Djibouti Plan
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The December 2014/ January 2015 edition of The Africa Report contains two articles profiling President Guelleh’s regime in Djibouti. The first discusses...
Global Voices reports that the young people of Djibouti have taken to the streets of Djibouti City this week to protest the 15 year rule of President...
AllAfrica reports that Aden Robleh Awaleh, a prominent member of Djibouti’s political opposition has died this week.
A Djibouti national writes in US Congress blog The Hill that living conditions for people in Djibouti are horrific. He notes that Djiboutians are “lacking...
A writer for US Congress blog The Hill discusses recent political developments in Djibouti and asks whether President Guelleh (IOG) is a reliable ally...
This article in the Huffington Post reports on China’s newly assertive foreign policy and its growing strategic interest in Djibouti. President Guelleh...
All Africa has reported this week of a statement released by The Djiboutian Observatory for the Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights (ODDH) which condemns...
USN has published a concerning notice that Mohamoud Elmi Rayaleh, a French professor and a member of the USN, was arrested on 2 August. On the night of...
Djibouti’s opposition Union for National Salvation (USN) announced this week (19 August) that it reached an agreement with the government that address...
Reporters Without Borders announced this week that Daher Ahmed Farah (DAF), an opposition activist and former journalist, was finally released on 14 August...
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[...] On 9th May 2013, a series of interviews were broadcast across the BBC with Abdourahman Boreh and President Guelleh. Clippings of each recording can be found below. This is a significant [...]
[...] Abdourahman Boreh is delighted to announce his appointment as the Union Pour Le Salut National’s Special [...]
[...] Court has today struck out criminal claims brought by the Government of Djibouti against Abdourahman Boreh, an international businessman and leading opposition campaigner. The defence argued the case [...]
[...] An article on the deteriorating situation in Djibouti published in Le Monde quotes Abdourahman Boreh. A Djibouti, le pouvoir tente d’étouffer la contestation Le cycle meurtrier de répression [...]
[...] there were no political prisoners in his country. The Union for National Salvation (USN), the coalition of opposition parties [...]
[...] ARDHD reports: Political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are continuing their hunger strike and others are joining their [...]
[...] to ensure that the USN and the international community’s calls for the release of political prisoners, the halting of violence and an end to all forms of human rights abuse are met with swift [...]
[...] calling on members of the international community to condemn the human rights abuses of the Djibouti government. However, the Djibouti government continues to let such human rights abuses persist. Mr. [...]
[...] Leaked diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks show that the Djibouti government made repeated requests for extensive military aid from the US government, reports the [...]
[...] 9th May, demonstrations took place in central London which saw the USN call out against the Djibouti government. With over 500 people attending, the event exemplified the extent of the USN movement in [...]
[...] leading opposition campaigner. The defence argued the case was “politically motivated” by President Guelleh of Djibouti, whose government is known to have engaged in intimidation of political [...]
[...] have taken to the streets of Djibouti City this week to protest the 15 year rule of President Guelleh, whose party has been in power for 34 years. The group are following the lead of [...]
[...] May 2013, a series of interviews were broadcast across the BBC with Abdourahman Boreh and President Guelleh. Clippings of each recording can be found below. This is a significant move by the BBC as [...]
[...] campaigner. The defence argued the case was “politically motivated” by President Guelleh of Djibouti, whose government is known to have engaged in intimidation of political [...]
[...] Omar Guelleh. The profile says that, From self-imposed exile in the UK, he called on the international community to bring an end to the violent tactics used by security services during the [2011] [...]
[...] concerned about the human rights situation in the country. They have called on the international community to engage in finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis and the immediate opening [...]
[...] movement as a whole and also pinpoints the human rights situation as a priority for the international community. Djibouti: Opposition Calls for the Release of all Political Prisoners During his visit [...]
[...] movement has been imprisoned for two months after being denied legal representation by the Guelleh regime. Legal experts from international NGO, Lawyers Without Borders flew into Djibouti to work on [...]
[...] . DAF has been imprisoned for two months after being denied legal representation by the Guelleh regime. Mr Abdourahman Boreh said: “DAF’s release is fantastic news for Djibouti. The USN can now [...]
[...] ”. On the subject of Boreh, the article notes “It has always been the modus operandi of the Guelleh regime to discredit or persecute anyone who dares to challenge them.” [...]
[...] on Djibouti that further underlines the growing level of international pressure upon the Guelleh regime at a time of oppression, repression and human rights abuse in Djibouti. The resolution, [...]
[...] was posted on 22 May on the Wall Street Journal. The article details the extent of the human rights abuses in Djibouti, the calls from the USN for democracy and references Mr. Boreh, the British [...]
The official European Union representative of the Union Pour Le Salut National (USN), Ali Deberkale Ahmed, has stated that the Djibouti regime is guil [...]
[...] was posted on 22 May on the Wall Street Journal. The article details the extent of the human rights abuses in Djibouti, the calls from the USN for democracy and references Mr. Boreh, the British [...]
[...] to the situation, calling on members of the international community to condemn the human rights abuses of the Djibouti government. However, the Djibouti government continues to let such human [...]
[...] Maydaneh Abdallah Okieh, a technician responsible for the news website La Voix de Djibouti, has been detained in [...]
[...] Maydaneh Abdallah Okieh, a technician responsible for the news website La Voix de Djibouti, has been detained in [...]
[...] The Djibouti court also extended the sentence of La Voix de Djibouti news website editor, Maydaneh Abdallah Okieh. Djibouti is ranked 167th out of 179 countries in the 2013 Reporters Without Borders [...]
[...] Reporters Without Borders announced this week that Daher Ahmed Farah (DAF), an opposition activist and former journalist, was finally released on 14 August after [...]
[...] Daher Ahmed Farah, leader of the USN movement has been imprisoned for two months after being denied legal [...]
[...] Reports from Djibouti have announced that Daher Ahmed Farah (DAF), leader of the USN movement, has been released from prison this afternoon. DAF has [...]
[...] , free and fair dialogue cannot take place. “In particular the reimprisonment of Daher Ahmed Farah, the USN’s spokesperson, last weekend, is an assault on justice and human dignity, and [...]
[...] and NGOs, including Florent Geel of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH). Mr Abdourahman Boreh, [...] [...]
[...] of major embassies stationed in Djibouti including the United States, France or Qatar. Mr Abdourahman Boreh said: “This USN tour is a fantastic opportunity for the Djibouti population, those [...]
[...] Somalia”. The article also reports that the finale of the tortuous legal battle between Mr Abdourahman Boreh and the Djiboutian government will play out next October. In an interview with The Africa [...]
[...] for two months after being denied legal representation by the Guelleh regime. Mr Abdourahman Boreh said: “DAF’s release is fantastic news for Djibouti. The USN can now move forward [.. [...]
[...] On 9th May 2013, a series of interviews were broadcast across the BBC with Abdourahman Boreh and President Guelleh. Clippings of each recording can be found below. This is a significant [...]
[...] Abdourahman Boreh is delighted to announce his appointment as the Union Pour Le Salut National’s Special [...]
[...] Court has today struck out criminal claims brought by the Government of Djibouti against Abdourahman Boreh, an international businessman and leading opposition campaigner. The defence argued the case [...]
[...] An article on the deteriorating situation in Djibouti published in Le Monde quotes Abdourahman Boreh. A Djibouti, le pouvoir tente d’étouffer la contestation Le cycle meurtrier de répression [...]
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