Dat New 'Cudi'


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Dat New 'Cudi'' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses short articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

About 'Dat New 'Cudi'' Channel

The #1 Kid Cudi Source Online

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Short articles, prevailing on the channel, can be a good choice for 'Dat New 'Cudi'' if they’re going to gain their audience’s sympathy with brevity. Also, there are a few medium-length pieces.



? Readability Level

'Dat New 'Cudi'' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are articles of intermediate readability, which make up more than a quarter of all content on the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Dat New 'Cudi' has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Need For Speed Movie Review: Kid Cudi Makes His Mark in Big Screen Debut

[...] With Need For Speed in theatres this Friday March 14, we’ve got the scoop on what you can expect from the [...]

Gallery: Official “Need For Speed” Movie Stills

[...] Check out some stills from the upcoming “Need For Speed” movie staring Aaron Paul and Kid Cudi. “Need For Speed” is in theatres [...]

Video: Kid Cudi and Aaron Paul Say Tune In To The Superbowl

[...] Watch this quick clip as Cudi and Aaron Paul announce that a new trailer for “Need For Speed” is coming out tomorrow during the Superbowl. Watch the last trailer for “Need [...]

Photos: Kid Cudi & Aaron Paul Visit Atlanta To Promote “Need For Speed”

[...] night Kid Cudi and Aaron Paul were on hand in Atlanta to promote their upcoming film “Need For Speed” along with director Scott Waugh. Check out some photos from last night above! 100 [...]

Kid Cudi is on Ustream LIVE Right Now

[...] Kid Cudi is celebrating the release of his new album “Satellite Flight” by live streaming right now! Watch the live stream below and make sure to grab your [...]

Download Kid Cudi’s New Album “Satellite Flight” on iTunes & Amazon

[...] Moon (iTunes) BUY IT NOW: Satellite Flight: The Journey To Mother Moon [...] [...]

Satellite Flight Merchandise Now Available For Purchase

[...] Celebrate the release of Kid Cudi’s new album “Satellite Flight” by copping some exclusive gear including a new hoodie and t-shirt. PURCHASE HERE & [...]

8 Things You Must Know About Kid Cudi’s “Satellite Flight” Album

[...] As we do we’ve done with WZRD and INDICUD, here are 8 things you must know about the Satellite Flight album. From Man On The Moon: The End of Day to the albums production at historic studios, [...]

Kid Cudi Confirms “Hero” Featuring Skylar Grey To Appear on ‘Need For Speed’ Sou...

[...] Feb. 25) Kid Cudi confirmed today on Reddit that he indeed would have a song in the upcoming film “Need For Speed”. “Hero” featuring Skylar Grey, co-produced by Dot Da [...]

10 Things We Learned From Kid Cudi’s Twitter and Reddit Q&A

[...] Yesterday Kid Cudi took to social media to promote his upcoming film “Need For Speed” answering dozens of fans questions on Reddit and Twitter.We went [...]

Photos: Kid Cudi & Aaron Paul Visit Atlanta To Promote “Need For Speed”

[...] Yesterday night Kid Cudi and Aaron Paul were on hand in Atlanta to promote their upcoming film “Need For Speed” along with director Scott Waugh. Check out some photos from last [...]

Stream Kid Cudi’s “Satellite Flight” Album In Full Right Here

[...] Last week Kid Cudi released his 5th solo album Satellite Flight digitally on iTunes and Amazon MP3 and now the album is available to stream in the US! You can listen to the album in its [...]

Kid Cudi is on Ustream LIVE Right Now

[...] Mother Moon (iTunes) BUY IT NOW: Satellite Flight: The Journey To Mother Moon (Amazon MP3) [...]

Satellite Flight Merchandise Now Available For Purchase

[...] Mother Moon (iTunes) BUY IT NOW: Satellite Flight: The Journey To Mother Moon (Amazon MP3) [...]

?Key Phrases
Need For Speed Movie Review: Kid Cudi Makes His Mark in Big Screen Debut

[...] With Need For Speed in theatres this Friday March 14, we’ve got the scoop on what you can expect from the [...]

Gallery: Official “Need For Speed” Movie Stills

[...] Check out some stills from the upcoming “Need For Speed” movie staring Aaron Paul and Kid Cudi. “Need For Speed” is in theatres [...]

Video: Kid Cudi and Aaron Paul Say Tune In To The Superbowl

[...] Watch this quick clip as Cudi and Aaron Paul announce that a new trailer for “Need For Speed” is coming out tomorrow during the Superbowl. Watch the last trailer for “Need [...]

Photos: Kid Cudi & Aaron Paul Visit Atlanta To Promote “Need For Speed”

[...] night Kid Cudi and Aaron Paul were on hand in Atlanta to promote their upcoming film “Need For Speed” along with director Scott Waugh. Check out some photos from last night above! 100 [...]

? Locations

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