David Walsh Blog
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The ability to download media on the internet almost feels like a lost art. When I was in my teens, piracy of mp3s, movies, and just about everything...
curl is one of those great utilities that’s been around seemingly forever and has endless use cases. These days I find myself using curl to batch download...
CSS selectors never cease to amaze me in how powerful they can be in matching complex patterns. Most of that flexibility is in parent/child/sibling relationships...
Working on a web extension that ships to an app store and isn’t immediately modifiable, like a website, can be difficult. Since you cannot immediately...
Remembering the WiFi password when on a guest network is never easy. Even worse is when it’s no longer posted and someone else is asking you for it. Luckily...
This past weekend I had the opportunity to be what every father wants, if only for a moment: the “cool dad”. My wife was out of town and my youngest son...
Modals have been an important part of websites for two decades. Stacking contents and using fetch to accomplish tasks are a great way to improve UX on...
AI media creation has expanded to incredible video art and a host of other important improvements, and LimeWire is leading the way in creating an awesome...
Time can be a funny thing. I still remember discovering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding. I still remember my first college programming course. I still...
Anyone is capable of having their caps lock key on at any given time without realizing so. Users can easily spot unwanted caps lock when typing in most...
One of the HTML elements that frequently comes into collision with CSS is the img element. As we learned in Request Metrics’ Fixing Cumulative Layout...
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[...] again. Below is a list with some of the finest resources for passionate web developers and web designers, who make it their pleasure to prototype and create websites or apps on a regular basis. Apper [...]
[...] Web developers as well as web designers know the importance of releasing high-quality work, especially in this day and age when they [...]
[...] Read the full article at: Useful Premium Plugins for Professional Web Designers and Developers (Sponsored) Every client has a unique profile, so whenever we set about forging [...]
[...] that X, which was released by Themeco (theme.co) at the end of last year, is a great asset for web designers and developers everywhere – and the last website theme you’ll have to buy. As more [...]
[...] and loved Startup Design Framework. This has quickly become a favorite with designers and web developers. It is based on Bootstrap 3, which means all the designs created with it will be fully [...]
[...] well-rounded hosting service you’ll find. They offer shared as well as reseller plans, so web developers are free to resell the hosting features Hostoople provides to their clients. Also, Hostoople [...]
[...] to have a strong presence online. This means that there’s a lot of pressure on web developers and designers to produce impressive results in as short a period of time as possible. [...]
[...] the end of the day, they are able to say “the grass is cut, the job is complete.” As Web Developers, we can’t ever say that, can we? A site can always be more efficient — there are [...]
[...] . In this article I would like to show you what that means and how Angus can help you build web apps in a much faster way. In The Restaurant Imagine for a second you’re sitting in a restaurant. You [...]
[...] Read the full article at: Building Web Apps Faster Using Angus When it comes to building web apps, there are a couple of tools available that help you develop faster. There’s GruntJS, GulpJS, [...]
[...] need to tend to. I’ll make it easier for you. Below, you will find a rich list comprised of web apps that serve to help you optimize the way you run your web design business. Everything you need [...]
[...] of the time we don’t know. There usually are all kinds of asynchronous things going on in most web apps and it’s really best if the app can determine when all dependent activity (e.g. ajax calls, [...]
[...] to be wooed by even more interesting features in 2015. BeTheme – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme BeTheme is no less versatile. The first thing you’ll notice is that the developers from [...]
[...] -Commerce Website on the X Theme (Sponsored) You would be hard pressed to find a better WordPress theme than X, right now. The Stacks are complete designs that make it very versatile. Also, X [...]
[...] -in and you can change them at any time. Tickera works well and looks good with almost every WordPress theme out there. Another cool thing you can do is create an unlimited number of discount codes [...]
[...] up to you if you want to use the default theme “Jobelon” offered by the plugin or any other WordPress theme. No matter what you choose you can rest assured your job posts will always look neat and [...]
[...] are not the most organized people in the world. You could be an accomplished web designer or web developer to the core, but unless you draw some rules and stick to them, your projects would get out of [...]
[...] and transitioned on-screen by a CSS class. This should not be an unfamiliar paradigm to a web developer. The interesting bit starts here: Each content block also maintains various primitive waveform [...]
[...] website by using just one affordable central tool. Whether you’re an UX&UI designer, a web developer or a product manager, you can now say goodbye to having to make several purchases in order to [...]
[...] If 7 years ago web developer jobs were almost unheard of, nowadays the situation has changed completely. In a very short [...]
[...] rate. Therefore, anyone, from freelance practitioners, to companies should turn to astute WordPress plugins, like Monarch from Elegant Themes. [...]
[...] to WordPress 4 Media Temple had just upgraded my server Blog traffic was up about 10% WordPress plugins (need I say more?) All of these things were happening so what could I easily point to? [...]
[...] your liking on DealFuel. To start off, you can opt for eBooks, eCourses, WordPress themes or WordPress plugins – get them in a bundle and enjoy an amazing discount. Furthermore, web developers will [...]
[...] I’ve been obsessed lately with finding new or lesser known CSS properties and values and playing around when them. Some of them are quite useful and others are [...]
[...] centering requires a parent and children elements… …but only the parent element needs CSS properties set for the vertical centering of child elements: Aside from the vendor prefixes, that is [...]
[...] best practices. Webflow’s visual editor doesn’t abstract away HTML elements or CSS properties; it simply provide quick access to manipulating them. Webflow doesn’t treat you like [...]
[...] This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We’re going to cover different methods for combining/merging two JS arrays, and the pros/ [...]
[...] This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We’re going to cover how to use the regular expression driven replace(..) with JavaScript [...]
[...] This is a quickie simple post on JavaScript techniques. We’re going to look at how to unwrap the “P” function-call padding from a JSON-P string [...]
[...] again. Below is a list with some of the finest resources for passionate web developers and web designers, who make it their pleasure to prototype and create websites or apps on a regular basis. Apper [...]
[...] Web developers as well as web designers know the importance of releasing high-quality work, especially in this day and age when they [...]
[...] Read the full article at: Useful Premium Plugins for Professional Web Designers and Developers (Sponsored) Every client has a unique profile, so whenever we set about forging [...]
[...] that X, which was released by Themeco (theme.co) at the end of last year, is a great asset for web designers and developers everywhere – and the last website theme you’ll have to buy. As more [...]
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