David's Blog


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'David's Blog' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'David's Blog' Channel

The World from a Sixth Grade Perspective

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'David's Blog' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'David's Blog' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'David's Blog' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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Until our “liberal media” becomes beholden to “we the people” instead of the cor...

[...] on terror.”  Of course, you NEVER hear our “liberal media” pointing out how the Bush/Cheney (and, I’ve got to add Rumsfeld) policies created WAY MORE [...]

Thanks to our “liberal media” – the American public is on the verge of voting th...

[...] fear the legacy the ACA will leave for the president will be positive. Back to our “liberal media.”  I’ll bet you’ll never guess how the two examples of the McConnell/Grimes debate was [...]

Without courageous leaders who will “just say no” to the corporatist interests A...

[...] “low” we’ve gone as a nation in the past 35 or so years.  Our “liberal media” seems to be nothing more than entertainment.   Gregory was moderating a “ [...]

The combination of a right wing Supreme Court, a right wing Congress, and a righ...

[...] (or knowledge) of what they’re getting in return. Of course, it doesn’t help to have a “liberal media” that is solely focused on (and owned by) the corporate interests that are gaining a [...]

Today’s republican leaders would rather see President Obama FAIL (and, therefore...

[...] just to reaffirm my view of him.  Like it or not, Limbaugh has SIGNIFICANT influence on the republican party, and, therefore, on this nation which I love.) I recently retired from the privilege of [...]

Expecting the present day politicians to “fix” our government is like expecting ...

[...] I love.  It’s as if the extreme fringe “right” that’s got control of the republican party is working in unison with the Supreme Court to (they say they want to “ [...]

The Koch brothers stand for everything that’s wrong in America, yet they’re “win...

[...] previous election (the midterms of 2014) much of what the Kochs (along with others in the republican party) have been strategizing – really since the New Deal era of FDR – showed it’s  coming [...]

When the time comes that people realize what the Koch’s and their surrogates are...

[...] Are the American people as stupid as the republican party assumes they are?  As much as I hate to answer that question in the affirmative, I don’t [...]

If liberals don’t vote, the republican strategy which includes McCutcheon, Citiz...

[...] President Obama shared with the nation in his first inaugural address the disaster which was Citizens United.  Here was one of the two “I don’t believe in judicial activism” [...]

Poor children shouldn’t be denied food (Food Stamps) because voters vote republi...

[...] fortune (a fortune nearing $100 BILLION) into America’s political system via “Citizens United” with the money going to republicans who are willing to “toe the line.”& [...]

The Keystone XL pipeline represents only a small part of the “Koch agenda” – it’...

[...] enough to make a difference). Take for example the Supreme Court decision called “Citizens United.”  I’ve been railing about this decision since the day it was enacted (thanks to [...]

Are we Americans financing the destruction of our own republic through unknowing...

[...] the clock in America back a hundred years or so (that’s what they accomplished with Citizens United) this NSA spying issue is MAJOR!  I’m constantly shocked at how far this right [...]

The Wall Street bankers believe in austerity for everyone but themselves.

[...] the ones who’ve been manipulating the political scene since the arrival in Washington of Ronald Reagan to the point where they’ve eliminated any discussion of “increased taxes” [...]

It’s MUCH EASIER to give up rights than to get them back! Republicans want to “s...

[...] in the last few decades.”  Joseph McCartin’s book, “Collision Course: Ronald Reagan, The Air Traffic Controllers, and the Strike that Changed America,” makes my point: & [...]

We have our “liberal media” helping to institute the political amnesia that is r...

[...] up to the republican assault on the middle class which hit high gear with the election of Ronald Reagan all the way back in 1980. [...]

When it’s clear that President Obama is against Keystone and the TPP and for inc...

[...] American taxes. All of this is the natural progression of a political system that allowed Ronald Reagan into the White House almost 35 years ago, and for some reason, despite all the national debt [...]

The Koch’s have BILLIONS to spend on manipulating the minds of unsuspecting Amer...

[...] away from speaking Truth.  In the process, in my view, we’ve ended up with people like Chris Matthews more focused on ratings than on reporting the TRUTH.  The Koch’s have BILLIONS to spend on [...]

If anyone was a supporter of our troops it was Eric Shinseki.

[...] much anyone on the “right” in America, but I have to say that as I listened to Chris Matthews of MSNBC (I have a Satellite radio in my car) ranting about how someone’s “head [...]

