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반응형 오늘은 연봉 1억 실수령액에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다 :) 연봉이 1억이라니 참 꿈만같은 숫자라고 생각이 드네요! 저도 빨리 연봉 1억을 찍고 실수령액이 어마어마 해졌으면 하는 바람이 생기게 되네요 ㅎㅎ 만약 부양가족이 본인 한명이라면 월 받는 금액은...
반응형 결혼식 마치고, 27일 우리는 바로 괌으로 고고띵 너무 이쁘고 이쁘고 좋단말밖에ㅠㅠ The day after the wedding, we went to Guam for our honeymoon. 4시간 조금 더 걸려서 도착한 괌 ! 하파데이 가 우리를 반겨주네용...
반응형 2022.11.26 부천역 채림웨딩홀에서 식을 올리게된 날 :) We got married on November 26, 2022. 반응형
History and origin of the Siamese cat The Siamese cat is one of the oldest domestic cat breeds with a long and ancient history Some also believe that...
Children and pets Although the study conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Cambridge, England, is somewhat limited in terms of sample...
Games that raise the level of intelligence of cats Cats are beautiful and friendly beings who love to run, play and have fun, so do not try to reduce...
Cat fleas harm to humans Cat fleas are not only harmed by cats, they are transmitted to humans and cause many problems, including A cat flea bites a...
The language of cats and their movements with humans Cat language is a complex mixture of facial expressions, tail placement, ear position and other...
Types of cat sand and how to train them on it Types of cat sand Lumpy sand Sand that is safe for cats, especially small ones, is sand made from large...
Information about domestic cats It helps in improving the psychological state of a person, as scientific studies have shown that there is a chemical...
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