Dishing Gourmet
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With Easter just around the corner and our Lenten sacrifice of dessert about to end I thought coconut macaroons would be the perfect treat. After...
Every week I buy bananas. Every morning I eat a half of one of those bananas and head out to the gym for my workout. And every Friday, I still...
This is my third year growing/maintaining a vegetable garden. My mom has always told me that some crops will be better than others on certain years...
I love bread. I really do. There's something comforting about a slice of bread painted with butter from a freshly baked loaf that warms the soul...
Strawberries are still around here on the East Coast. Before they' re gone, I wanted to share our favorite strawberry dish recipe from this year...
Remember that Basil Infused Strawberry Sauce? Want to know what happens when you add it to lemonade? I could answer that for you, but I'll let you...
If you're wondering where I've been for the past few weeks (okay, more like a month, eek!) I promise, I have a very good reason. That fiance I've...
Sometimes I don't know what else to do with ground turkey except make chili or burgers, and right now it's not really the season for either. ...
"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts deedle-leee deeee..." Okay so I just had one coconut, but that song [from The Lion King, for those...
We hadn't seen Ryan's parents in a while so I suggested he invite them over for a Sunday brunch. I've always loved brunch. In college, Saturday...
I would like you to know that as I sit here typing this my salivary glands have gone in to overdrive, and it's all I can do to maintain composure...
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[...] Brussels sprouts seem to be all the rage lately. Have you noticed this? They're something I rarely [...]
[...] A few weeks ago I published a recipe for Brussels Sprouts as part of a submission to a local cooking contest sponsored by Center City Cooks [...]
[...] : 1 1/2 c. flour 3 Tbsp. white sugar 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 egg 1/3 c. heavy cream 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 c. honey mead 1/4 c. unsalted butter, melted For the crumbs: [...]
[...] it will still be delicious. Ingredients 1 tsp. unflavored gelatin 1 tbsp. cold water 1 c. heavy cream, very cold 1 tsp. vanilla extract 4 tbsp. white sugar 1/4 c. Hershey's cocoa powder 2 tbsp. [...]
[...] wasn't in our best interest to do that every night so he came up with the idea of "Wine Wednesday". Wine Wednesday is exactly what you'd surmise. We usually have a fancier than [...]
[...] , but I'm back, and tomorrow's post will reveal a revolutionary concept I like to call "Wine Wednesday". Until then, sit back, relax and have a drink in anticipation...perhaps one of [...]
[...] 1 tsp. unflavored gelatin 1 tbsp. cold water 1 c. heavy cream, very cold 1 tsp. vanilla extract 4 tbsp. white sugar 1/4 c. Hershey's cocoa powder 2 tbsp. boiling water 2 tbsp. dark brewed [...]
[...] 3 Tbsp. white sugar 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 egg 1/3 c. heavy cream 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 c. honey mead 1/4 c. unsalted butter, melted For the crumbs: 1/4 c. brown sugar 1 Tbsp. [...]
[...] Remember that Basil Infused Strawberry Sauce? Want to know what happens when you add it to lemonade? I could answer that for you, [...]
[...] versatile sauce and will be the foundation of the next two posts so stay tuned.... Basil Infused Strawberry Sauce (Yields approximately 1 cup) Ingredients 2 cups quartered fresh strawberries 1 [...]
[...] and racking my brain I came up with a hybrid of several recipes. This rosemary infused white bean dip is hummus like in texture, but bountiful in flavor. An added bonus: you can make [...]
[...] be serving; recipes to follow in the next few days as the prep begins. Rosemary infused white bean dip Crab & artichoke dip Cranberry walnut brie tartlets Whiskey Brownies and to [...]
[...] eggplant slices on the parchment paper skin side down. Brush each eggplant slice with the olive oil mixture. Bake the eggplant slices for 15-20 minutes, just enough to get crisp on the outside but not [...]
[...] the chopped garlic and saute until translucent and soft. 3. Blend the garlic and olive oil mixture, the salt, lemon juice and beans to a food processor (or use an immersion blender [...]
[...] fight the Friday night I-76 city traffic. Cue the brainstorming of dinner ideas! Eggplant parmesan immediately came to my mind for no good reason at all other than I already had Italian [...]
[...] of recipes from Philadelphia's Restaurant Week chefs. Choose your favorite recipe from the Fall or Winter edition, prepare the dish, take a photo and submit via [...]
[...] Brussels sprouts seem to be all the rage lately. Have you noticed this? They're something I rarely [...]
[...] A few weeks ago I published a recipe for Brussels Sprouts as part of a submission to a local cooking contest sponsored by Center City Cooks [...]
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