America will be a better place when media people like Chris Matthews start repor...

[...] In my last post I went off on Chris Matthews of MSNBC for his ill informed rant attacking President Obama and Eric Shinseki because of a [...]

Maybe with a little support from his own party President Obama will sharpen his ...

[...] “with friends like this, who needs enemies.”  I’ve written before several times about Chris Matthews, former speech writer for Jimmy Carter and the largest MOUTH on MSNBC (who should [...]

The philosophy of “The end justifies the means” is simply normal republican oper...

[...] ; Not only did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars bring back bad memories for me, but they (the Bush/Cheney regime) included the wiretapping and the attacks on the press (and the war protestors) as well.& [...]

Leaders MUST lead by example, and the example coming from America in the past 14...

[...] Ghraib to get an idea of what was not only tolerated, but encouraged during the Bush/Cheney regime.  The authorization came right from the top – with MANY in the chain of command [...]

FDR famously said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” – did today’s polit...

[...] ’s not very long) the American public was “given” the “Great Recession” by the Bush/Cheney regime that robbed many of the very people who are likely to be voting republican as I’m [...]

The only say Dick Cheney should have regarding TORTURE, is defending himself bef...

[...] required to have pushed for legal ACCOUNTABILITY regarding what transpired under the Bush/Cheney regime from 2002 until they left office (in disgrace) in early 2009.  Since leaving office BOTH [...]

I wonder if Boehner wants President Obama to “follow the law” regarding Bush/Che...

[...] Kaleck, who brought charges against Rumsfeld before German prosecutors stated that the Obama administration was “off to a good beginning” with its explicit renunciation of torture, but [...]

Will republicans, who seemingly hate Eric Holder, keep him in office by refusing...

[...] the country to expose the illegal spying of the NSA and there are numerous examples of the Obama administration, through Holder’s Justice Department, infringing on the Freedom of the Press by [...]

Do we need another Depression to relearn that corporate greed and political pros...

[...] (SCOTUS has already gutted the Voting Rights Act), and the early successes of the Obama administration is nothing for me to look forward to. I look at the “water carriers” of this [...]

America will be a better place when media people like Chris Matthews start repor...

[...] interests. Well, today I thought Matthews did himself one better, as he lamented the Obama administration’s decision to negotiate the release of Bowe Bergdahl, an American Army Sergeant who [...]

Honestly, anymore, when I’m forced to listen to republican “leaders” I get sick ...

[...] , you know what I’m going to say.  Obama SCREWED up when he allowed the Bush/Cheney administration to walk away from Washington with no consequences.  The natural conclusion [...]

Today’s republican leaders would rather see President Obama FAIL (and, therefore...

[...] example, I still remember republicans BLAMING the TRILLION + deficits CREATED by the Bush/Cheney administration (along with an economy teetering on depression) on Barack Obama BEFORE he had even [...]

I wonder if Boehner wants President Obama to “follow the law” regarding Bush/Che...

[...] ) through much of 2004 with a focus on the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Bush/Cheney administration left a trail of illegal behavior “a mile wide” that, for some [...]

The philosophy of “The end justifies the means” is simply normal republican oper...

[...] and Rumsfeld didn’t seem to “get the message.”  The Bush/Cheney administration took the lawbreaking to new heights and, of course, (with the infamous words, & [...]

?Key Phrases
Until our “liberal media” becomes beholden to “we the people” instead of the cor...

[...] on terror.”  Of course, you NEVER hear our “liberal media” pointing out how the Bush/Cheney (and, I’ve got to add Rumsfeld) policies created WAY MORE [...]

Thanks to our “liberal media” – the American public is on the verge of voting th...

[...] fear the legacy the ACA will leave for the president will be positive. Back to our “liberal media.”  I’ll bet you’ll never guess how the two examples of the McConnell/Grimes debate was [...]

Without courageous leaders who will “just say no” to the corporatist interests A...

[...] “low” we’ve gone as a nation in the past 35 or so years.  Our “liberal media” seems to be nothing more than entertainment.   Gregory was moderating a “ [...]

The combination of a right wing Supreme Court, a right wing Congress, and a righ...

[...] (or knowledge) of what they’re getting in return. Of course, it doesn’t help to have a “liberal media” that is solely focused on (and owned by) the corporate interests that are gaining a [...]

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