems to defining systems and letting...
Traditional approaches to creating and maintaining workloads in the enterprise often include contributions from many teams and individuals. They also...
For years I have appreciated the clean and simple way Kubernetes approached Ingress into container workloads. The idea of an IngressController that dynamically...
I was recently inspired by a post claiming it was possible to run kubernetes on Google for $5 per month. One reason I have been shy to jump all in with...
etcd, https://coreos.com/etcd/, is a distributed key/value store and contains all details about a kubernetes cluster, such as resources and their states...
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[...] . At this point, the buildpack files are also copied to the staging instance. compile The compile script is responsible for doing the rest of the work to prepare the runtime environment. This may [...]
[...] , the detect script looks for an index file with the extension html or htm. compile The compile script is responsible to gather, build and position everything exactly as it needs to be in order to [...]
[...] to run in the docker container for Stackato or Helion. These steps were previously in the compile script, but now they need to be run independently. After buliding, package up the necessary files [...]
[...] for nginx to use with Stackato or Helion Dev Platform. In that buildpack example, the compile script would download the nginx source using wget. In some cases, the time, bandwidth or access [...]
[...] resulting in a droplet. A droplet is a compressed tar file which contains all the application files and runtime dependencies. After staging, app instances are created and the droplet is [...]
[...] handled by system administrators on dedicated servers now exist in plain text alongside the application files. Custom Buildpacks The process to create custom buildpacks includes the following steps. [...]
[...] this buildpack, just make sure that a file matching that description is in the root of your application files. There is no need to include a manifest. [...]
[...] staged. Staging, or droplet creation A droplet is a compressed tar file which contains all application files and runtime dependencies to run the application. Depending on the technology, this may [...]
[...] in which to run Docker. For this experiment I chose to create Buildfiles to create the Docker container images. I’ll be discussing the following files in this post. Download the Docker LEMP files [...]
[...] . First tell Vagrant to build the virtual server. Next, log in to your server and create the docker container. Build and configure your services Once you have a system setup and can create docker [...]
[...] external resource. From an application perspective, this looks the same whether a warden or docker container is used. Connecting to the Service Connecting to the service from the application instance [...]
[...] for the buildpack. Pre-compile nginx The first step is to build nginx to run in the docker container for Stackato or Helion. These steps were previously in the compile script, but now they need [...]
[...] in embryo, similar to how a class is an object in embryo. A Buildfile can also be added to a git repository and builds can be automatically triggered whenever a change is committed against the [...]
[...] ->make process is often slow, this can be done once and the binaries added to the git repository for the buildpack. Pre-compile nginx The first step is to build nginx to run in the docker [...]
[...] install it on the cloud controller node and let the detect script select it or store it in a GIT repository and provide the GIT URL in manifest.yml. The GIT repository must be publicly readable and [...]
[...] to find a match. If the manifest explicitly identifies a buildpack, which must be hosted in a GIT repository, then that buildpack will be cloned onto the staging instance and the compile process will [...]
[...] file system in the tmp folder. In my case it was created here: /tmp/hadoop-watrous/dfs/. Environment variables were added to .bash_profile for JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_INSTALL, as shown. These can also be [...]
[...] to access the REST APIs. For the command line client, these credentials are stored as environment variables. If you’re using DevStack, you can use the openrc script to automatically setup your [...]
[...] VM to enable proxy access. It may also be necessary to set the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables by way of the .bashrc for the stackato system user. At this point you should be able to [...]
[...] . Prepare for provision_cf If you are in a proxied environment, you’ll need to set the environment variables, including no_proxy for the CloudFoundry host. I include xip.io for ease of access in [...]
[...] -update to remove the quotas. From the devstack folder, you can use these commands. Launch a New Instance Finally we can launch a new instance by navigating to Project -> Compute -> Instances [...]
[...] can be manually provisioned using cURL using the following commands. In this example, a new instance is provisioned with the id user-service-instance and bound to an app with id someapp. The new [...]
[...] . I follow the instructions as provided to associate a floating IP address with the new instance and create a DNS entry for easy access to my new stackato installation. In my case I [...]
[...] to bind apps to services. There are two ways to do this. The first is to provision a new instance of the service when the app is pushed. The other is to bind an existing service to an [...]
[...] and otherwise manage containers. Not Small VMs It should be obvious by this point that Docker containers are not intended to be small Virtual Machines. They are isolated, single function containers [...]
[...] -lemp.zip). Spin up the Host System I start with Vagrant to spin up a host system for my Docker containers. To do this I use the following files. Vagrantfile I start with Ubuntu and keep the size [...]
[...] have the docker image you need to follow along below. Manually prepare a VM to run docker containers You can also use Vagrant to spin up a virtual host where you can run these commands. [...]
[...] CLI to Deploy an App The same virtual host that is running Stackato also includes the command line client. That meas it can be used to deploy a simple application and verify that Stackato is [...]
[...] tooling (direct API access). Credentials are required to access the REST APIs. For the command line client, these credentials are stored as environment variables. If you’re using DevStack, you can [...]
[...] interact with CloudFoundry in a few different ways. Two common methods include the command line client and Eclipse plugin. Using these tools, developers may login to a CloudFoundry installation [...]
[...] shown below. Manage the Service Broker Service brokers can be managed in Stackato using the command line client. After issuing the add-service-broker command, several prompts as for details about the [...]
[...] we can use to confirm our Stackato deployment. To deploy we first clone, then use the stackato client to push, as shown below. Here are those commands in plain text: Using the URL provided in the [...]
[...] apps, it must be made public. This can be done using the update-service-plan command with the stackato client. From the command line, it is possible to list available services with the marketplace [...]
[...] and provide the name and zip file, as shown. All installed buildpacks can be listed using the stackato client with the buildpacks command. Use the buildpack In the case of this buildpack, the detect [...]
[...] . At this point, the buildpack files are also copied to the staging instance. compile The compile script is responsible for doing the rest of the work to prepare the runtime environment. This may [...]
[...] , the detect script looks for an index file with the extension html or htm. compile The compile script is responsible to gather, build and position everything exactly as it needs to be in order to [...]
[...] to run in the docker container for Stackato or Helion. These steps were previously in the compile script, but now they need to be run independently. After buliding, package up the necessary files [...]
[...] for nginx to use with Stackato or Helion Dev Platform. In that buildpack example, the compile script would download the nginx source using wget. In some cases, the time, bandwidth or access [...]
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